Starters What IF?

What IF?
Place students in discussion groups and ask them to predict what would happen to them if
photosynthesis stopped tomorrow. Press them past the obvious answer of “I would die.” Have each
group consider the impact of the lack of photosynthesis by assigning each group a question such as:
How would my home be impacted if photosynthesis stopped tomorrow?
How would the way I dress be impacted if photosynthesis stopped tomorrow?
How would the cost of my food change if photosynthesis stopped tomorrow?
How would my health be impacted if photosynthesis stopped tomorrow?
Explain to students that in his book, Introduction to Submolecular Biology, Nobel Laureate Albert SzentGyorgyi describes photosynthesis as: “What drives life is … a little electric current, kept up by the
sunshine.” Ask students to discuss what they think Szent-Gyorgyi meant by this statement. Have
students write their own quote to describe the importance of photosynthesis to life on Earth.
Thank You. Thank You Very Much!
Have students express the benefits and value of photosynthesis by writing thank you cards to these very
generous photosynthetic organisms. The thank you card, made of a folded note card, lists ways humans
benefit from the photosynthetic capabilities of plants.