Mrs. Been’s 7th Grade Science Syllabus Course Goals Science, as defined by the National Academy of Sciences, is the ‘use of evidence to construct testable explanations and predictions of natural phenomena, as well as the knowledge generated through this process’. This vast body of changing and increasing knowledge is described by physical, mathematical, and conceptual models. Students should know that some questions are outside the realm of science because they deal with phenomena that are not scientifically testable. Scientific hypotheses are tentative and testable statements that must be capable of being supported or not supported by observable evidence. Hypotheses of durable explanatory power that have been tested over a wide variety of conditions become theories. Scientific theories are based on natural and physical phenomena and are capable of being tested by multiple, independent researchers. Students should know that scientific theories, unlike hypotheses, are well established and highly reliable, but they may still be subject to change as new information and technologies are developed. Students should be able to distinguish between scientific decision-making methods and ethical/social decisions that involve the application of scientific information. Grade 7 science is interdisciplinary in nature; however, much of the content focus is on the life sciences. National Standards in science are organized as multi-grade blocks such as 5-8 rather than individual grade levels. In order to follow the grade level format used in Texas, the various national standards are found among grades 6, 7, and 8. Recurring themes are pervasive in sciences, mathematics, and technology. These ideas transcend disciplinary boundaries and include change and constancy, patterns, cycles, systems, models and scale. Course outline First Semester Unit 1 Science Safety and Procedure Unit 2 Flow of Energy Unit 3 Force of Motion Unit 4 Factors impacting Earth’s system Unit 5 Life in our Solar System Unit 6 Organisms and the Environment Second Semester Unit 7 Structure and Functions of Cells Unit 8 Structure and Function of Living Systems Unit 9 Physical, Chemical and Energy Changes in Digestion Unit 10 Homeostasis Unit 11 Genetics Unit 12 Genetic Variations and Adaptations Class Rules Bring all required materials to class, every day. Listen while others are talking. Follow directions. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Work quietly (inside voices) and do not disturb others’ learning. Show respect for school and personal property. Work and play in a SAFE manner. Follow all school and district policies. Consequences First Offense: verbal warning Second Offense: Lunch detention & student/teacher conference Third Offense: Lunch and after school detention & parent/teacher/student onference Fourth Offense: referral to principal Severe Clause: IMMEDIATE action to the principal Hurt anyone in the classroom Refusal to do the work or follow a direction Destruction of school property Commit any act which upsets or paralyzes the classroom Classroom Procedures All homework is to be turned into your period box. NO work will be accepted by hand or on my desk; it MUST be turned into the box. Please come to class prepared. There will be no quick trips back to the locker. You will remain quiet and seated throughout the entire class-time unless instructed otherwise. You will receive two (2) hall passes per six weeks. This is the ONLY way you can get out of the classroom for your locker, a restroom break, to visit another teacher, or to go to the office. There will be NO leaving the classroom without a pass, so use your time wisely between classes. You must sign out when you leave the class and sign in when you return to class. If you are ABSENT it will be YOUR responsibility to make up the work you have missed. This also includes involvement in school related activities. Please take charge and keep up-to-date with all work. All incomplete work will be recorded as missing and calculated as a zero (‘0’) until the work is complete and turned in. This includes work missed while absent, even if the absence was for an extra-curricular event. If you decide NOT to complete your work, there will be a penalty of 10 points per day, that the work is not completed and turned in. On the 3rd day, a zero (‘0’) will be recorded into the grade book. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE WEEK IT WAS ASSIGNED. If you know you are going to miss, please get work ahead of time. If you are ABESNT and miss a quiz or test, you MUST complete the test on the day you return from your absence, unless otherwise directed by the teacher. All work must be completed in pen, unless otherwise specified by the teacher. It is the teacher’s prerogative to deduct points off of an assignment for not following these directions. All work MUST have a complete heading (first and last name, the period, and the date). Any projects given are due by the date assigned. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED ON LABS OR PROJECTS. No cell phones will be allowed out in class! If we see the phone, it will be taken away from the student and will be given to the office, where the parent will be required to pay a fine to get the phone back. Grades 40% minor grades (homework, daily classwork) 60% major grades (labs, quizzes, tests, projects) Extra credit: One project will be given per 6 weeks grading period. This project can replace 1 test grade or 1 missing zero (‘0’) per six weeks. Supplies are limited and in constant need of replenishing; therefore, each 6 weeks grading period, students may elect to bring in any 3 items (from the following list) for extra credit: disinfecting wipes, hand sanitizer, Kleenex tissues, pack of glue sticks, color pencils, index cards, packs of poster board (white and colored). Supplies Students are to bring the following supplies to class DAILY: I-Pad Pen and pencil Map pencils and/or colors Eraser Highlighters (of different colors) Spiral notebook or composition notebook (INB) Any work due that day AVID BINDER Positive Attitude Library Book Expectations Students are expected to participate in class on a daily basis, work collaboratively with other students, complete all assignments with attention to detail and quality, and be prepared to learn. I have read and understand the requirements and expectations of this class. Student Signature _________________________________________________ Parent Signature __________________________________________________ Date ________________