Small-scale indirect effects determine the outcome of a tripartite plant–disperser–granivore interaction Raphaël Boulay · Francisco Carro · Ramón C. Soriguer · Xim Cerdá Received: 21 November 2008 / Accepted: 15 June 2009 / Published online: 5 July 2009 © Springer-Verlag 2009 Abstract The microhabitat in which plants grow aVects the outcome of their interactions with animals, particularly non-specialist consumers. Nevertheless, as most research on this topic has dealt with either mutualists or antagonists, little is known about the indirect eVects of plant microhabitats on the outcome of tripartite interactions involving plants and both mutualists (e.g. seed dispersers) and antagonists (e.g. granivores). During three consecutive years, we analysed small-scale variations in the interaction of a perennial myrmecochore, Helleborus foetidus, with its seed dispersers and consumers as a function of the intensity of plant cover. Most seeds were released during the day and were rapidly removed by ants. Nevertheless, the proportion of ant-removed seeds was higher for plants located in open microhabitats than for plants surrounded by dense vegetation and rocky cover. Ant sampling revealed that seed removers were equally abundant, irrespective of the level of cover. By contrast, a few tiny ant species that feed on the reward without transporting the seeds were more abundant in highly covered microhabitats, irrespective of hellebore diaspore availability. These “cheaters” decrease the chance Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s00442-009-1404-z) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. R. Boulay (&) · F. Carro · R. C. Soriguer · X. Cerdá Estación Biológica de Doñana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíWcas, Avenida Américo Vespucio s/n, 41092 Sevilla, Spain e-mail: R. Boulay Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidad de Granada, Avenida Severo Ochoa s/n, 18071 Granada, Spain of removal by removers and increase the probability of seeds remaining on the ground until night, when granivore mice Apodemus sylvaticus become active. Mice also preferred foraging in covered microhabitats, where they consumed a larger proportion of seeds. Therefore, the density of cover indirectly increased seed predation risk by attracting more seed predators and cheater ants that contribute to increase seed availability for seed predators. Our results emphasize the importance of considering the indirect eVects of plant microhabitat on their dispersal success. They highlight the indirect eVect of cheaters that are likely to interfere in mutualisms and may lead to their collapse unless external factors such as spatio-temporal heterogeneity in seed availability constrain their eVect. Keywords Ant–plant mutualism · Seed dispersal · Microhabitat · Indirect eVects · Myrmecochory Introduction Seed dispersal is an important step in plants’ life cycle with profound implications for succession, regeneration and conservation (Wang and Smith 2002). The advantages conferred by seed dispersal include colonisation of remote habitats, transport to favourable microhabitats and reduction of density-dependent mortality near the mother plant (Herrera 2002; Howe and Smallwood 1982; Janzen 1970). These advantages are not mutually exclusive and may vary geographically and according to the vector of dispersal. In a recent review, it was found that a majority of studies supported various selective advantages associated to seed dispersal by ants (Giladi 2006). However, in sclerophyllous and temperate ecosystems, the “predator-avoidance” hypothesis was the most often supported hypothesis. Up to 123 89% of the studies concluded that an important beneWt of myrmecochory was to reduce seed predation, mostly by rodents, under the mother plant. Ants reduce seed predation by removing myrmecochorous seeds soon after their release by the plant, before granivores become active (Boulay et al. 2007a; Ohkawara et al. 1996; Turnbull and Culver 1983). Once in their nest, ants feed on the elaiosomes (lipid-rich food bodies; Servigne and Detrain 2008) but not on the embryos that are protected by a strong coat or by toxins (Majer and Lamont 1985; Oliveras et al. 2008; Rodgerson 1998). Then, intact seeds may be abandoned in the ant nest that constitutes a rodent-proof site favourable to germination (Manzaneda et al. 2005). Another important way in which ants reduce seed predation is by modifying the seed shadow (Gorb and Gorb 2003; Heithaus 1981; O’Dowd and Hay 1980; Pizo and Oliveira 1998). A nonnegligible fraction of seeds removed by ants are lost during their transport to the nest (Detrain and Tasse 2000; Gorb and Gorb 1999; Retana et al. 2004). Moreover, after removing the elaiosomes, ants sometimes discard the seeds outside several metres from the nest (Bas et al. 2009; BöhningGaese et al. 1999; Gómez and Espadaler 1998; Hughes and Westoby 1992). By so doing, they reduce seed aggregation under the mother plant, which decreases their attractiveness for granivores that prefer foraging on dense seed patches (Casper 1987; Hulme 1994; Lortie et al. 2000). The apparent beneWt obtained by plants and their animal dispersers may constitute raw material for co-evolutionary processes. In the last decade, various studies have been conducted to determine whether variations in the abundance and behaviour of dispersers across plant distribution ranges give rise to geographic mosaics of co-evolution (Thompson 1994, 2005). Nevertheless, as examples of geographic variations in the degree of plant adaptation to local seed dispersers and seed predators accumulate, it also appears that local conditions have important indirect eVects on seeds by favouring certain mutualists and antagonists (Alcántara et al. 2007; Benkman et al. 2001, 2003; Rey and Manzaneda 2007; Zelikova et al. 2008). For example, fearful rodents consume more seeds from plants surrounded by dense rocky or vegetation cover, where they can hide from carnivores (Fedriani and Boulay 2006; García-Castaño et al. 2006; Hulme 1997; Hulme and Borelli 1999; Tarborelli et al. 2003). Plant location with respect to forest edge (Ness 2004), the presence of additional food around the shoots (Boulay et al. 2005) and the intensity of Xooding disturbance (Prinzing et al. 2007) were also shown to aVect the foraging behaviour and abundance of seed-dispersing ants. Despite these results, our understanding of how animals’ microhabitat preferences aVect plant Wtness is limited by the fact that too few studies have considered the eVect of plant microhabitat on both dispersers and seed predators, simultaneously. An important step towards this goal was 123 made by Hulme (1997), who demonstrated that, because rodents (predators) and ants (secondary dispersers) favoured diVerent microhabitats, their net eVect on several shrubs’ dispersal success depended on where birds (primary dispersers) deposited seeds. When seeds were deposited in open areas, ants rapidly removed them, which reduced granivory, whereas when they were deposited in covered microhabitats, dispersal rate decreased and granivory increased. The aim of the present study was to determine how, in a heterogeneous environment, microhabitat preferences of both dispersers and seed predators determine plant dispersal success. Among the ants that interact with the diaspores of our model system, Helleborus foetidus (Ranunculaceae), several small species actually behave as “cheaters” by detaching the elaiosomes in situ without transporting the seeds, which does not provide any advantage to the plant (Boulay et al. 2007a; Giladi 2006; Manzaneda et al. 2005). Here, we investigated to what degree small-scale variations in plant environment (namely, the density of cover) aVected the relative availability of seeds for diurnal ants and for rodents. In addition, we studied the small-scale assemblages of ants associated to the level of cover to determine whether variations in the abundance of dispersers, cheaters or both determined the relative amount of seeds that could be consumed by rodents. Finally, we analysed rodent abundance and granivory as a function of the level of plant cover. Materials and methods Plant system and study site Helleborus foetidus is a perennial winter-Xowering herb whose apocarpous fruits mature from late May to mid-July. We conducted our study in two populations in the south of Spain separated by about 100 km and located at Parque Natural de las Sierras Subbeticas (900–1,000 m elevation) near the city of Cabra (hereafter, Cabra) and at Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema (700–1,000 m elevation; hereafter, Grazalema). Both sites are representative of the populations growing in the Mediterranean habitats. The vegetation at both sites is composed of sparse trees (Quercus lusitanica, Q. ilex, Acer monspessulanus) and shrubs (Crataegus monogyna, Rubus fruticosus, Pistacia lentiscus, Ulex baeticus) separated by gaps of lower grassy vegetation. Plant microhabitat characterization Surveys and experiments were conducted in 2004, 2005 and 2006 on a total of 241 focal plants (121 and 120 at Cabra and Grazalema, respectively), 60 and 30 of which were studied during two and three consecutive years, respectively. The remaining 151 plants were studied during one reproductive season only. Focal plants were separated by at least 7 m. Each year in early May, the density of cover in a circle of about 1.5 m around each shoot was characterised visually by one member the research group (R.C.S.). A total of 89 focal plants grew under the highest cover level characterised by dense shrub/tree canopy and rocky/grassy ground oVering rodents maximum protection against both mammal carnivores (e.g. foxes Vulpes vulpes and martens Martes foina) and raptors (e.g. barn owls Tyto alba and tawny owls Strix aluco). Eighty-four focal plants grew in open microhabitats, that is, on bare ground without tree or shrub canopy, which oVered little or no hiding place for rodents. Finally, 68 focal plants had an intermediate cover with either dense canopy or rocky/grassy cover, but not both. Flower, carpel, seed production and seed availability The total number of Xowers (NXowers) and carpels (Ncarpels) produced by each focal plant was counted at the beginning of May each year. During the fruit-ripening season, 4 carpels were randomly selected on each focal plant to evaluate the average number of seeds per carpel (s) and the total number of seeds per plant Nseeds = s £ Ncarpels. Then, we counted the number of closed carpels (ct) on each plant three times over a 24-h period, at 0800 (c0), 2000 (c12) and 0800 hours (c24) the following day. The proportion of seeds that were released during the day and could potentially be removed by ants before rodents became active was deduced from the rhythm of carpel opening and calculated as Pseeds(ants) = (c12¡c0)/(c24¡c0). However, this estimate does not account for small-scale variations in disperser abundance aVecting the proportion of seeds exposed to rodent predation. To evaluate the proportion of seeds released during the day but not removed by diurnal ants (a), the contents of two to three carpels were deposited at 0800 hours in a 3-cm Petri dish covered with a wire mesh to allow seed removal by ants only. The number of seeds in the dishes was then counted at 2000 hours. The proportion of seeds exposed to predation by mice was further calculated as Pseeds(mice) = (1 ¡ Pseeds(ants)) + (a £ Pseeds(ants)), that is, the proportion of seeds released during the night plus the proportion of seeds released during the day but not removed by ants. This equation can be reduced as Pseeds(mice) = 1¡Pseeds(ants) (1 + a). Distribution and abundance of ants and rodents Ants and rodents were sampled twice each year, in early spring and mid-summer, about 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after fruit maturation. This delay was suYcient to guarantee that animal sampling reXected the quality of plant microhabitat, independently of seed crop. Ants were sampled by placing 2 pitfall traps (white 20-cm3 plastic cups half-Wlled with soap water) on opposite sides of each focal plant during 24 h. All sampled material was transferred to the laboratory to be identiWed. Ant species were separated in four behavioural categories according to Manzaneda et al. (2007) and Boulay et al. (2007a): (1) seed removers, (2) cheaters (=elaiosome predators), (3) species with a mixed disperser-cheater behaviour, and (4) indiVerent (species that mostly ignore hellebore diaspores). Rodents were sampled during 2–3 consecutive nights, using 2 traps per focal plant. Each pair of traps was composed of one Ugglan-type trap that closes by gravity and one “Hipolito-type” trap (Carro et al. 2007) that closes when an animal tries to remove the bait (peanut butter in our case). All traps were checked at dawn and dusk. Captured mice were sexed, marked by toe clipping and released at the spot of capture. EVect of plant cover on seed removal by ants and rodents during the nocturnal phase Determining the speciWc rate of seed removal by rodents by excluding ants and allowing seed access to rodents only is a complicated task that frequently fails or lacks an appropriate control (Fedriani et al. 2004). For that reason, we opted to estimate the eVect of rodents indirectly by comparing seed disappearance due to either ant activity only or to both ants and rodents. In June 2004 and 2005, we placed two depots (3-cm diameter Petri dishes), each containing 48 elaiosome-bearing seeds on each side of 30 focal plants per population. For each plant, one depot was covered with a wire mesh that allowed the passage of ants but prevented access by mice (rodent-excluded depots). The other one was open to both ants and mice (rodent-allowed depots). All depots were set up at 2000 hours and the number of remaining seeds was monitored at 0800 hours the following day. Data analysis Statistical analyses aimed at testing the eVects of Plant Cover, Population and Year on plant data (NXowers, Ncarpels, Nseeds, Nseeds(ants) and Nseeds(mice)), ant data (the occurrence of seed removers, cheaters, mixed behaviour species and indiVerent species near the focal plants) and mice data (the probability of rodent capture). The number of seeds remaining in the depots after one night was also analyzed as a function of Year, Population, Plant cover plus Rodent exclusion treatment. To that aim, a series of General Linear Mixed Models were Wtted using the Non-linear Mixed EVects Model. All models accounted for random variations of the response variables between plants within populations. 123 Counts and proportions were log and arcsin transformed, respectively. For each response variable, the maximal model (containing all factors and interactions) was Wrst Wtted to the data. The most parsimonious model was then obtained by successively eliminating eVects with low explanatory power (Crawley 2007). In practice, a factor or an interaction was retained if removing it signiWcantly enhanced the Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC). If the diVerence of AIC between the current model and the previous, more complicated model was not signiWcant, the eVect was removed. So the model that best Wtted to the data has the smallest AIC and only contained signiWcant eVects. The signiWcance of diVerences between levels of signiWcant factors was assessed a posteriori using the same method. BrieXy, levels of signiWcant factors were recoded to regroup those with the smallest observed mean diVerences. Comparison of AIC between the model with all levels and the model with regrouped levels indicated whether a diVerence was signiWcant or not. The Bonferroni procedure was employed to control type I error inXation due to the correlation between variables. Thus, for NXowers, Ncarpels, Nseeds, Pseeds(ants) and Pseeds(mice), the signiWcance threshold to exclude or retain an eVect in the model was = 0.01. For the occurrence of disperser, cheater, mixed behaviour and indiVerent ants, = 0.0125. After model selection, the “anova” function (F statistics) was used to summarise the signiWcance of factors retained in the most parsimonious model. However, because our experimental design was not orthogonal, the eVects of factors that were not retained in the most parsimonious model were not tested with the anova function (Crawley 2007). All estimates are means § SE. Results EVect of plant microhabitat on Xower, carpel and seed production, seed availability for ants and rodents in 2005, these three variables were signiWcantly smaller than in 2004–2006 considered together (NXowers: 30.6 § 2.2; Ncarpels: 66.9 § 5.4 and Nseeds: 726.9 § 64.7, respectively; anova: Year—F1,118 = 29.3, P < 0.001; F1,118 = 30.0, P < 0.001 and F1,118 = 26.0, P < 0.001 for NXowers, Ncarpels and Nseeds, respectively). For Pseed(ants), successive removal of all eVects did not cause any signiWcant increase of the AIC, indicating that none of the factors had a signiWcant eVect on the proportion of seeds available for ants (ESM appendix 1, model 35). Hence, focal plants released 90.7% § 0.98% of their seeds during the diurnal phase (Pseed(ants)), independently of Plant Cover, Population or Year (Fig. 1). By contrast, the most parsimonious model for Pseed(mice) included Plant Cover but no other eVect (ESM appendix 1, model 43). Thus, the proportion of seeds that remained available for rodents at dusk depended signiWcantly on the level of cover (Fig. 1). The highly signiWcant eVect of Plant Cover on Pseed(mice) resulted from the fact that ants removed fewer seeds from densely covered microhabitats (66%) than from mediumcovered and open microhabitats (87 and 94%, respectively). Deletion of Cover levels indicated that Pseed(mice) was not signiWcantly diVerent in medium-covered and in open microhabitats (regrouping both levels did not signiWcantly increase the AIC), but was signiWcantly higher in densely covered microhabitats than in open and mediumcovered microhabitats considered together (anova: Cover— F1,238 = 30.0, P < 0.001). The eVect of plant cover on ants and mice visits The Cabra and Grazalema ant communities were composed of typically Mediterranean species, the abundance and behaviour of which are given in ESM appendix 2. AICbased model simpliWcation indicated that the occurrence of 1 0.9 The most parsimonious models for NXowers, Ncarpels and Nseeds only retained Year as a signiWcant Wxed factor (Electronic supplementary material, ESM, appendix 1, models 8, 17 and 26, respectively). Therefore, these three variables diVered signiWcantly between years but not between microhabitats or populations. Stepwise deletion revealed that the diVerences of NXowers, Ncarpels and Nseeds between 2004 and 2006 were not signiWcant (NXowers: 49.6 § 2.7 vs 49.2 § 3.6, Ncarpels: 113.2 § 6.8 vs 114.8 § 8.0, and Nseeds: 1,298.3 § 89.3 vs 1,113.4 § 82.7 for 2004 and 2006, respectively). In eVect, regrouping 2004 and 2006 in a single level did not lead to a signiWcant increase of the model AIC compared with the more complicated 3 year-levels model (ESM appendix 1, models 7, 16 and 25). However, 123 0.8 Open 0.7 0.6 Medium 0.5 Dense 0.4 b a 0.3 a 0.2 0.1 0 Ants Mice Seed consumers Fig. 1 Proportion (mean § SE) of seeds available for diurnal ants Pants and for nocturnal mice Pmice as a function of the level of cover of the hellebore (Helleborus foetidus) shoots. DiVerent letters denote signiWcant diVerences between levels of cover seed removers such as Aphaenogaster senilis and Camponotus cruentatus was signiWcantly higher at Cabra than at Grazalema (2.39 § 0.07 vs 1.54 § 0.04 occurrences, respectively; ESM appendix 1, model 51; anova: Population—F1,239 = 69.8, P < 0.0001) but did not diVer signiWcantly between years or levels of cover. A diVerent pattern was found for the occurrence of cheater ants such as Crematogaster scutellaris or Tetramorium spp. The occurrence of these species was inXuenced by Population and Plant Cover, although there was no signiWcant interaction between both factors (ESM appendix 1, model 71). Cheater ants were more frequent at Grazalema than at Cabra (anova: Population—F1,238 = 32.0, P < 0.0001). Although they occurred with a similar frequency in open than in medium-cover microhabitats, they were more frequent in densely covered microhabitats than in the other two microhabitats (ESM appendix 1; anova: Cover—F1,238 = 16.4, P < 0.0001). The occurrence of species with a mixed behaviour (e.g. Pheidole pallidula) was not signiWcantly aVected by any of the tested eVects (Fig. 2; ESM appendix 1, model 79). Finally, the pattern of occurrence of ant species that ignored hellebore seeds was more complicated (ESM appendix 1, model 86). More of these species were encountered in densely covered microhabitats than in open and medium-covered microhabitats (Fig. 2; anova: Cover— F2,237 = 5.34, P = 0.005). Moreover, the interaction between Population and Year was signiWcant (anova: Year—F1,118 = 1.22, P = 0.2708; Population: F1,237 = 12.5, P < 0.0001; Year £ Population: F1,118 = 23.12, P < 0.0001). Thus, in 2004 the number of “indiVerent” ant species trapped at Grazalema was lower than at Cabra (2004: 0.29 § 0.06 vs. 0.48 § 0.09, for Grazalema and Cabra, respectively) while, it was the opposite during the following 1.4 b 1.2 1 a Open years (2005–2006: 0.23 § 0.05 vs. 0.65 § 0.08, for Grazalema and Cabra, respectively). Only one species of rodent, the wood mouse Apodemus sylvaticus, was captured at Cabra and Grazalema (total: 53 females and 64 males). Only 34% of the marked individuals were recaptured, most of them only once. More wood mice were captured near plants with dense cover than near those with low or medium cover (Fig. 3; ESM appendix 1, model 93; anova: Cover—F1, 238 = 8.7, P < 0.0035). Overall, the probability of mice capture per plant and night of trapping was also much higher in 2004 and 2006 (0.10 § 0.02 on average for both years) than in 2005 (0.01 § 0.02; anova: Year—F2,116 = 13.7, P < 0.001). Although over the 3 years of study there was no signiWcant diVerence in the probability of rodent capture between Cabra and Grazalema, the diVerence between years was greater at Cabra than at Grazalema (anova: Year £ Population—F2,116 = 14.3, P < 0.001). EVect of plant cover on seed removal during the nocturnal phase Analysis of the maximal model, containing all interactions between Rodent Exclusion, Year, Cover and Population indicated that the latter factor did not signiWcantly aVect the amount of seeds removed per night. Therefore, Population was not included in further steps of model selection. However, there was a highly signiWcant 3-way interaction between Rodent Exclusion, Plant Cover and Year (anova: Exclusion £ Cover £ Year—F1,170 = 11.6, P < 0.001. Among Plant Cover levels, regrouping mediumcovered and non-covered plants in the same level did not enhance the model AIC, indicating that signiWcant diVerences were between highly covered and less covered plants (ESM appendix 1, model 98). Comparison of seed removal from rodent-allowed and rodent-excluded depots indicated that, overall, rodents removed a signiWcant amount of seeds Medium a Dense b 0.8 0.3 b 0.6 a a 0.4 b Open 0.2 Medium Dense a 0.2 a 0 Seed removers Cheaters Mixed Indifferent 0.1 a b Category Fig. 2 Ant species behaviour occurrences (number of species; mean § SE) as a function of the level of plant cover. Ant behaviour was categorized as following: Seed removers transport the entire diaspores; Cheaters consume the elaiosome in situ without transporting the a a a 0 2004 2005 2006 Years seed; Mixed can either behave as dispersers or as cheaters; IndiVerent Fig. 3 Probability (mean § SE) of mice capture in diVerent cover ignore hellebore diaspores, with or without an elaiosome. DiVerent types during the 3 years of study. DiVerent letters denote signiWcant diVerences between cover levels (P < 0.05) letters denote signiWcant diVerences between levels of cover 123 Open 40 Medium 35 a Dense ab 30 b 25 20 15 10 5 0 Rodents-excluded depots Rodents-allowed depots Treatment Fig. 4 Number (mean § SE) of hellebore seeds remaining in the depots after one night as a function of the level of cover and rodent exclusion treatment. Initially, 48 diaspores were put in each depot. DiVerent letters denote signiWcant diVerences between levels of cover for rodent-excluded and rodent-allowed depots (P < 0.05) (Fig. 4; Rodent Exclusion: F1,170 = 18.2, P < 0.0001). However, the diVerence between rodent-excluded and rodentallowed depots was signiWcantly more pronounced for plants located in densely covered microhabitats than for those located in medium-covered and open microhabitats (anova: Cover—F1,170 = 15.70, P < 0.0001, Rodent Exclusion £ Cover: F1,172 = 14.72, P < 0.0001). Finally, the interaction between Cover and Year was slightly signiWcant (anova: Cover £ Year—F1,170 = 4.55, P < 0.0343), indicating that the diVerence of seed removal between highly covered and less covered microhabitats was greater in 2004 than in 2005. Discussion The results of this 3-year study indicate that the dispersal success of H. foetidus shoots may largely depend on smallscale environmental conditions, namely the degree of cover, through its indirect eVect on both ants and rodents. The level of cover had no signiWcant net eVect on the production of Xowers, carpels and seeds, suggesting that predispersal direct (e.g. through the amount of light received by the plants) and indirect (through pollinators and herbivores) factors that potentially aVected seed crop in diVerent microhabitats compensated each other. By contrast, the proportion of seeds that were exposed to granivory by rodents depended on the proportion that was not removed by ants, whose activity was clearly inXuenced by the level of cover. Most seeds were released during the light phase and, on average, diurnal ants removed 94% of them in open microhabitats but only 66% in densely covered microhabitats. Because nocturnal ants harvested few seeds, independently of the level of cover, the net eVect of ants was to 123 indirectly enhance the relative availability of seeds for rodents in covered microhabitats with respect to open microhabitats. Rodents also preferred foraging in covered microhabitats where they removed more seeds, probably because they were less visible to potential predators (Edut and Eilam 2003). Apodemus sylvaticus is not known to cache hellebore seeds and, in all likelihood, consumed most of the seeds they removed (Fedriani and Boulay 2006). These results tend to conWrm those of Hulme (1997), who suggested that seed removal by ants and rodents depended on micro-environmental factors. A major diVerence between both studies is that, in our study, ants are the primary dispersers of hellebore seeds, whereas they only acted as secondary dispersers of the plants studied by Hulme. Moreover, the assemblages of ants associated with H. foetidus are complex and involve seed removers, cheaters and species with a mixed behaviour (Manzaneda et al. 2007). Four species of ants (A. senilis, C. cruentatus, Cataglyphis velox and Messor structor) remove a large number of seeds under the mother plant and carry them to their nests where they consume the elaiosomes (Boulay et al. 2006). Interestingly, species of the genus Aphaenogaster are the main transporters of Mediterranean and North American myrmecochores (Bas et al. 2009; Boulay et al. 2007a; Smallwood and Culver 1979; Zelikova et al. 2008 and references therein). This is due to a conjunction of traits including their relatively large size, abundance, wide diet and mode of foraging. Aphaenogaster species are generally subordinates whose scouts rapidly discover food items but are unable to defend them against smaller dominant species. Therefore, they prefer to transport the elaiosome-bearing seeds to their nest and detach the elaiosomes there, rather than feeding on them in situ. Although our study did not investigate seed fate after removal by ants, the behavioural characteristics of the four main seed removers and several Weld observations suggest that they contribute to modify the seed shadow and reduce granivory. First, the excavation of a few A. senilis nests suggests that part of the seeds are stored in superWcial chambers where they are protected from rodents and can germinate after the ants have abandonned the nest (Howe and Smallwood 1982; Smallwood and Culver 1979). Second, a large amount of seeds may be scattered over large distances (as far as 40 m in the case of C. cruentatus; Boulay et al. 2007b). A proportion of seeds may be lost during transport to the nest (Detrain and Tasse 2000; Gorb and Gorb 1999; Retana et al. 2004) or rejected a few metres away from the nest entrance (Gómez and Espadaler 1998; Bas et al. 2009). Hence, we have frequently seen both C. cruentatus and Cataglyphis velox transporting hellebore seeds more than 10 m from their nests (R.B., personal observation). Although seeds scattered outside the nest can still be discovered by rodents, this is much more unlikely than under the mother plant, where seed density is high (Casper 1987; Hulme 1994; Lortie et al. 2000). At Cabra, seed removal by M. structor may be less beneWcial because this ant is mostly granivore. However, the strong coat of hellebore seeds may constitute an adaptation against ants’ granivory (Boulay et al. 2005). Mutualisms in general are likely to generate species that take up the rewards without returning any beneWts in exchange (Bronstein 1994; Fedriani and Boulay 2006; Herre et al. 1999). This lack of reciprocity may disrupt the cooperation unless cheaters’ eVect is constrained by ecological factors (Segraves et al. 2005; Yu et al. 2001). In our case study, cheater ants are small species that, unlike Aphaenogaster and Camponotus, can dominate food items by recruiting numerous workers. They prefer to detach the elaiosomes in situ and, by so doing, reduce diaspore rewarding for seed removers (Boulay et al. 2007a). This may limit the colonisation of new areas, which in itself reduces plant Wtness (Andersen 1988; Valverde and Silvertown 1995). More importantly, cheaters may indirectly increase the proportion of seeds remaining on the substrate until night and, consequently, the risk of predation by rodents (Boulay et al. 2007a; Garrido et al. 2002; Ohara and Higashi 1987). Nevertheless, the occurrence of cheaters was spatially constrained to the most covered microhabitats, maybe because the small size of these ants reduces their tolerance to high ground temperatures and forces them to forage in the shade (Cerdá et al. 1997). Moreover, their indirect eVect on seed granivory depended on spatiotemporal variations in rodent abundance. In 2005, rodent population dropped down which reduced cheaters impact on seeds. Such limitations to the eVect of cheaters on plant Wtness may contribute to maintaining the selective advantage of myrmecochory and prevent the breakdown of this mutualism. Indirect eVects have long been suspected to have major and often underestimated consequences in species communities, and particularly in the various interactions between plants and consumers (Strauss 1991; Strauss and Irwin 2004). Our results and those of Hulme (1997) suggest that the strength of the interactions that a plant maintains with multiple dispersers and granivores depends on the context (e.g. the level of cover). Such local scale indirect eVects are likely to blur the potential selection exerted by consumers on plant dispersal-enhancing traits such as elaiosome quality (Boulay et al. 2006; Mark and Olesen 1996), seed size (Garrido et al. 2002) and the phenology and timing of seed release (Boulay et al. 2007a; Oberrath and Böhning-Gaese 2002). This, in turn, may limit the formation of a geographic mosaic of plant adaptations to local dispersers in spite of the major variations in the assemblages of consumers (Alcántara et al. 2007; Garrido et al. 2002; Manzaneda et al. 2007). More generally, the guilds of plant enemies and mutualists are often composed of non-specialist animals that depend less on plants than vice versa. Our study exempliWes the fact that these consumers’ foraging decisions and their eVect on plant Wtness might be inXuenced by a multitude of environmental variables that are diYcult to disentangle. Taking into account such a complexity of small-scale indirect eVects on species interactions is arduous. However, it is a necessary task in order to determine the extent to which selection exerted by animals on plants can generate local adaptations and lead to the formation of a large-scale geographic mosaic of co-evolution. Acknowledgments This work was funded by the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia” (project BOS2003-01536 and CGL200604968/BOS to X.C. and R.B.). It was conducted with the authorization of Parque Natural de la Sierra de Grazalema and Parque Natural de las Sierras Subbéticas. Accommodation at Cabra was kindly provided by the Camacho family and at Grazalema by the authority of the park. Assistance in the Weld was provided by E. Angulo, A. Carvajal, I. Luque, O. González, E. García Márquez, I. Villalta and M. Vonshak. We also thank J. Minett for editing assistance and Drs J. Cronin and T. Payne for constructive comments on a previous version of the man- uscript. 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