third nine weeks review

Third nine weeks review
La Sr. Mccoy/Sp 4
1. Give the appropriate command. – Tell the class. “Get up!”
2. Tell your father, “Be nice”
3. Complete with an appropriate adverb or preposition. -- ¡Qué horror! Mi gato está
______, en el árbol.
4. Complete with the appropriate adverb or preposition -- Hace mucho sol. Quiero ir
5. Complete – Quiero hablar contigo. Ven __________.
6. Complete – Como no veo a nadie, deben estar ____________ la casa.
7. Complete with POR or PARA -- Ellos me dan dinero ______ reparar el coche.
8. Por or Para -- Pasamos ______ la puerta, ________ hablar con el profesor.
9. Tell your Friends, “let’s leave at 6”.
10. Translate -- Class, do the homework for tomorrow.
11. Give the following commands for the given verb. REPETIRLO, IRSE
neg. tú
12. Tell your children, “don’t eat lunch now.”
13. Translate: around, toward, in front of
14. Put the following commands in the negative: Hazla, Pídalo Ud. Ven
15. POR or PARA Mi padre no se siente bien. Yo voy a lavar el coche _______ él.
16. Give the correct preterit form for the following verbs: yo/incluir, Ud/traer, ellos/creer,
17. Give the imperfect: ella/ver, nosotros/ir, yo/almorzar (ue)
18. Choose between the preterit or imperfect:
The children were crying LLORAR
I paid the bill. PAGAR
Yesterday, my parents were sleeping when I went out. DORMIR, SALIR
19. Translate: Many years ago my students were writing in Spanish.
20. I have been studying for one hour.
21. He bought a car a year ago.
22. Conjugate for the preterit: ella/reirse, uds/morir, él/pedir, yo/dar, ella/venir, yo/buscar
23. Give the special meaning of the following for the preterit: saber, tener, conocer
24. Choose between preterit or imperfect:
I saw a young man who was working at the park. VER, TRABAJAR
Juan was my friend. SER
They were dancing while the band was playing. BAILAR, TOCAR
25. Conjugate for the imperfect: ella/dormir (ue,u), practicar/tú