Leave this sheet in your child’s Communication Folder each day! What’s Happening? Dec. 14 - 18 Focus for the Week Unit: Christmas Traditions Words: make Word Family: am Language Arts: Dates to Remember Dec. 15 Firehouse Subs Night (5:00 – 8:00pm) December 17th Review alphabet letters and word wall words. Your child *Polar Express Day-Wear your pajamas! should be able to read these sight words to you: I, me, *Christmas Program @6:30 (2nd & 4th graders are see, a, can, he, she, to , see, yes, no, go, the, my, like, look, we, is, and, make Practice writing simple sentences with your child using word wall words and helping them stretch out unknown words (writing the sounds that they hear) Word Family -am .examples include: am, bam, ham, jam, Pam, Sam, etc. Math: Teen Numbers Place Value: Adding and simple problems (0 to 5) Writing numbers 1 to 20 or higher Take apart any number between 1 and 5 to show the different ways to “make that number” (5= 2 +3) or (5 = 4 +1) --------------------------------------------------------- performing) December 18th Class Christmas Parties at 1:30 We have 21 students in our class at this time Christmas Holidays December 21 – January 4 Star Color Key White Star--Great Day! Orange Star—Teachers Choice Red Star—Parent Contact/ Sad Gram Day Monday Fun Holiday Homework Ideas Decorate some Christmas cookies Sing along to some fun Christmas music Draw a picture of your Christmas tree There is no organized homework for the week but don’t forget… Math: writing numbers to 20. Challenge: practice writing to 100, practice counting and writing by 5’s and 10’s to 100 Addition and Subtraction stories Review Shapes ELA: Synonyms Rhyming Word Word Wall Words Blends Letter and letter sounds Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Comments Parent Initials