Skin Lungs Heart Organ Systems Tissues & Misc. $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 1 What are the three layers of skin and name two structures found in the second layer. 2 Epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous In the dermis layer you will find 1. sweat glands 2. Nerve endings 3. Hair follicle 4. Sebaceous glands 3 What are your motor nerves? 4 They are under the regulation of you involuntary sympathetic nervous system and control sweat glands, erector pili, and artery size. 5 Sensory nerves alert the brain to sensations of … 6 Touch, temperature, or pain 7 What are goose pimples and how can they be stimulated? 8 Goose pimples are produced when tiny little muscles, called erector pili are stimulated and produce a traction on the hair follicles to witch they are attached. External or internal factors can stimulate them. Ex. Scared, nervous, excited, temperature. 9 Give me two myths associated with hair follicles. 10 1. Shaving of excess hair on the extremities does promote more rapid growth of course hair. 2. hair can turn gray overnight 11 What is the function of the lungs? 12 To exchange gases: breathe in oxygen and release carbon dioxide. 13 What system and major organs have to do with the lungs? 14 Respiratory system Organs: nose, trachea, and lungs. 15 What is the muscle called that helps air move In and out of the body? 16 diaphragm 17 What does lung tissue feel like and what sets it apart from what it feels like? 18 1. Wet sponge 2. The main difference between lungs and a sponge Is lung tissue is elastic and lungs are not. 19 What is pneumonia? 20 An acute infection of the air sacs of the lungs. You usually become very sick quickly with a shaking chill, sharp pains in chest, etc… 21 How many chambers does our heart have and what are they called? 22 4 Right and left atrium and Right and left ventricle 23 What are veins and arteries? 24 Veins: carry blood to the heart Arteries: carry blood away from the heart to the rest of the body 25 What muscle is biggest the right or left ventricle? Why? 26 Left ventricle because it has to pump blood to the rest of the body. 27 What stops the blood from pooling inside one chamber? 28 valves 29 Why do people think their heart is on the left side of their chest? 30 Your more likely to hear your heart on the left side of your chest because the valve on the left side makes a louder noise. 31 What is the function of the circulatory system? 32 Transport nutrients, gases, hormones and wastes trough the body 33 What is the some differences between the endocrine and the nervous system? Vs. 34 Endocrine system: relays chemical messages and controls growth and nutrient absorption Nervous system: relays electrical signals through the body controlling mvmt., behavior, etc… 35 Name all four digestive juices 36 1. salvia 2. stomach acid 3.Small intestine juices 4.bile 37 Which system controls our immune system? 38 Lymphatic system 39 Explain the whole digestive system process from start to finish. 40 1.Food enters mouth 2.Food travels down esophagus 3.Food enters stomach 4.Pushed into small intestine 5.Emptied into large intestine 6.Undigested materials travel out your anus 41 Name the four types of tissues 42 Epithelial, connective, muscular, nervous 43 What are the levels of organization in order? 44 1.Cells 2.Tissues 3.Organ 4.Organ system 5. organism 45 What are your bodies programmed to do? 46 1.Homeostasis 2.Eat and poop 3.Protection 4.reproduce 47 What does your spleen do? 48 Cleans your blood, destroys old RBC and fights infection 49 What causes hiccups? 50 irritation within your diaphragm 51