THIRD COMMITTEE DRAFT PROPOSALS GENERAL ASSEMBLY – 56th Session (2001) As at 3 December 2001 Symbol (A/C.3/56/…) Title PBIs Introduced Action Item 12: Report of the Economic and Social Council L.75 L.79 (draft decision) Organization of work of the 3rd Cttee. & draft biennial programme of work of the Cttee. for 2002-2003 Resumed session of the Third Committee Oral stmnt Note by the Secretariat Adopted (orally revised) 55th mtg, 30 Nov. Chairman’s text Adopted 54th mtg, 30 Nov. Item 27: Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the twenty-fourth special session of the General Assembly L.11 Implementation of the outcome of the World Summit for Social Development and of the 24th special session of the General Assembly -- 11th mtg, 16 Oct. Chile Adopted 15th mtg, 18 Oct. Item 108: Social development, including questions relating to the world social situation and to youth, ageing, disabled persons and the family L.2 L.7 Preparations for and observance of the Tenth anniversary of the International Year of the Family Amendments to draft resolution L.2 L.8 -- Transmitted by ECOSOC Adopted (as amended by L.7) 15th mtg, 18 Oct. -- 11th mtg, 16 Oct. Benin (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected) 15th mtg, 18 Oct. -- 11th mtg, 16 Oct. Mongolia Cooperatives in social development L.8/Rev.1 L.9 Adopted 21st mtg, 24 Oct. -Implementation of the World Programme of Action concerning Disabled Persons: towards a society for all in the 21st century L.10 -- 11th mtg, 16 Oct. Philippines (orally corrected) -- 11th mtg, 16 Oct. Mongolia A United Nations literacy decade: education for all L.10/Rev.1 L.12/Rev.1* Adopted (orally revised) 21st mtg, 24 Oct. -- Policies and programmes involving youth -- Adopted (as corrected) 15th mtg, 18 Oct. 19th mtg, 23 Oct. Portugal (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected) 21st mtg, 24 Oct. Item 109: Follow-up to the International Year of Older Persons: Second World Assembly on Ageing L.3 L.6/Rev.1 United Nations Trust Fund for Ageing Follow-up to the International Year of Older Persons: Second World Assembly on Ageing -- L.19 Transmitted by ECOSOC Adopted 15th mtg, 18 Oct. 11th mtg, 16 Oct. Iran (G77 & Ch.) Adopted (orally revised) 34th mtg, 8 Nov. 2 Symbol (A/C.3/56/…) Title PBIs Introduced Action L.13 (draft decision) Arrangements regarding participation of nongovernmental organizations in the Second World Assembly on Ageing -- Transmitted by ECOSOC Adopted 15th mtg, 18 Oct. L.14 (draft decision) Provisional rules of procedure for the Second World Assembly on Ageing -- Transmitted by ECOSOC Adopted 15th mtg, 18 Oct. Item 110: Crime prevention and criminal justice L.4 Role, function, periodicity and duration of the UN congresses on the prevention of crime and the treatment of offenders -- Transmitted by ECOSOC Adopted 21st mtg, 24 Oct. L.5 Action against transnat’l organized crime: assistance to States in capacity-building with a view to facilitating the implementation of the UN Convention agst. Transnat’l Organized Crime and the adopted protocols thereto -- Transmitted by ECOSOC Adopted 21st mtg, 24 Oct. -- 25th mtg, 30 Oct. United States (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected & orally revised) 29th mtg, 1 Nov. -- 19th mtg, 23 Oct. Sudan (Afr.grp.) (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected) 21st mtg, 24 Oct. -- 25th mtg, 30 Oct. Italy (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected) 29th mtg, 1 Nov. -- 19th mtg, 23 Oct. Mexico Adopted 21st mtg, 24 Oct. L.76 25th mtg, 30 Oct. Iran (G77, China) L.15/Rev.1 Combating the criminal misuse of information technologies L.16 United Nations African Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders L.17/Rev.1 Strengthening the UN crime preven. & criminal justice prog., in particular its technical cooperation capacity Item 111: International drug control L.18 International cooperation against the world drug problem Item 112: Advancement of women L.20 The critical situation of the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women L.20/Rev.1 L.21 Adopted (orally revised) 55th mtg, 30 Nov. -25th mtg, 30 Oct. Suriname The integration of older women into development -- L.21/Rev.1 L.22 L.23 Adopted (orally revised) 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. Situation of older women in society Improvement of the status of women in the United Nations system Traditional or customary practices affecting the health of women and girls -- 25th mtg, 30 Oct. Australia Adopted (orally revised) 53rd mtg, 30 Nov. -- 25th mtg, 30 Oct. Netherlands Adopted 29th mtg, 1 Nov. 3 Symbol (A/C.3/56/…) PBIs Introduced Improvement of the situation of women in rural areas -- 32nd mtg, 7 Nov. Mongolia (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected) 47th mtg, 21 Nov. L.25 United Nations Development Fund for Women -- 25th mtg, 30 Oct. Jamaica Adopted 29th mtg, 1 Nov. L.26 Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women Oral stmnt 25th mtg, 30 Oct. Finland Adopted 29th mtg, 1 Nov. -- 25th mtg, 30 Oct. Philippines (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected) 29th mtg, 1 Nov. L.24/Rev.1 L.27 Title Violence against women migrant workers Action Item 113: Implementation of the outcome of the 4 th World Conference on Women and of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly… L.80 Follow-up to the 4th World Conf. on Women & full implementation of the Beijing Declaration & Platform for Action & the outcome of the 23rd special session of the GA -- Chairman’s text Adopted 53rd mtg, 30 Nov. Item 114: Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions L.39 Enlargement of the Executive Committee of the Programme of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees -- 45th mtg, 20 Nov. New Zealand Adopted 47th mtg, 21 Nov. L.70 Follow-up to the Regional Conference to Address the Problems of Refugees, Displaced Persons, Other Forms of Involuntary Displacement and Returnees in the Countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States and Relevant Neighbouring States -- 50th mtg, 27 Nov. Russian Fed. Adopted 51st mtg, 28 Nov. L.72 Assistance to refugees, returnees and displaced persons in Africa -- 51st mtg, 28 Nov. Uganda Adopted 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. L.73 Assistance to unaccompanied refugee minors -- 51st mtg, 28 Nov. Sudan Adopted 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. L.74 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -- 50th mtg, 27 Nov. Finland (orally revised) Adopted (as revised) 51st mtg, 28 Nov. -- 45th mtg, 20 Nov. Belgium(orally revised) Adopted (as revised) 47th mtg, 21 Nov. -- 32nd mtg, 7 Nov. Namibia Adopted 47th mtg, 21 Nov. (rec. vote, oper. para. 1: 148-2) Item 115: Promotion and protection of the rights of children L.28/Rev.1 L.29 The rights of the child The girl child 4 Symbol (A/C.3/56/…) Title PBIs Introduced Action Item 116: Programme of activities of the International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People L.30 International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People -- 30th mtg, 5 Nov. Denmark (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected) 34th mtg, 8 Nov. L.77 41st mtg, 15 Nov. Cuba Adopted 50th mtg, 27 Nov. ( 92-20-30) Item 118: Right of peoples to self-determination L.31 Use of mercenaries as a means of violating human rights and impeding the exercise of the right of peoples to selfdetermination L.32 Universal realization of the right of peoples to selfdetermination -- 42nd mtg, 16 Nov. Pakistan Adopted 47th mtg, 21 Nov. L.33 The right of the Palestinian people to self-determination -- 36th mtg, 9 Nov. Egypt Adopted 47th mtg, 21 Nov. (rec. vote: 152-2) Item 119 (a): Human rights questions: implementation of human rights instruments L.34 Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment L.35 Decision of the Human Rights Committee at its 73rd session L.36 International Covenants on Human Rights L.37 L.38 Oral stmnt 45th mtg, 20 Nov. Denmark (orally revised) Adopted (as revised) 47th mtg, 21 Nov. See L.36 Oral stmnt 41st mtg, 15 Nov. Sweden Adopted (orally revised) 47th mtg, 21 Nov. International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families -- 41st mtg, 15 Nov. Mexico Adopted 47th mtg, 21 Nov. Equitable geographical distribution of the membership of the human rights treaty bodies -- 41st mtg, 15 Nov. Cuba Adopted 47th mtg, 21 Nov. (rec. vote: 97-44-5) Item 119 (b): Human rights questions, including alternative approaches for improving the effective enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms L.40 L.41 Human rights education Human rights and unilateral coercive measures -- 49th mtg, 26 Nov. Suriname Adopted (orally revised & correc.) 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. -- 45th mtg, 20 Nov. South Africa (NAM, China) Adopted 50th mtg, 27 Nov. (rec. vote: 94-47-3) L.42 Enhancement of international cooperation in the field of human rights L.42/Rev.1 -- 45th mtg, 20 Nov. South Africa (NAM, China) Adopted 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. 5 Symbol (A/C.3/56/…) Title PBIs Introduced Action 45th mtg, 20 Nov. South Africa (NAM, China) L.43 The right to development -Adopted 53rd mtg, 30 Nov. ( L.43/Rev.1 L.44 Promotion of a democratic and equitable international order -- 45th mtg, 20 Nov. Cuba Adopted 50th mtg, 27 Nov. (rec. vote: 90-48-7) L.45 Respect for the purposes and principles contained in the Charter of the UN to achieve int’l cooperation in promoting & encouraging respect for human rgts & for fundamental freedoms & in solving internat’l problems of a humanitarian character -- 45th mtg, 20 Nov. Cuba Adopted 50th mtg, 27 Nov. ( L.46 Strengthening UN action in the field of human rights through the promotion of international cooperation & the importance of non-selectivity, impartiality & objectivity -- 45th mtg, 20 Nov. Cuba Adopted 50th mtg, 27 Nov. L.47 Respect for the principles of national sovereignty & noninterference in the internal affairs of States in electoral processes as an important element for the promotion & protection of human rights -- 45th mtg, 20 Nov. Cuba Adopted (orally revised) 50th mtg, 27 Nov. (rec. vote: 87-8-53) L.48 The right to food Oral stmnt 45th mtg, 20 Nov. Cuba Adopted 50th mtg, 27 Nov. (rec. vote: 146-2-2) L.49 Human rights and cultural diversity -- 45th mtg, 20 Nov. Iran Adopted 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. L.51 Elimination of all forms of religious intolerance -- 49th mtg, 26 Nov. Ireland Adopted 50th mtg, 27 Nov. L.52 National institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights -- 49th mtg, 26 Nov. India Adopted 50th mtg, 27 Nov. L.53 Strengthening the role of the UN in enhancing the effectiveness of the principle of periodic and genuine elections and the promotion of democratization 50th mtg, 27 Nov. United States Adopted 51st mtg, 28 Nov. (rec. vote: 146-0-6) L.59 Human rights and terrorism -- 50th mtg, 27 Nov. Algeria Adopted 55th mtg, 30 Nov. (rec. vote: 84-0-64) L.60 Human rights in the administration of justice -- 50th mtg, 27 Nov. Austria (orally revised) Adopted (as revised) 51st mtg, 28 Nov. L.61 Effective promotion of the Declaration on the Rgts. of Persons Belonging to Nat’l or Ethnic, Religious & Linguistic Minorities -- 50th mtg, 27 Nov. Austria (orally revised) Adopted (as revised) 51st mtg, 28 Nov. 6 Symbol (A/C.3/56/…) PBIs Introduced Action L.62 Declaration on the Right & Responsibility of Individuals, Groups & Organs of Society to Promote & Protect Universally Recognized Human Rgts & Fundamental Freedoms -- 51st mtg, 28 Nov. Norway (orally revised) Adopted (as revised) 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. L.63 Protection of and assistance to internally displaced persons -- 50th mtg, 27 Nov. Norway Adopted (orally revised) 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. L.64 Globalization and its impact on the full enjoyment of all human rights -- 51st mtg, 28 Nov. Egypt Adopted 53rd mtg, 30 Nov. ( 109-44-10) L.65 Human rights and mass exoduses -- 51st mtg, 28 Nov. Canada Adopted (orally revised) 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. L.66 United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education -- 49th mtg, 26 Nov. Australia Adopted (orally revised) 50th mtg, 27 Nov. Oral stmnt 52nd mtg, 29 Nov. Mexico Adopted (orally revised) 55th mtg, 30 Nov. -- 51st mtg, 28 Nov. Japan (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected) 52nd mtg., 29 Nov. L.67/Rev.1 L.68 Title Comprehensive and integral international convention to promote and protect the rights and dignity of persons with disabilities Situation of human rights in Cambodia L.69 Subregional Centre for Human Rights and Democracy in Central Africa L.81 50th mtg, 27 Nov. Dem. Republic of the Congo Adopted 53rd mtg, 30 Nov. L.69/Rev.1 L.71 Protection of migrants -- 52nd mtg, 29 Nov. Mexico (orally revised) Adopted (as further orally revised) 53rd mtg, 30 Nov. Item 119 (c): Human rights situations and reports of special rapporteurs and representatives L.50 The situation of human rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran L.54 The situation of human rights in parts of South-Eastern Europe L.55 Situation of human rights in Myanmar 50th mtg, 27 Nov. Belgium (orally revised) Adopted (as revised) 53rd mtg, 30 Nov. ( -- 49th mtg, 26 Nov. United States (orally corrected) Adopted (as corrected & orally revised) 50th mtg, 27 Nov. L.78 51st mtg, 28 Nov. Sweden (orally revised) Adopted (as revised) 54th mtg, 30 Nov. -- 7 Symbol (A/C.3/56/…) Title PBIs -Adopted 54th mtg, 30 Nov. (rec. vote: 88-2-66) L.56/Rev.1 L.57 The situation of human rights in Iraq -- 51st mtg, 28 Nov. Belgium (orally revised) Adopted (as revised) 55th mtg, 30 Nov. (rec. vote: 91-3-55) 51st mtg, 28 Nov. Belgium (orally corrected) L.58* The situation of human rights in the Sudan -Adopted 53rd mtg, 30 Nov. ( L.58/Rev.1 L.82 Action 52nd mtg, 29 Nov. Belgium (orally revised) L.56 Situation of human rights in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Introduced Question of human rights in Afghanistan -- Chairman’s text Adopted 55th mtg, 30 Nov.