Spanish I Syllabus

Spanish I Syllabus
Elizabeth Ranucci
Planning / Conference: 1st Block
Course Description:
This course is the first in a series to develop the skills of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish.
Students will learn to pronounce and use the basic sounds and intonation patterns of the language. They will
master a limited set of structural and lexical objectives to be used in common daily conversational situations.
They will also gain a basic knowledge of contemporary Spanish culture as they participate in language-learning
activities to develop communicative competence.
 Textbook: ¡Buen viaje! Level 1 - Glencoe/McGraw Hill, 2008
 Notebook: Any type is fine, but it should have either pockets to store worksheets or be a 3-ring binder,
so that worksheets may be hole-punched and added.
 Chromebook: We will use our Chromebooks often. You should have them with you every day.
1st 9 Weeks: Saludos, Adiós, La cortesía, La fecha
Un amigo a una amiga
Alumnos y cursos
Las compras para la escuela
En la escuela
En el café
2nd 9 Weeks: La familia y su casa
Deportes de equipo
La salud y el médico
El verano y el invierno
Diversiones culturales
Un viaje en avión
Grading Distribution:
Daily Quizzes/Class Preparedness:
9 Week Exam:
There will tentatively be 5-7 Tests in each 9 week period, normally comprised of one unit or grammar objective
each. Daily Quizzes may be announced or they may be “pop” quizzes. You should expect these at any time,
even daily. Class preparedness is counted in this category, such as with a book check, a bell-ringer collected,
etc. Students should always come to class fully prepared.
Homework is not graded for accuracy, but it is checked daily for completion. Student will earn a grade of 100
if complete, 50 if partially (but greater than 50%) complete, or 0 for less than 50% complete. Small Projects
may also be assigned throughout the year.
Grading Scale:
A: 93-100
B: 85-92
C: 77-84
D: 70-76
F: 0-69
Attendance is extremely important! If several days in a row are missed, this could constitute half of a unit or
more which was missed. Please make every effort to be in class when possible. Please make sure to check with
the teacher about work missed.
Classroom Expectations:
 Students are expected to respect one another and the teacher in all interactions.
 Students are expected to take responsibility for themselves and the care of classroom items.
 Students are expected to be in their seats working on the bell ringer activity when the bell rings.
 Students are expected to bring all necessary materials to class every day.
 Students are expected to stay in their seats until they are dismissed by the teacher – not the bell.
 There is no food or drink allowed in the classroom except with a medical exemption/note. You may
have clear water in containers with lids. Colored water is not allowed.
 Unless specified by the teacher cell phones and other electronic devices will not generally be used in the
classroom, and should be out of sight. The teacher reserves the right to take up any device if seen
outside of allowed times, even if it is inside a pocket or similar but is evidently being “used.”
 Students needing to sharpen pencils, get a tissue, etc. should only do so when such movement doesn’t
interrupt teacher instruction or peer presentations. During group work is an appropriate time for this.
 All other school rules must be followed while in my class. Please refer to your student handbook.
First Offense: Verbal Warning
Second Offense: Phone call and/or email home, and a lunch detention
Third Offense: Office Referral (may be written at any time as a first response, for major infractions)
Fourth Offense: Parent Conference, with teacher and an administrator present
Bathroom/Locker Pass – 3 individual paper passes will be provided each nine weeks. If an emergency need
arises and you do not have any remaining passes, you may use the laminated bathroom/locker pass in exchange
for staying 2 minutes after class that day.
Nurse/Office Passes – for illness (nurse) or when called to either administrative office via phone call, students
will use the laminated passes labeled accordingly, located in the Permisos folder by the door. Note: When
going to the nurse, a sticky note will be added by the teacher to the laminated pass and it must be signed by the
nurse, with the time, when returning to class.
Late Work:
All homework assignments are due at the start of class. Homework will not be accepted late. Other work such
as tests and quizzes may be made up in a timely manner anytime during the 9 week period. Projects receive a
late deduction of 20 points for one day late, and a 0 after that point, except in the case of documented illness and
at the discretion of the teacher. There is a “turn it in” bin on the front table near the door, for late assignments.
Please also tear out workbook pages and submit them there.
Make-up Work:
Students should check upcoming and past assignments with the teacher – before or after school, or during group
work time during class. They should pick up any worksheets missed, from the teacher. It is the responsibility
of the student to arrange any make-up quizzes or tests with the teacher during normal makeup day(s). This year
I am usually available on Mondays, with prior notice, after school. Parents and students can also check Power
School for missing assignments, which are designated with an M in Gradebook. These assignments can be
made up.
I am available in my room for tutoring and/or make-ups with advance notice after school, usually on Mondays,
or ANY morning before first block begins. Don’t let the subject matter get away from you, if you don’t
understand something. Seek help early. I want to help you succeed!