Aug. 31

Leave this sheet in your child’s
Communication Folder each day!
What’s Happening?
August 31-Sept 4, 2015
Focus for the Week
Unit: Friends and Family
Letter: Aa, Bb, Hh, Tt, Dd
Words: a, can
Language Arts:
-READ to your child every day.
-While reading ask your child to locate upper and
lowercase letters.
-Have your child write (using the appropriate
formation) their first and last name.
-Have your identify shapes around your house.
- Play I Spy using color and shape words
- Challenge your child to count every day.
Updates for the Week
Sept. 4th Book Orders Due (checks
to Scholastic or EXACT change)
- Sept. 4th Donuts for Dad (7:45a.m.)
- Sept. 9th Fall Fundraiser Due
- Sept. 14 Running Club starts (must
have turned in permission and $$
before this day)
Star Color Key
White Star--Great Day!
Green Star--Warning
Yellow Star--loss of daily reward
Red Star-- loss of daily reward/note home
Talk about colors
Social Studies:
Continue to review classroom and school rules.
Talk about being a Good Citizen and obeying
authority figures at school and at home.
Homework for the Week:
Math- 2D shape Construction: Use
provided Workmat, marshmallows, and
straws to form 2D shapes. Discuss how
many sides, and vertices (corners) each
shape has. Students must be able to
identify and describe each shape.
ELA- Name Games: In your child’s folder
there are activities to complete with
your child’s name. If you have magnetic
letters they are great to use with these
Reading: Read a book with your child
each night.
Parent Initials