Topic 3 Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering
What is it and how does it work?
It is a fast and reliable method for
increasing the frequency of a specific
allele in a population.
It involves cutting or cleaving DNA from
one organism into small fragments into
a host organism of the same or
different species.
Transgenic Organism
Something that has foreign DNA
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It takes 3 steps. The first step is to isolate
the foreign DNA fragment then attach the
DNA fragment to a vehicle and then
transfer the vehicle into a host organism.
Restrictive Enzymes
They are bacterial proteins that have the
ability to cut both strands of the DNA
molecule at a specific nucleotide
Gene Splicing/ Gene Cloning
Gene Splicing is the rejoining of DNA
Gene Cloning is after the foreign DNA has
splices into the plasmid the recombined
DNA is transferred into a cell of the host
when the host cell prepares to divide it
copies the recombinant DNA along with its
own DNA
Why are clones Possible
They are possible because a foreign piece
of DNA introduces into a host cell has
been integrated into that cell so completely
that the foreign DNA is replicated as if it
were the hosts DNA. R
Ranchers and dairy farmers can increase
their yields because of clones.
How to Clone a Mammal
A clone is an organism that is made from
the DNA of another organism. It is
genetically the same as the original
organism, to clone you need to get the cell
to turn on all of its genes.
Example of Animal that has been Cloned.
They cloned a dog named Snuppy. They
found that animal diseases are closely
related to human diseases. If they can
clone animals and work on their disease
they will be able to find cures for our