Lab - Handspan

Lab: Handspan
You would like to gather statistics about the handspan of TL Hanna students. The handspan is the
measure from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the pinky when your hand is spread open. You would like
the measures to be in centimeters.
1) Have a classmate measure your handspan and record the measurement. _______
(Hint: Spread your hand as wide as possible, place it directly on a ruler and get the distance from the
end of your little finger to the end of your thumb.)
2) After your measurement has been taken, write it on the whiteboard in the designated place.
3) After all measurements have been taken, record all the measurements below.
4) Calculate the following:
median _________
variance _________
St. Dev. _________
5) Draw a boxplot of the data and find any outliers.
6) How many standard deviations from the mean is 18 cm?
7) What percent of the values are within 1.5 deviations of the mean?
8) Use the Empirical Rule to determine the range of data values that contain 95% of the data.
8) Using Chebyshev's Rule, find the range of data values that contain 75% of the data.