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Name (Print): ___________________________________
One of the objectives of the Business Education Department at the Anderson V Career Campus
is to prepare young men and women for the business world. We want you to be happy,
productive citizens.
In the business world, you will meet and work with all kinds of people. I have set some
guidelines for this class that I believe will be helpful training as you tackle different business
1. ATTITUDE: People with poor attitudes will not last long in any business situation. They
will not last long in the business classroom. Bad attitudes are personal problems and should
not be inflicted on the other members of the class. People with attitude problems should seek
help in solving their problem.
2. COOPERATION: A business cannot operate without cooperation—WILLING
COOPERATION—from all concerned. A business classroom needs willing cooperation
from ALL its members.
3. SUBJECT MATTER: A person cannot survive in any business situation if he does not
have a fair degree of skill and knowledge. The purpose of the business class is to provide the
student the opportunity for obtaining that degree of skill and knowledge.
4. HAPPINESS: Happy people make more happy people; happiness is very contagious.
People who spread their unhappiness do not succeed in the business world or the business
5. ENDURANCE: No situation is necessarily permanent. Often we find ourselves in
situations that are not to our liking. However, while we are there, (on a problem, chapter,
project, assignment or in class) it is important that we give our best effort. Many times the
situation then becomes quite pleasant.
6. MATERIALS: A pencil, black or blue ink pen and notebook are required materials
EVERDAY! Contact will be made with parents or guardians when you do not have your
supplies or complete assignments on time. (Students are not allowed to bring disks or CDs
from home.)
7. ATTENDANCE: All absences and tardies are recorded. REMEMBER—why be angry at
your teacher because YOU are tardy and did not comply with the class rules.
8. ASSIGNMENTS: Your teacher carefully considers class and home assignments. You must
take responsibility for remembering your assignments. Missed work must be made up
within 2 days of your absence.
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Name (Print): ___________________________________
1. If you are late to class, sign name and reason/excuse on sign-in sheet. Make sure that
IDs are always worn and visible when entering the classroom.
2. If I am lecturing or giving instructions, I expect you to listen. When it is your turn to
talk, I will listen.
3. Negative comments about our school, community, other students or teachers, are not
welcomed in this classroom.
4. Cellular phones should not be in the classroom. If you need to make an emergency
phone call, please see the teacher!
5. Always take the pass provided (i.e. restroom, office, hall etc.) when leaving the
classroom. Place the pass in the designated location upon your return!
6. Food and drink will not be allowed at workstations. A designated location to store food
and drinks will be available near the door/entryway.
7. Personal grooming will be done at home or in the bathroom before coming to class.
(Combing hair, make-up, nails, etc.) Picks and combs are to be carried in your purse or
pocket. Caps, hoods, etc. will not be worn in the classroom. Pants must be pulled up so
that underwear does not show. No musical devices of any kind (iPods, MP3 players,
ear/headphones, etc.) are not allowed in this class.
8. Heads should be up and “alert”. If you are ill, let the teacher know and you will be given
permission to report to the nurse’s office.
9. Students must be in their seats when it is time to begin class. You will enter the
classroom quietly.
10. Students must not sit on desk, place their feet on desks, roll around in the chairs, or
stand in the doorway near the end of class. At the end of class, the bell is only an
indicator that the period is over. You will clear your work stations and sit quietly until I
dismiss the class. I am the only person with the authority to dismiss you.
1st offense--warning
2nd offense--call home to parents/guardian and/or student teacher conference
3rd offense –refer to office, parent conference and/or intervention.
“Your behavior and work ethics are self portraits. You must determine how you want to be
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Name (Print): ___________________________________
In an effort to make certain our students are on task in computer-related classes and to insure that
our equipment and computer systems are in optimum working condition, the following rules
were enacted on November 18, 1998.
Students using programs or functions other than those related to their computer class
without permission will be assigned to two days of in-school suspension.
Students downloading or uploading software or data to or from Internet sites, LAN sites,
CDs, etc., without permission will be assigned to two days of out-of-school suspension.
Students installing software or changing computer system/software settings without
permission will be assigned to two days of out-of-school suspension.
Parent Signature ____________________________ Student Signature ____________________________
Date _____________________________________
Date ______________________________________