My Research By: Ms. Williams June 29, 2004 Warm-Up Activity Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions Aerosol 1 : a suspension of fine solid or liquid particles in gas <smoke, fog, and mist are aerosols> Cloud 1 : a visible mass of particles of condensed vapor (as water or ice) suspended in the atmosphere of a planet (as the earth) or moon Climate 2 a : the average course or condition of the weather at a place usually over a period of years as exhibited by temperature, wind velocity, and precipitation Aerosol-Cloud-Climate Interactions Aerosol Indirect Effect Cloud Direct Effect Climate The sun emits shortwave radiation towards to earth Fun Fact Without Earth's atmosphere, temperatures would climb to over 2000°F (93°C) during the day and fall to 280°F (138°C) below zero at The Earth re-emits night. long-wave radiation back towards space Direct Effect Aerosol Climate Aerosols scatter solar radiation Direct Effect Aerosol Climate Aerosols absorb terrestrial radiation Light Scattering Demonstration Clouds-Climate Cloud Climate Clouds also intercept solar radiation Why does it feel cooler on a cloudy day? Sunny Day @ the Beach Cloudy Day @ the Beach Cloud Formation Demonstration I Cloud Formation Cloud Formation Demonstration II Cloud Formation Aerosol Cloud Aerosols that become a cloud drop Cloud Clouds form in regions of the atmosphere where water vapor is supersaturated. However, the water vapor must condense on aerosol particles to form clouds Why do clouds not form everywhere water vapor exists? Cloud Regions Water Vapor Regions st 1 Indirect Effect Aerosol Fun Fact: The droplets of water or ice in a cloud are about 70 times smaller than the period at the end of this sentence. Less polluted: Larger drops More polluted: Smaller drops Cloud st 1 Indirect Effect Aerosol Cloud Why is the crushed ice brighter than the cubed ice? nd 2 Indirect Effect Time Aerosol Cloud Why do clouds get darker right before it rains? What is the overall impact? IPCC, 2001 How does this affect us? Climate “The Day After Tomorrow” is a delicate system Predict future climate trends Predict consequences of current actions Other Aerosol Impacts Acid Rain Anthropogenic (manmade) aerosols Vegetation Damage Ecological system Health Respiratory Effects Visibility Smog, Fog, Haze, etc… ?? Questions ?? Recap Direct Effect: -Aerosols absorb and scatter Sun’s Radiation Indirect Effects: -Clouds need aerosols to form Reflect Sunlight From Space Clouds reflect more and live longer as the number of aerosols increase Aerosol Aerosol Climate Cloud Clouds Cloud Climate Recap Aerosol Indirect Effect Direct Effect Cloud Climate Exit Ticket