Directions for project

Literary Criticism “Lenses” Project
English II Honors
Group Members:
You have been introduced to the basic premises of six literary perspectives. Now, you will
work with your group to apply that theory to this novella and create a presentation which
shows your understanding. You must include all information below in your presentation.
I. You should begin by investigating the theory (or “lens”) you chose:
 When/where was this theory (“lens”) developed?
 Who is known as its founder?
 What is a general definition of the theory?
 What are the advantages of using this lens when considering a text?
 What are the disadvantages of using this lens?
 What are 3-5 key terms to understand when applying this lens?
Include the answers to these questions in your presentation.
II. Then, apply the theory to The House on Mango Street:
 Use the guiding questions shown below for your chosen “lens” to get started. Be sure to
answer these questions in your presentation.
Cite all sources using MLA format at the end of the presentation.
Gender/Feminist Critical Lens
Find and list all female characters in the novel.
Examine whether each of these characters are positive female role models or not.
Determine which, if any, stereotypical role each character you listed in #1 fits into.
How are women in this novella viewed by men in the novella? Give examples.
How are women in the novella viewed by the reader? Why?
What seems special or important about the female experience (as a whole) in the
7. What does this unique “lens” help the reader to “see” which might otherwise be missed?
Literary Criticism “Lenses” Project
English II Honors
Group Members:
You have been introduced to the basic premises of six literary perspectives. Now, you will
work with your group to apply that theory to this novella and create a presentation which
shows your understanding. You must include all information below in your presentation.
I. You should begin by investigating the theory (or “lens”) you chose:
 When/where was this theory (“lens”) developed?
 Who is known as its founder?
 What is a general definition of the theory?
 What are the advantages of using this lens when considering a text?
 What are the disadvantages of using this lens?
 What are 3-5 key terms to understand when applying this lens?
Include the answers to these questions in your presentation.
II. Then, apply the theory to The House on Mango Street:
 Use the guiding questions shown below for your chosen “lens” to get started. Be sure to
answer these questions in your presentation.
Cite all sources using MLA format at the end of the presentation.
Social/Marxist Critical Lens
1. Find and identify who holds the power in the novella.
2. Decide what kind of social ladder is present in the society of these characters (economic,
religious, racial, cultural, educational, or gender?)
3. Explain why this social ladder exists and is continued.
4. Determine what the effect of this social ladder is on some characters in the novel. Be
sure to examine at least 3 different characters and explain the differences in effect.
5. Examine what “hidden” or not-so-hidden message the author might be sending
through her inclusion of this social ladder.
6. Explain how the portrayal of this social ladder might affect the reader of this novella.
Why might this benefit or hinder the reader when considering our own society?
7. What does this unique “lens” help the reader to “see” which might otherwise be missed?
Literary Criticism “Lenses” Project
English II Honors
Group Members:
You have been introduced to the basic premises of six literary perspectives. Now, you will
work with your group to apply that theory to this novella and create a presentation which
shows your understanding. You must include all information below in your presentation.
I. You should begin by investigating the theory (or “lens”) you chose:
 When/where was this theory (“lens”) developed?
 Who is known as its founder?
 What is a general definition of the theory?
 What are the advantages of using this lens when considering a text?
 What are the disadvantages of using this lens?
 What are 3-5 key terms to understand when applying this lens?
Include the answers to these questions in your presentation.
II. Then, apply the theory to The House on Mango Street:
 Use the guiding questions shown below for your chosen “lens” to get started. Be sure to
answer these questions in your presentation.
Cite all sources using MLA format at the end of the presentation.
Reader-Response Critical Lens
Record and explain key moments in the life of three characters which are designed to
resonate with the reader.
What experiences of the main character are common to humans? How are they
important to the text as a whole?
Find “gaps” in the text: key places in the text during which a reader must infer
something in order for the text to illuminate something important. Examine at least 3.
Note at least one example in the text where a group would arrive at a better
understanding of the text than an individual reader would.
How is the “deeper” meaning of at least one vignette different than the literal
meaning of the words the author wrote?
How does the author rely on the reader to add the depth you discuss in #5?
What does this unique “lens” help the reader to “see” which might otherwise be missed?
Literary Criticism “Lenses” Project
English II Honors
Group Members:
You have been introduced to the basic premises of six literary perspectives. Now, you will
work with your group to apply that theory to this novella and create a presentation which
shows your understanding. You must include all information below in your presentation.
I. You should begin by investigating the theory (or “lens”) you chose:
 When/where was this theory (“lens”) developed?
 Who is known as its founder?
 What is a general definition of the theory?
 What are the advantages of using this lens when considering a text?
 What are the disadvantages of using this lens?
 What are 3-5 key terms to understand when applying this lens?
Include the answers to these questions in your presentation.
II. Then, apply the theory to The House on Mango Street:
 Use the guiding questions shown below for your chosen “lens” to get started. Be sure to
answer these questions in your presentation.
Cite all sources using MLA format at the end of the presentation.
Formalist Critical Lens
Record and explain at least three symbols that the author uses in the novella in order
to communicate important ideas.
Record and explain how imagery, irony, or paradox are used to reveal a deeper
meaning in the novella.
How does the author use characterization and point of view to develop the main
character(s)? How are these characters’ perspectives important to the text as a whole?
Explain how at least two themes in the novella are universal—meaning that they apply
to any human at any time.
How does the author’s diction communicate tone and mood in at least one passage?
How is the structure of the novella (how the story is constructed from beginning to end)
important to the meaning that the reader should arrive at in the end?
What does this unique “lens” help the reader to “see” which might otherwise be missed?
Literary Criticism “Lenses” Project
English II Honors
Group Members:
You have been introduced to the basic premises of six literary perspectives. Now, you will
work with your group to apply that theory to this novella and create a presentation which
shows your understanding. You must include all information below in your presentation.
I. You should begin by investigating the theory (or “lens”) you chose:
 When/where was this theory (“lens”) developed?
 Who is known as its founder?
 What is a general definition of the theory?
 What are the advantages of using this lens when considering a text?
 What are the disadvantages of using this lens?
 What are 3-5 key terms to understand when applying this lens?
Include the answers to these questions in your presentation.
II. Then, apply the theory to The House on Mango Street:
 Use the guiding questions shown below for your chosen “lens” to get started. Be sure to
answer these questions in your presentation.
Cite all sources using MLA format at the end of the presentation.
Archetypal Critical Lens
Find examples of at least 5 characters who could be thought of as archetypes in The
House on Mango Street. Explain each example.
Identify and explain at least 5 experiences of the main character which are shared by
most human beings.
Find incidents in the novella which exhibit the “ID” of Esperanza=the desires of a
character are most primitive and seek immediate gratification
Find incidents in the novella which exhibit the “SUPEREGO” of Esperanza= the moral
compass/rules of a character
Find incidents in the novella which exhibit the “EGO” of Esperanza=the balance
between the id and the superego. The ego is rational, logical, and analytical.
What other novel, song, poem, movie, drama, or short story is like this one in overall
What does this unique “lens” help the reader to “see” which might otherwise be missed?
Literary Criticism “Lenses” Project
English II Honors
Group Members:
You have been introduced to the basic premises of six literary perspectives. Now, you will
work with your group to apply that theory to this novella and create a presentation which
shows your understanding. You must include all information below in your presentation.
I. You should begin by investigating the theory (or “lens”) you chose:
 When/where was this theory (“lens”) developed?
 Who is known as its founder?
 What is a general definition of the theory?
 What are the advantages of using this lens when considering a text?
 What are the disadvantages of using this lens?
 What are 3-5 key terms to understand when applying this lens?
Include the answers to these questions in your presentation.
II. Then, apply the theory to The House on Mango Street:
 Use the guiding questions shown below for your chosen “lens” to get started. Be sure to
answer these questions in your presentation.
Cite all sources using MLA format at the end of the presentation.
Historical Critical Lens
1. What kind of life had the author led prior to her writing of this book?
2. Explain the period in the author’s life during which she wrote “The House on Mango
Street.” What was she experiencing as an individual and as a writer?
3. Identify the part of the world Cisneros was living in when she wrote this book. How is
that important to the story?
4. Describe at least 2 of the following during the time this book was written:
 Social climate—what was society like or how was it changing?
 Political climate—what was the government like, or how was it changing?
 Economic climate—what kind of economy did society have at this time?
 Intellectual climate—what were popular ideas in society during this time?
5. How are themes or ideas in the book related to the context in which it was written?
6. How is the main character related to the biography of the author?
7. What does this unique “lens” help the reader to “see” which might otherwise be missed?