PA 4-H State Council Application Please attach a head shot or close-up photo to this application. Upon completion, return to Mya Rushton 8C Ferguson Building, University Park, Pa 16802 General Information Full Name________________________________________________________ Preferred Name _________________ Address ______________________________________________ City _____________________ Zip ______________ Home Phone _______________ Cell Phone ________________ Email ____________________________________ Grade in School _________ Name of School _________________________County _______________________ Parents’ Names ___________________________________________________________________________________ Parent Contact Information________________________________________________________________________ Parents’ Employers ________________________________________________________________________________ 4-H Information (attach additional pages if necessary) Years in 4-H: _____________ Name of 4-H Club(s): ____________________________________________________ Major Project Areas: _______________________________________________________________________________ Projects taken: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Club offices held: _________________________________________________________________________________ County leadership experiences/events: ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Multi-county leadership experiences/events: _______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regional leadership experiences/events: ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ State leadership experiences/events: ______________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ National leadership experiences/events: ___________________________________________________________ Other Information Why do you want to be on State 4-H Council? ______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why do you think you would be a good State Council member? ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Explain what you would do to successfully fulfill the responsibilities and duties of a State Council member. _________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ List and describe your public speaking experiences. ________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ If selected to State Council, would you be interested in holding an office? ___________________________ If yes, for which position or position(s) would you be interested in running? ____________________________ Essay Portion Please answer the following questions briefly and concisely. Please use the back of the page if needed or attach your responses. 1. Who is your role model and why? 2. Describe your most rewarding 4-H experience. 3. What would you like to accomplish while on State Council? 4. What do you think is the single most important item to remember while representing Pennsylvania while on the Pennsylvania State 4-H Council? 5. Describe the other time commitments you will have for the upcoming year (examples: sports, religious activities, clubs, community groups, etc.) 6. If selected, how will you balance your other time commitments with being on State Council? 7. How has 4-H enhanced your life? 8. What do you believe are the key characteristics of a good leader? 9. How have you demonstrated these characteristics in your own life? 10. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements? 11. What strengths, talents, and/or ideas will you bring to the State Council? References Secure three references (one must be from a county extension staff member, one from a 4-H leader and one from a teacher or administrator of your school. Provide the attached form to each individual. Ask references to be returned directly to the State 4-H office (address at top of application) If references are not received, your application is not complete and you will not be considered for a spot on State Council. Individuals you have asked to complete reference forms are: Reference Name Relationship to Applicant Phone Number 1. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have personally prepared this report and believe it to be correct. Signature of applicant____________________________________________________ Date _________________ Pennsylvania State 4-H Council Member Reference Form Return to: Mya R. Rushton, 8C Ferguson Building, University Park, PA 16802 If selected, this applicant may be planning county, regional and state events, leading discussion groups, teaching workshops, working with youth, peers, and adults, and promoting 4-H at large, at local and state events. Applicant’s Name _________________________________________________________________________________ In what way have you been affiliated with this applicant? ___________________________________________ How long have you been acquainted with the applicant? __________________________________________ Personal Skills Is confident Adjusts to new situations Has variety of interests Is creative Is enthusiastic Knows personal assets Knows personal values Comments: Poor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Interpersonal Skills Cooperative Tolerant of differences Sensitive to others Manages personal conflict Manages conflict with others Is diplomatic Comments: 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 Average 2 2 2 2 2 Poor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Average Poor Organizational Skills Identifies details Can see “big” perspective Can set priorities Follows through Can work under pressure Can plan a meeting Can lead a meeting Comments 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Poor Communication Skills Listens well Expresses him/herself well One to one communication Small group communication Public speaking Comments: Average 3 3 3 3 3 Average 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Outstanding 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Outstanding 4 4 4 4 4 4 Not Observed 5 5 5 5 5 Outstanding 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Not Observed 5 5 5 5 5 5 Outstanding 4 4 4 4 4 Not Observed 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Not Observed Teaching Skills Can facilitate discussion Can give directions Is organized Involves learners Comments: Poor 1 1 1 1 Leadership Skills Respected by peers Respected by adults Can guide peers Can solve problems Encourages teamwork Can delegate to others Asks questions, evaluates Invites change Comments: Average 2 2 2 2 Poor 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 3 Average 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Outstanding 4 4 4 4 Not Observed 5 5 5 5 Outstanding 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Not Observed 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Based on your knowledge of, and experience with this applicant, do you think he/she would be an asset to the Pennsylvania State 4-H Council organization? Why? Do you recommend the applicant be a Pennsylvania State 4-H Council member? Yes No Signature _________________________________________________ Date ______________ Title ______________________________________________________ Phone number ___________________ Acknowledgement Form & Pledge of Office By signing this form, you acknowledge that you have received and read all Pennsylvania State 4-H Council informational sheets and handbook and understand the materials contained therein and are in agreement and accordance with all rights, responsibilities and policies of the PS4-HC. Please have all necessary individuals read and sign the pledge. Once all signatures have been received, the original should be returned to the State Council office, and copies should be retained by the Council member, the Council member’s parent or guardian and the Council member’s Extension Educator. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I ______________________, agree to perform the duties and uphold the position for which I have been selected and agree to the following: Serve as a liaison for all youth involved in the 4-H program and county and state staff Be available for workshops and programs at the local, county, multi-county, regional or state level Seek opportunities to expand the diversity of the 4-H program Live up to the high expectations and values of the Pennsylvania 4-H program Take the initiative to do more than what is expected of you; success requires more than the minimum effort Attend State 4-H Achievement Days 2011 for interview, presentation and speech. Appearance encouraged at Ag Progress Days August 16-18, 2011 Attend the training and orientation weekend, August or September, 2011 Attend National Youth Science Day event October 2011 Attend the second training weekend held at Penn State University in January 2012 Attend the State 4-H Leadership Conference, January 20-22, 2012 Attend Farm Show Governor’s Dinner and Opening Ceremony Attend Pennsylvania 4-H Capital Days (including one advance preparation day) Attend, State 4-H Achievement Days 2012 as a State 4-H Council member NOT in competition Attend a minimum of 8 of the 10 Council meetings (held either in person or via conference call) Complete a minimum of 10 of 12 monthly reports ** Late reports are considered MISSED reports** Attend two (2) 4-H events where you wear your PS4-HC formal or informal uniforms for a scheduled event Could include: state horse show, state dairy show, regional teen retreats, camps, and national events Complete two (2) promotional activities for the state-wide 4-H program. Could include: Farm City Day, PSATS Reception, and others as scheduled Submit and maintain Council blogs, ATS articles, facebook and Twitter Attend county, multi-county, regional and other events as needed or requested Purchase appropriate official and unofficial attire when required I agree to accept my responsibilities as a State 4-H Council Member and will abide by the Pledge of Office as previously stated. I understand that if I do not fulfill my obligations or conduct myself in a manner inappropriate to the position, I will face the consequences of my actions and could be removed from office. Realizing that the Pledge of Office as outlined is not “all inclusive,” I understand that the Council Advisor Team reserves the right to interpret policies in the best interest of the Pennsylvania 4-H program. Council Members’ Signature_____________________________________________________ Date ___________________ I have read the 4-H Council Handbook and understand the responsibilities my child has accepted. I will support the Pennsylvania 4-H program and my child in fulfilling these duties and responsibilities. Parent/Guardian’s Signature ___________________________________________________ Date____________________ I have read the 4-H Council Handbook and understand the responsibilities this member has accepted. I will support the Pennsylvania 4-H program and this member in fulfilling these duties and responsibilities. Ext Educator’s Signature ___________________________________________________ Date____________________ State Council Uniform and Accessories Orders If selected to serve: Council members need to send $50 to cover attire expenses All checks need to be made payable to Penn State Please return this form, and a wallet sized photo WITH APPLICATION PACKET, to: Mya R. Rushton 8C Ferguson Building University Park, PA 16802 Council Blazers &Skirts/Trousers Please fill in the appropriate measurements below. You will need to fill in both measurements AND the approximate size. This allows the clothing company to custom fit the attire. Men- Blazers Women- Blazers Chest Waist Hip Arm Length Chest Waist Hip Arm Length Men- Trousers Waist Inseam Women- Skirts Waist Inseam Council Polo Shirts Please check in the space below what size polo you need ______ S ______ M ______ L ______ XL Council Name Tags Please fill out EXACTLY the way you would like it on your name tag Name____________________________________________________ Council Business Cards Please fill out EXACTLY the way you would like it on your business cards Name___________________________________________ Address _________________________________________ City ________________ State PA Zip _________ Phone _______________ Cell Phone _______________ Email Address _____________________ AOL IM Name _____________________ ______ XXL