Setting: Effect on Plot Level Up Tutorial Notes

Setting: Effect on Plot
Level Up Tutorial Notes
(2) Setting: Effect on Plot
The ______________________, or the time and place in which the story occurs, helps shape stories.
Often, the setting can also affect the _________________, or the series of events that make up a story.
(3) Reviewing Plot Stages
In the ______________________, the setting, the main characters, and the main conflict are introduced.
In the ______________ ______________, suspense builds as the conflict becomes more complicated.
The ____________________ presents the conflict at its most dramatic. This is the story’s turning point.
The _______________ _______________ reveals the outcome of the story’s climax, eases tension or suspense,
and shows how the conflict will be resolved.
The ________________________ reveals the story’s final outcome and ties up any loose ends.
(6) Role of Setting
The setting serves as a _________________ for the action. It also helps create a ____________, or
atmosphere, of excitement. Sometimes, setting plays a more active role in a story, creating
_________________ for the characters.
(7) Setting and Conflict
Setting often affects the ___________________________ of a story’s plot. In some stories, setting is a part of,
or even the _________________ of, the main character’s conflict.
Sometimes, the ______________ and _____________ of a story creates many conflicts that would not be
__________________ in other settings.
(9) Summary
Setting is the _____________ and ______________ in which the story occurs. In some stories, the setting
affects _____________________ and ___________________.
___________ is the series of events that make up a story. The ________ of a story is usually developed in
five stages: _____________________, ____________ ___________, ____________, _____________
_____________, and _____________________.
Though the setting creates ______________ and serves as a ______________ for the action, it can also
play a more active role in the plot of a story. For instance, setting can ______________ or
_____________________ the conflict.