U USC SC CTM Marshall School of Business User Perspectives on Mobile Data Services June 1, 2007 Global Mobility Roundtable CTM: ideas, people and knowledge for the network digital industry Elizabeth Fife Principal Researcher USC CTM Worldwide Mobile Data Services Study WMDSS 6th annual survey of mobile users in Asia US and Europe Consortium participants: Canada Finland Greece Hong Kong Japan Korea Taiwan Sweden China Malaysia Australia USA Denmark USC CTM Worldwide Mobile Data Services Study WMDSS 5th annual survey of mobile users in Asia US and Europe Consortium participants: Canada Finland Greece Hong Kong Japan Korea Taiwan Sweden China Malaysia Australia USA Denmark USC CTM Worldwide Mobile Data Services Study Consortium Goals To provide more comparable data about mobile users than is currently available To analyze user behavior across diverse markets To illuminate the situations and uses of mobile services that users find compelling USC CTM US Survey Results 2004 - 2007 Things Haven’t Changed Easy to use services built around communications Reliable performance for voice and good customer support Price sensitivity USC CTM WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY Perceived Relative Value of Mobile Device - U.S. 2006 18-24 yr. olds 25-34 yr. olds Better Better Performance performance Easier toEasier use to Use New features New Features Not Important Important Integrated Integrated Device device Music Music Downloads downloads Video Video Downloads downloads Better Better Games Functionality gaming functionality 0 10 20 % agreeing 30 40 50 60 0 70 10 20 30 40 % agreeing 50 60 70 USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM How important are the following that would make you replace your phone? US: Factors Motivating Replacement of Phone - 2007 80 Very important Somewhat important Not important 70 60 50 Percent Agreeing: Important 40 30 20 10 0 Better better performance performance faster access Multifunctions multi- communications Fast wireless New More modern simpler to data design data access design services functions communication features features Simpler to use Better games games Music downloads music USC CTM WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY Perceived Relative Value of Mobile Services US - 2006 Conditions for using mobile data services: Prices for services were lower Customer support was better Services were easier to use Services were more useful Services were more fun 0 10 20 Percentage Agreeing 30 40 50 60 USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM 4 Categories of Data Services Commerce buying goods tickets reservations paying bills Communication E-mail texting sending photos chatting Information news weather sports shopping info schedules maps Entertainment downloading games graphics cartoons music ringtones USC CTM WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY Value of Mobile Services - 2006 COMMUNICATION: International Comparison 90 80 Korea 70 Japan Taiwan 60 Australia 50 United States 40 30 20 10 0 Not not Often often Somewhat somewhat Often often USC CTM WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY Value of Mobile Services - 2006 INFORMATION International Comparison 90 Korea 80 Japan 70 Taiwan Australia 60 United States 50 40 30 20 10 0 Not Often not often Somewhat somewhat Often often USC CTM WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY Value of Mobile Services - 2006 ENTERTAINMENT: International Comparison 80 70 Korea Japan 60 Taiwan 50 Australia United States 40 30 20 10 0 Not Often not often Somewhat sometimes Often often USC CTM WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY Value of Mobile Services - 2006 COMMERCE: International Comparison 90 80 70 Korea Japan 60 Taiwan 50 Australia United States 40 30 20 10 0 Not Often not often Somewhat sometimes Often often USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Value of Mobile Services US Users Most Willing to Pay 2006 60 Frequently Occasionally Not At All 50 40 % of responses 30 20 10 0 Commerce commerce Communication communication Information information Entertainment entertainment USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM What is theWhat most would willing payfeeas monthly fee is the you most you would bebe willing to pay as ato monthly for unlimited services? By Age: from unlimited wirelesswireless datadata services (by age) 2007 35 30 18-24 25-34 35-49 25 % of responses 20 15 10 5 0 $0 under $5 $5-$10 $15-$20 $20-$25 $25-$30 $30-$40 over $40 USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Value of Mobile Services Korea Most Intense Users 2006 70 60 Frequently Occasionally Not at all 50 % of responses 40 30 20 10 0 Commerce commerce Communication communication Information information Entertainment entertainment USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Perceived Relative Value of Mobile Services - U.S. 2007 How often do you use each service? How often do you use each kind of wireless data service? 90 80 Frequently Occasionally Never 70 60 % of responses 50 40 30 20 10 0 Purchasing purchasing Communicating communicating Information information Entertainment entertainment USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Comparative Results Across several markets, (US, Japan, Australia) mobile phones are valued for communication activities Low use of m-commerce services across all markets Most intense users in Korea use information and entertainment services, US only use communication services USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Perceived Relative Value of Mobile Services - U.S. 2006 Most interesting type of video programming 50 45 40 35 Percentage Agreeing 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 pre- rec orded TV pre-recorded TV live TV live TV short movies short movies video c lips video clips USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Perceived Relative Value of Mobile Services – U.S. 2006 Willingness to pay per month for mobile video/TV services US: Willingness to pay per month for mobile services 60 Below 18 18-24 50 40 25-34 35-49 30 50-65 20 10 0 $0 - $5 $0 - $4 $5 - $10 $5-$10 $11 - $15 $11-$15 $16 - $20 $16 - $20 USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Comparative Results Preference of US users is for live TV over video or pre-recorded types of content Willingness to pay for mobile video is generally low Context of mobile video usage is not yet clear USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Perceived Relative Value of Mobile Services - U.S. 2007 Do you use Wi-Fi access more for personal or work-related activities? Do you use the wireless Internet on your laptop or other device more for personal or work-related activities? 50 45 40 35 % of responses30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Exclusively for work Exclusively for work activities Mainly for work activities Mainly for work About 50/50 - personal 50/50 and work Mainly forfor personal Mainly activities personal Exclusively for for personal Exclusively activities personal USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Perceived Relative Value of Mobile Services - U.S. 2007 When are you most likely to access the Internet via Wi-Fi? In what circumstances are you likely to access the Internet via WiFi? 90 80 Very likely Somewhat likely Not likely 70 % of 60 responses 50 40 30 20 10 0 At home At work While travelling While commuting on public transport In an airport While waiting At school At a café In public (shopping, walking) In a hotel USC CTM WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY Perceived Relative Value of Mobile Services - U.S. 2007 Where do you use data services? Where are you most likely to use data services? 70 Not likely Moderately likely Likely 60 50 % of responses 40 30 20 10 0 At home At school At work At a friend's In transit (including waiting time) In public, shopping, or on the street Killing time USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM US: Do Work Personal Life - 2007 activities? you use-wireless data services moreBalance for personal or work-related 40 35 30 25 Percentage Agreeing: Likely or Very likely 20 15 10 5 0 Exclusively for work exclusively work Mainly for work mainly for work About 50/50 personal and work about 50/50 Mainly for personal mainly personal Exclusively for personal exclusively personal USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Do you use wireless data services more for personal or work related activities? US: Work - Personal Life By Balance by age - 2007 Age: 90 80 Mainly for work about 50/50 Mainly for personal 70 60 50 Percentage Agreeing: 40 Likely or Very likely 30 20 10 0 18-24 18 – 24 yrs. 25 25-34 – 34 yrs. 35-49 35 – 49 yrs. USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA INTERNET SERVICES STUDY STUDY CTM Korea: Work - Personal Life Balance - 2006 50 45 K18-24 40 K25-34 K35-49 35 30 Percentage 25 Agreeing: Likely or Very likely 20 15 10 5 0 Exclusively for work exclusively work Mainly for work mainly for work About 50/50 about 50/50 Mainly for Personal mainly personal Exclusively for Personal exclusively personal USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA INTERNET SERVICES STUDY STUDY CTM How do people learn about mobile data services 25-34 yrs. U.S. 2006 60 Very Likely Somewhat 50 Not Likely 40 Percentage Agreeing 30 20 10 0 Magazines magazines Radio radio Internet Internet TV Advertising TV ads Movies Newspapers Wireless Stores movies newspapers wireless store Friends friends USC WORLDWIDE MOBILE DATA SERVICES STUDY WORLDWIDE MOBILE INTERNET STUDY CTM Comparative Findings Demand exists for content and services useful to daily life Across markets, mobile phones are used for personal purposes more than work-related activity In the US: greater perception of the mobile phone as work/productivity related compared to other markets USC CTM Marshall School of Business Center for Telecom Management University of Southern California www.marshall.usc.edu/ctm Elizabeth Fife