Review Problems week 6(Fatty Acid Metabolism) 1) What four basic roles do lipids play in the body? 2) Draw the basic structure of a triglyceride 3) What reaction do lipases catalyze? What special requirement do lipases have? 4) Where are triglycerides reassembled? How are they dispersed throughout the body? 5) Where are triglycerides stored? What signal gives rise to their mobilization? How is this accomplished? 6) Given that fatty acids are poorly water soluble, how are they transported to target tissues? 7) What modification occurs to fatty acids before entering the mitochondria? Explain how this reaction is driven to completion. 8) How many protein activities are required for entry of a fatty acyl CoA molecule into the mitochondria? Describe the chemical changes involved (structures). 9) What are the four basic steps of beta oxidation? 10) Describe the effective energy output of beta oxidation in terms of ATP generation. Why do flavins yield less ATP/molecule than NADH? 11) What enzyme activities are required to metabolize unsaturated fatty acids. Polyunsaturated fatty acids? 12) What is the final product when the fatty acid has an odd number of carbons? Ultimately, this material has to enter the Krebs cycle, how does this happen? What cofactors are required for these transformations? 12a) Draw the mechanisms of the two reactions above that require cofactors. 13) The Atkins diet is high in fats and low in carbohydrates. Given your knowledge of physiology and glycogen synthesis, suggest how this diet might impact on someone trying to maintain an active, daily exercise regimen. 14) Where does fatty acid synthesis take place? 14) What is an ACP? Describe its role in fatty acid synthesis. 15) Describe the basic organization of a fatty acid synthase. 16) What is the driving force for fatty acid elongation? 17) What is the first committed step in fatty acid synthesis? Describe the required cofactor and its role in this reaction. 18) Describe the requirements in building blocks, ATP and NADPH for the synthesis of palmitate. 19) How is acetyl CoA carboxylase regulated?