Cover Letter Tips

Letter of Application
AKA “The Cover Letter”
What is it?
A letter sent
with your
Why include a cover letter?
It is expected.
To explain why you want the job
To request an interview
To show your writing ability
3 types of cover letters
1.Response - used to respond to a posted job
2.Blind - when you don’t know about any job
openings, but you want to introduce yourself to the
company anyway
3.Request for Assistance - when you are seeking
guidance from someone already doing the kind of work
you are interested in.
Your cover letter should...
Get the employer excited enough about you to
read your full résumé
Make them want to interview you
“We cannot miss out on this hire!”
Cover Letter Tip #1
Don’t waste words.
Say what you need to say and then end it.
Cover Letter Tip #2
Make sure you send it to the person making
the decision.
Spell their name correctly.
Cover Letter Tip #3
Begin your 1st paragraph with a statement of
what you want.
“I am writing to express my interest in the
position of cashier at Quik-Trip.”
Cover Letter Tip #4
Absolutely no more than one page.
Leave lots of white space on the page.
Cover Letter Tip #5
No typos
Correct grammar and spelling
Complete sentences
No slang
Cover Letter Tip #6
Don’t exaggerate
Honesty will get you farther in the long run.
Cover Letter Tip #7
Go through the letter several times.
Have someone else proofread it for you.
Cover Letter Tip #8
Finish by asking for something.
“May I have an appointment to discuss this position
“I look forward to meeting with you in person to learn
more about this opportunity.”
The six parts of a cover letter
1.Your address and date
Make sure you reader has what they need to
contact you by mail and/or telephone.
The six parts of a cover letter
2. Specific address and greeting
Address the letter to a specific person.
This should include, “Dear Mr./Ms./Mrs.”
The six parts of a cover letter
3. Purpose of letter
Clearly tell the employer why you are writing
the letter.
Identify the position and how you learned of it.
The six parts of a cover letter
4. Description of background
Describe your background in paragraph two.
Mention one or two qualifications.
Explain why you are interested in this position.
Refer the reader to the enclosed résumé.
Description of Background
The six parts of a cover letter
5. Request an interview
In paragraph three, ask for an interview.
Thank the reader.
The six parts of a cover letter
6. Closing
Close the letter with, “Sincerely,” and your
Leave about four lines empty between
“sincerely” and your name so that you can sign
the letter.
Addressing the envelope
Group activity - opening paragraphs
After we read each example of an opening
paragraph, discuss in your group why each
person may or may not succeed in getting a
follow-up interview.
Write down your answer on your white-board.
Opening Paragraph #1
Opening Paragraph #2
Opening Paragraph #3
Opening Paragraph #4
Opening Paragraph #5
Group activity #2 - closing paragraph
In groups, arrange the closing paragraphs in
order, from bad, to better, to best.
Tape the paper strips in order on a separate
Is it best to just sit back and hope that you
will get a reply, or should you be a bit pushy,
and suggest that perhaps they should contact
Just how pushy do you think you can be? Are
any of these paragraphs being too pushy?
Which letter do you think would have the best
effect on the person reading it? Would this
letter prompt them into replying to you fairly