Title: Physical Education Lesson Plans Grade Level: 6, 7, 8th grade Teacher: Tara Wyrwich Date: Feb. 16-20th Objective: Students will use their use their teammates to achieve their goal. They will catch, throw, and score, by moving the ball up the court. I. Standards Addressed: 8.1B,8.7D II. Materials for Learning Activities A. Student Materials 1. Athletic clothes B. Teacher Materials 1. Scoreboard/whistle/clock/1 soccer ball III. Procedures for Learning Activities A. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. Introduction Dress out (5min) Formation (10 sec.) Dynamic Stretching (10 min.) Introduction to game or Set up (5-10 min.) Instructional Strategies (20 minutes) 1. Getting the students to work as a team by putting them into game-like situation where it takes everybody’s involvement to make the game work. The strategy will be up to the students, as they play students will begin to strategize on their own, I just expect teamwork and safety. They will learn to get the ball up the court using short or long distance throws whichever they decide is more success for them. C. Closure (5-10 minutes) 1. Ask the students what strategies worked best for them 2. If you could change the game a little what would you tweak? 3. Students share what they liked best about the game