A fluorescence-based polymerase chain reaction-linked single-strand conformation polymorphism (F-PCR-SSCP) assay for the identification of Fasciola spp. Samer Alasaad & Ramón C. Soriguer & Marawan Abu-Madi & Ahmed El Behairy & Pablo Díez Baños & Ana Píriz & Joerns Fickel & Xing-Quan Zhu Abstract The present study aimed to establish a fluorescencebased polymerase chain reaction-linked single-strand conformation polymorphism (F-PCR-SSCP) assay for the identification of Fasciola spp. Based on the sequences of the second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA, we designed a set of genusspecific primers for the amplification of Fasciola ITS-2, with an estimated size of 140 bp. These primers were labelled by fluorescence dyes, and the PCR products were analyzed by capillary electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions (F-PCR-SSCP). Capillary electrophoresis analysis of the fluorescence-labelled DNA fragments displayed three different peak profiles that allowed the accurate identification of Fasciola species: one single peak specific for either Fasciola hepatica or Fasciola gigantica and a doublet peak corresponding to the “intermediate” Fasciola. Validation of our novel method was performed using Fasciola specimens from different host animals from China, Spain, Nigeria, and Egypt. This F-PCR-SSCP assay provides a rapid, simple, and robust tool for the identification and differentiation between Fasciola spp. S. Alasaad (*) : R. C. Soriguer : A. Píriz Estación Biológica de Doñana, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), Avda. Américo Vespucio s/n, 41092 Seville, Spain e-mail: samer@ebd.csic.es J. Fickel Research Group Evolutionary Genetics, Leibniz-Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research, Alfred-Kowalke-Str. 17, 10315 Berlin, Germany Introduction The genus Fasciola (Platyhelminthes: Trematoda: Digenea) is the common liver fluke of a wide range species of animals with a global geographical distribution (Spithill and Dalton 1998). Human infection with Fasciola spp. has been M. Abu-Madi Department of Health Sciences, College of Arts and Sciences, Qatar University, Doha, Qatar A. El Behairy Parasitology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Arab Republic of Egypt P. D. Baños Departamento de Patología Animal, Parasitología y Enfermedades Parasitarias, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 27071 Lugo, Spain X.-Q. Zhu (*) State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Etiological Biology, Key Laboratory of Veterinary Parasitology of Gansu Province, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, CAAS, Lanzhou, Gansu Province 730046, People’s Republic of China e-mail: xingquanzhu1@hotmail.com reported to occur in a number of countries, with millions of people estimated to be infected and hundreds of millions being at risk worldwide (Mas-Coma et al. 1999, 2005, 2009; Haseeb et al. 2002; Ishii et al. 2002). Fasciola hepatica is the main cause of fascioliasis because of its very wide distribution in Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas. Fasciola gigantica appears to be of less importance because it is restricted to the Old World (MasComa and Bargues 1997; Krämer and Schnieder 1998; Mas-Coma et al. 2005; Alasaad et al. 2008). Moreover, several molecular studies, covering many countries, have identified a so-called “intermediate” Fasciola type between F. hepatica and F. gigantica (Itagaki and Tsutsumi 1998; Agatsuma et al. 2000; Huang et al. 2004; Ashrafi et al. 2006; Lin et al. 2007; Periago et al. 2008). Identification based on morphological features has proven to be of limited use, especially for identification of the “intermediate” Fasciola type (Kendall 1965; Lin et al. 2007; Le et al. 2008). Both the overlap of geographical distribution of Fasciola species and the presence of the “intermediate” Fasciola required molecular tools for the accurate identification of Fasciola spp. (Marcilla et al. 2002; Velusamy et al. 2004; Cucher et al. 2006; Gunasekar et al. 2008; Magalhães et al. 2008; Ai et al. 2010). Polymerase chain reaction-linked single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) has significant advantages over many other nucleic acid techniques for the accurate analysis of allelic and mutational sequence variation. It has proven a useful and cost-effective alternative for the direct analysis of genetic variation (Gasser 2006; Gasser et al. 2006), particularly when a large number of samples needs to be analyzed. This technique relies on the differing physical properties (here, movement through a gel matrix) of molecules of the same or very similar size (i.e., differing by only one or a few nucleotides). Given its technical simplicity and high mutation detection capacity (Gasser 1997; Gasser and Chilton 2001), PCR-SSCP has been widely used for parasitological investigations (e.g., Zhu et al. 2002; Li et al. 2005). In automated fluorescence-based polymerase chain reaction-linked single-strand conformation polymorphism (F-PCR-SSCP) analysis, primers are labeled with fluorescence dyes, and PCR products are analyzed by capillary electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions. The method is economical, rapid, simple, robust, specific, and with no ambiguity in interpretation for the detection of welldefined SNPs, when compared with gel-based and direct sequencing PCR assays (Bernat et al. 2002; Jones et al. 2009). The objective of the present study was to develop an F-PCR-SSCP assay for the identification of Fasciola spp. using ITS-2 sequences as genetic marker. Materials and methods Parasite samples and DNA extraction A total of 40 samples of adult Fasciola were collected from naturally infected horses, sheep, cattle, and Egyptian water buffalo in China, Spain (mainland and islands), Nigeria, and Egypt (Table 1). Adult Fasciola were washed extensively in physiological saline before being tentatively identified to species according to their predilection site and morphological features, using existing classification keys and descriptions (Yamaguti 1958). The flukes were then fixed in 70% ethanol until extraction of their genomic DNA. Heterologous samples of Fascioloides magna (Italy), Clonorchis sinensis (China), Schistosoma mansoni (Puerto Rico), and Schistosoma japonicum (China) were used as controls. The DNA was extracted from tissue samples following the standard phenol/chloroform procedures (Sambrook et al. 1989). Extractions were carried out in a laboratory exclusively used for low DNA concentration samples. Two blanks (reagents only) were included in each extraction to monitor for contamination (Handt et al. 1994). Table 1 Fasciola samples used in the post-optimization evaluation of the PCR-SSCP assay for Fasciola species identification Fasciola spp. Geographical origin Host species F. hepatica F. hepatica F. hepatica F. hepatica F. hepatica “Intermediate” Fasciola F. gigantica F. gigantica F. gigantica Spain (Valencia) Spain (País Vasco) Spain (Lugo) Spain (Mallorca, Balearic Islands) Spain (Tenerife, Canary Islands) China (Heilongjiang) China (Guangxi) Niger (Tera) Egypt (Giza) Horse (Equus caballus) Ovine (Ovis aries) Bovine (Bos taurus) Bovine (Bos taurus) Bovine (Bos taurus) Bovine (Bos taurus) Bovine (Bos taurus) Ovine (Ovis aries) Egyptian water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) No. of samples 4 5 2 5 4 4 2 2 12 300 200 200 100 bp Fig. 2 Representative ITS-2 PCR-SSCP plots of F. gigantica (a), F. hepatica (b), and the “intermediate” Fasciola (c) 100 bp 147 144 5400 150 153 156 159 156 159 156 159 (A) Fasciola gigantica 4800 152.4 bp 4200 3600 3000 2400 1800 1200 600 0 144 147 150 153 (B) Fasciola hepatica 5400 153.8 bp 4800 4200 3600 3000 2400 1800 1200 600 0 144 5400 147 150 153 (C) Intermediate Fasciola 4800 4200 153.8 bp 3600 3000 2400 1800 1200 600 0 Size marker No Template Control Schistosoma japonicum Schistosoma mansoni Clonorchis sinensis Fasciola gigantica Fasciola gigantica Fasciola gigantica Fasciola hepatica Fasciola hepatica Fasciola hepatica ‘intermediate’ Fasciola 300 ‘intermediate’ Fasciola Size marker Fig. 1 Negative agarose gel (2%) showing the representative amplicons, using the Fasciola primers SSCPFaF and SSCPFaR 152.4 bp Design of primers for F-PCR-SSCP Based on comparison of the known ITS-2 sequences of Fasciola species (Huang et al. 2004; Alasaad et al. 2007), we designed a set of genus-specific primers using Primer3 (v. 0.4.0) (Rozen and Skaletsky 2000): SSCPFaF: 5′TTGGTACTCAGTTGTCAGTGTG-3′, and SSCPFaR: 5′AGCATCAGACACATGACCAAG-3′. SSCPFaF was labeled with 6-FAM at the 5′ end. Successful amplification will yield 140 bp long fragments. F-PCR-SSCP procedure Each 30 μL PCR reaction mixture consisted of 2 μL of gDNA, together with the PCR mixture containing 0.25 μM of the novel primers SSCPFaF and SSCPFaR, 0.12 mM dNTPs, 3 μL of 1X kit-supplied PCR buffer (Bioline), 1.5 mM MgCl2, 0.4% BSA, 1.5 μL DMSO, and 0.2 μL (0.2 U/reaction) Taq polymerase (Bioline). Samples were subjected to the following thermal profile for amplification in a 2720 thermal cycler PTC-0200 (Bio-Rad); 4 min at 94°C (initial denaturing), followed by 30 cycles of three steps of 1 min at 94°C (denaturation), 1 min at 55°C (annealing), and 50 s at 72°C (extension), before a final elongation of 5 min at 72°C. PCR blanks (reagents only) were included with each PCR experiment. Aliquots of 19.3 μL of formamide with 0.7 μL LIZ size standard (Applied Biosystems) and 2 μL of each PCR product were analyzed on an automated A3130xl genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems). Allele sizes and genotypes were determined using GeneMapper 4.0 (Applied Biosystems) followed by manual proofreading. To verify the correct amplification of the targeted ITS-2 segment, we sequenced the 140-bp PCR products of the normal PCR. Sequencing reactions were carried out using the Big Dye Terminator v1.1 cycle sequencing kit technology following the manufacturer's instructions (Applied Biosystems). Fragments were likewise resolved on an automated (3130xl genetic analyzer (Applied Biosystems)), and DNA sequences were aligned and edited using the software BioEdit (Hall 1999). No false positive was detected from F. magna, C. sinensis, S. mansoni, and S. japonicum samples. Sequencing analyses of the resulting amplicons demonstrated that Fasciola sequences were identical to those reported by Huang et al. (2004). The small difference between F. hepatica and F. gigantica specific peaks (1.4 bp) requires the use of positive controls when performing PCR-SSCP amplifications to overcome the possible lack of consistency in peak sizes due to the use of different machines and running conditions in different laboratories (Pasqualotto et al. 2007). The use of positive controls is not needed in the case of the “intermediate” Fasciola because the presence of the doublet peak is a diagnostic feature. The future of F-PCR-SSCP technique remains bright as the technology permits (1) the possibility to automate electrophoresis of the same sample at different temperatures, which maximizes the chances of detecting DNA alterations, (2) the elimination of radioactivity, (3) the possibility to perform rapid separations (fragments that are 300 bp or less in length can be separated in under 30 min), and thus (4) the ability to analyze a large number of samples (Gasser and Chilton 2001; Jianping et al. 2001; Bernat et al. 2002; Kane et al. 2002; Susca et al. 2007). Using selected samples representing F. hepatica, F. gigantic, and the “intermediate” Fasciola, this paper highlights the applicability of automated fluorescence-based PCR-SSCP for the rapid, simple, robust, and specific Fasciola species identification; hence, this new molecular tool could be of pivotal interest for future molecular and epidemiological studies of these neglected parasites. Acknowledgements The authors are indebted to Ana L. GarcíaPérez and Ramón A. Juste (Sanidad Animal, Instituto Vasco de Investigación y Desarrollo Agrario, NEIKER), and Margarita Buades (Head of the Sección de Mataderos, Islas Baleares) for providing Fasciola samples and for their helpful comments. This project was funded by the programme “Ayudas a grupos de investigación” to RNM118 investigation group (Spain). XQZ is supported by the State Key Laboratory of Veterinary Etiological Biology, Lanzhou Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences. The experiments comply with the current laws of the countries in which the experiments were performed. References Results and discussion The F-PCR-SSCP technique was successful in all 40 Fasciola samples, evidenced by single band detection (140 bp) of F. hepatica, F. gigantic, and the “intermediate” in agarose gel (Fig. 1). 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