Spelling Letter August 2015 Dear Parents, This week your child will take his/her first third grade Spelling test. Attached to this letter you will find 2 contracts for your child to use on spelling assignments. Your child will receive a spelling list every Monday with ten words that they will need to learn. I will indicate on our assignment sheet if your child should use the Week A Spelling Contract or the Week B Spelling Contract. We will rotate between the two contracts each week. Students will only get ONE copy of these contracts so please make sure to keep them in a safe place. There will be a copy put on my website so if for some reason it is misplaced, you can pull it up from the class website. Please see the contract page for specific directions on each of the activities your child is to complete. The spelling test will be given Friday and will consist of ten words and two dictation sentences. Students will be responsible for spelling the ten words correctly and being able to write a sentence using old word wall words with capital letters and punctuation. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. Remember you can call the school or reach me through email at meredithcole@anderson5.net Thanks, Mrs. Cole