Difference of linkage between spot and futures markets in Nikkei225 stock index and DJIA index Takanori Usuia Isao Shojib a Graduate School of System and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Tenoudai 1-1-1, Tsukuba science city, Ibaraki: 305-8573, Japan. Mail address: hiromachi492@yahoo.co.jp b Graduate School of System and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba, Tenoudai 1-1-1, Tsukuba science city, Ibaraki: 305-8573, Japan. Mail address: shoji@sk.tsukuba.ac.jp Phone number: 029-853-5094 Fax number: 029-853-5094 Abstract This paper investigated the difference of linkage between spot and futures in Nikkei225 stock index and Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) index. Especially we focused on information transmission with volatility spillover effect. We used bivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model and bivariate exponential GARCH (EGARCH) model to estimate. Daily data from 2001/01/03 to 2006/03/30 were chosen. From empirical result, it became clear that Nikkei225 stock index followed bivariate GARCH, while DJIA did bivariate EGARCH. Additionally in Nikkei225 stock index, futures market was more dominantly to have an affect on spot market and reverse case doesn’t exist. Contrary to Nikkei225 stock index, volatility spillover from spot to futures in DJIA index is stronger than reverse case. But effect from futures to spot couldn’t be ignored. Introduction The main purpose of this paper is to investigate the differences of markets structure between linkage of Nikkei225 index spot on its futures and that of Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) index spot and futures with bivariate GARCH and EGARCH. Nikkei225 and DJIA are very famous stock indices for judging the conditions of Japanese and U.S. economics. Consequently enough information flows in their spot and futures. To examine information transmission, we adopted Volatility spillover effect in this time. Volatility spillovers are important because volatility is also a source of information. French & Roll (1986); and Ross, (1989) show that variance is an important source of information. French and Roll found that asset prices are much more volatile during exchange trading hours than at other times and that this divergence is caused by differences in the flow of information. Ross proved that asset price volatility is related to the rate of information flow in competitive asset markets. In a study of volatility spillovers among similar assets, there are many papers which considered information transmission between stock index and index futures markets. Tse (1999) used Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) with bivariate EGARCH model. This study is reported that spot and futures have strong effect to the other. Additionally the effect from futures market to spot is stronger than reverse case. Iihara(1996) examined Nikkei225 index spot and its futures with bivariate GARCH model. This study reports that after March 1991, there is no volatility spillover effect between spot and futures. Bhar (2001) used Australian stock index spot (AOI) and futures (SPI) with bivariate EGARCH-X model. The remark in this study is that AOI and SPI are highly correlated and information transmission from futures to spot and reverse case exist. Meneu and Torro (2003) examined Spanish stock index (IBEX-35) and its futures with several Asymmetric Covariance model. In the conclusion, it mentions that main source of uncertainty comes from the spot market, and it is transmitted to the futures market. Reverse volatility spillover also exists, but is far less important. This conclusion is completely different from other result. So and Tse (2004) examined 3 assets relationships; Hang Seng Index spot which is the stock index in Hong Kong, its futures and tracker fund of that Index. The result shows that there is strong bi-directional volatility spillover between spot and futures, but tracker fund isn’t. Zhong, Darrat and Otero (2004) examined Mexican stock index spot and futures with developed BEKK model. It gets the conclusion that Mexican stock index futures market plays a part of price discovery function of its spot market that is to say futures market affect spot market dominantly. From the result of previous study, the significance of this investigation is to compare the differences of linkages between Nikkei225 stock index spot-futures markets and DJIA spot-futures markets, because the linkage between spot and futures is different in each country, and there are few studies to compare the linkage of spot and futures in Japan and U.S. with same model and frequency. Our result shows that bivariate GARCH is suitable for that of Nikkei225 spot-futures markets but bivariate EGARCH is suitable for describing to linkage of DJIA spot-futures markets. From the best estimate result, it is true that volatility spillover from Nikkei225 stock index futures to its spot exists clearly, but the reverse flow doesn’t. While in DJIA index, its spot spillovers volatility to futures stronger, but reverse flow also exist and it can’t be ignored. Section 2 presents data and sumary statistics. Section 3 presents empirical methodology. The empirical result is presented in section 4. And section 5 concludes the study. Data and Summary statistics TABLEⅠ Statistics of Daily log return rate of Nikkei225 stock index spot and futures Summary statistic Spot Futures Mean(10 ) 0.112 0.114 Standard deviation(10-1) 0.148 0.135 Skewness -0.0631 -0.264 Kurtosis 1.460 2.942 Maximum 0.072 0.080 Minimum -0.069 -0.102 -3 correlation 0.958 Statistics of Daily log return rate of DJIA index spot and futures Summary statistic Spot Futures Mean(10 ) 0.011 0.011 Standard deviation(10-1) 0.111 0.112 Skewness -0.011 0.169 Kurtosis 4.511 4.541 Maximum 0.064 0.062 Minimum -0.077 -0.076 -3 correlation 0.955 Note: The term is from 2001/01/03 to 2006/03/30 those of holidays in the term are omitted. The total number of observation in the sample is 1290 in Nikkei225 and 1313 in DJIA. In this study, we use the daily data of closing price of Nikkei225 stock index spot and its futures and also DJIA index spot and futures. The term is from 2001/01/03 to 2006/03/30 those of holidays in the term are omitted. The total number of observation in the sample is 1290 in Nikkei225 and 1313 in DJIA. We write out the summary statistics of the spot and futures in Nikkei225 stock index and DJIA index in TableⅠ. From TableⅠ, both Nikkei225 and DJIA are highly correlated and Nikkei225 stock index futures gets higher Skewness, and Kurtosis compare to underlying asset, while in DJIA, its futures gets higher skewness than spot. Empirical Methodology First introduced by Engle (1982) and Bollerslev (1986), the ARCH and GARCH models are often used to describe time-variation in the volatility of financial returns. In this time we posit the following bivariate GARCH(1,1) model and bivariate EGARCH(1,1) model for the joint process governing the stock index and futures as presenting conditional return and volatility: Bivariate GARCH R μ εt (1) εst ,t Φt 1~N (0, H t ) εt ε ft , t hst H t h fs hsf h ft (2) hst ,t ωst αstε2st ,t 1 βst hst ,t 1 γstε2ft ,t 1 (3) h ft ,t ωft αftε2ft ,t 1 βft h ft ,t 1 γftε2st ,t 1 (4) hsf ,t h fs ,t ρ(hst ,t 1h ft ,t 1 )1 / 2 (5) where st refers to spot and ft refers to futures. the log return rate vector for the spot and futures series is given by Rt=[Rst,t Rft,t], the residual vectors by εt=[εst,t εft,t], and the conditional covariance matrix by Ht, where {Ht}ij=hij,t, for i,j=st, ft. the parameter vectors are defined as μ=[μ st μ ft],. Φt-1 is the set of information available at time t-1. Equation (1) models the return of spot and futures as an AR(0) process. The number of parameter was estimated by Box-Jenkins method. Conditional on the dependence in means the spot and futures return series are assumed to have a bivariate normal distribution covariance matrix Ht. Equation (2) to (5) model the diagonal elements of the conditional covariance matrix Ht as a function of the diagonal elements of the conditional covariance matrix of the past period. In these equations we specify the influence from each market to adopt the coefficients of εst in hft and vice versa. The benefits to adopt them are to be able to analyze from influences from each market clearly. In Equation (3) and (4), αst, αft, denote the market-specific volatility clustering, and βst, βft denote volatility persistence. Volatility spillover effect is expressed in γst, γft. For example, when γst is larger thanαst, it means that the innovation from futures market is more dominantly to form spot price than that in spot markets. In equation (5) ρ means correlation of two series. In this time we use constant correlation model which is suggested by Bollerslev(1990) at first. But it doesn’t guarantee that correlation is constant. Baur (2004), Darbar and Deb(2002) and Lien and Yang (2006) suggest the correlation varying model. Bivariate EGARCH R μ εt (6) εst ,t Φt 1~N (0, H t ) εt ε ft ,t hst H t h fs hsf h ft (7) ln hst ,t ωst αst ust ,t 1 θst Gst ,t 1 βst ln hst ,t 1 γst u ft ,t 1 ηst G ft ,t 1 (8) ln h ft ,t ωft αft u ft ,t 1 θft G ft ,t 1 βft ln h ft ,t 1 γft u st ,t 1 ηft Gst ,t 1 (9) Git uit E uit , uit εit (10) hsf ,t h fs ,t ρ(hst ,t 1h ft ,t 1 )1 / 2 hit , i st , ft (11) As well as bivariate GARCH model, where the log return rate vector for the spot and futures series is given by Rt=[Rst,t Rft,t], the residual vectors by εt=[εst,t εft,t], and the conditional covariance matrix by Ht, where {Ht}ij=hij,t, for i,j=st, ft. the parameter vectors are defined as μ=[μ st μ ft]. Φt-1 is the set of information available at time t-1. Equation (6) models the return of spot and futures as an AR(0) process. The number of parameter was estimated by Box-Jenkins method. Conditional on the dependence in means the spot and futures return series are assumed to have a bivariate normal distribution covariance matrix Ht. Equation (7) to (9) model the diagonal elements of the conditional covariance matrix Ht as a function of the diagonal elements of the conditional covariance matrix of the past period. In these equations we specify the influence from each market to adopt the coefficients of Gst and ust in hft and vice versa. In Equation (8) and (9), αst, αft, denote the market-specific volatility clustering, and βst, βft denote volatility persistence. Volatility spillover effect is expressed in γst, γft. θst, θft andηst, ηft express the effect of asymmetric movement of volatility from own market and the other market respectively. In equation (11) ρ means correlation of two series, which is constant. Given a sample of T daily returns, the parameter of the multivariate system (1) to (5) and (6) to (11) are estimated by computing the conditional log likelihood function for each time period as 1 1 Lt (θ) log 2π log | H t (θ) | εt (θ)H t1 (θ)εt (θ) 2 2 T L(θ) Lt (θ) (12) (13) t 1 where θ is the vector of all parameters. We implements the algorithm which developed by Berndt, Hall, Hall and Hausman (BHHH algorithm) (1974) where normally distributed returns are assumed. Empirical result At first, we estimated both markets linkage between spot and futures with bivariate GARCH and bivariate EGARCH. The result is shown in TableⅡ. From this table, it implicates that linkage between spot and futures in Nikkei225 is suitable for fitting bivariate GARCH, while that in DJIA is suitable for fitting bivariate EGARCH. This difference implies that Nikkei225 spot and futures markets don’t contain asymmetric effect in the markets whereas DJIA ones do. TABLEⅡ Comparison with bivariate GARCH and EGARCH in Nikkei225 stock index and DJIA index Nikkei 225 stock index Log-likelihood AIC DJIA index BIC Log-likelihood AIC BIC bivariate GARCH -6322 6340 6350 -5964 5982 5982 bivariate EGARCH -6391 6417 6410 -5801 5827 5823 Note: Bivariate GARCH Bivariate EGARCH εt | Φt 1~N (0, Ht ) hst hsf H t h fs h ft εt | Φt 1~N (0, Ht ) hst hsf H t h fs h ft hst ,t ωst αstε2st ,t 1 βst hst ,t 1 γstε2ft ,t 1 ln hst ,t ωst αst ust ,t 1 θst Gst ,t 1 βst ln hst ,t 1 γst u ft ,t 1 ηst G ft ,t 1 h ft ,t ωft αftε2ft ,t 1 βft h ft ,t 1 γftε2st ,t 1 ln h ft ,t ωft αft u ft ,t 1 θft G ft ,t 1 βft ln h ft ,t 1 γft u st ,t 1 ηft Gst ,t 1 hsf , t h fs , t ρ(hst , t 1h ft , t 1 )1 / 2 Git uit E uit , uit εit hit , i st , ft hsf , t h fs , t ρ(hst , t 1h ft , t 1 )1 / 2 TableⅢ and TableⅣ are the estimation result with the best model in Nikkei225 and DJIA respectively. From TableⅢ, αft is lager than αst. It means that innovation in futures market is bigger than spot market. Moreover, βft is also lager, so volatility persistence is stronger in futures market. Correlation ρ is very high, and these are highly correlated. The vital point in this table is γ. Because γft which means volatility spillover effect from spot to futures is insignificant contrary to γst. This implies that volatility spillover only exists from futures to spot but reverse case doesn’t. Moreover, compare with α st and γ st, γ st is larger than α st, so futures market is more dominantly to form spot market in Nikkei225 stock index. TABLEⅢ Estimation result of Nikkei225 with bivariate GARCH Spot Futures ω 10.44*(5.805) 7.593*(4.496) α 0.06**(2.423) 0.116*(4.719) β 0.815*(44.803) 0.844*(53.658) γ 0.078*(3.147) 0.013(0.551) 0.961*(447.575) ρ Note: Bivariate GARCH εt | Φt 1~N (0, Ht ) hst hsf H t h fs h ft hst ,t ωst αstε2st ,t 1 βst hst ,t 1 γstε2ft ,t 1 h ft ,t ωft αftε2ft ,t 1 βft h ft ,t 1 γftε2st ,t 1 hsf , t h fs , t ρ(hst , t 1h ft , t 1 )1 / 2 γst and γft indicate the volatility spillover effect from the other market and ρ indicates the correlation between spot and futures market. An *(**) indicate statistical significance at the 1% (5%) level and t- statistics are indicated in parentheses. TableⅣ is estimation result of DJIA index. This result shows that αst is larger thanα ft, and βst which means volatility persistence is also stronger in spot market. In terms of the volatility spillover effect from the other market which is expressed by γ, the magnitude of γft is larger than γst. This implicates that volatility generated in spot market spillovers to futures market strongly. Additionally negative innovation in spot market makes futures market volatility increase. Compare with the magnitude of α and γ, αst is larger than γst andγft is larger than αft. From the result, spot market is more dominantly to form futures market in DJIA. θ implicates asymmetric effect and both θst and θft are significant, so there is asymmetric effect which affect from own market. But η isn’t significant though it express asymmetric effect affected from the other market. Consequently, volatility asymmetric is caused by own market and the other market doesn’t affect anything. Furthermore, asymmetric effect is stronger in spot market. Correlation ρis as high as that in Nikkei, so spot and futures are also highly correlated in DJIA. TABLEⅣ Estimation result of DJIA with bivariate EGARCH Spot Futures ω 0.465*(7.218) 0.465*(6.485) α -0.439*(-15.603) 0.181*(3.254) β 0.901*(56.967) 0.898*(59.021) γ 0.027*(7.364) -0.363*(-6.24) θ 0.288*(6.971) 0.196*(4.183) η -0.002(-0.663) 0.028(0.489) * ρ 0.945 (303.723) Note: Bivariate EGARCH εt | Φt 1~N (0, Ht ) hst hsf H t h fs h ft ln hst ,t ωst αst ust ,t 1 θst Gst ,t 1 βst ln hst ,t 1 γst u ft ,t 1 ηst G ft ,t 1 ln h ft ,t ωft αft u ft ,t 1 θft G ft ,t 1 βft ln h ft ,t 1 γft u st ,t 1 ηft Gst ,t 1 Git uit E uit , uit εit hit , i st , ft hsf , t h fs , t ρ(hst , t 1h ft , t 1 )1 / 2 γst and γft indicate the volatility spillover effect from the other market, θst and θft indicate the volatility asymmetric effect from own market, ηst and ηft express the volatility asymmetric effect from the other market, and ρ indicates the correlation between spot and futures market. An *(**) indicate statistical significance at the 1% (5%) level and t- statistics are indicated in parentheses. FigureⅠ and FigureⅡ are the graph which plot daily volatility of Nikkeo225 stock index and DJIA index respectively. Horizontal axis denotes date and vertical axis denotes volatility. From figureⅠ, the mean of volatility of spot in Nikkei225 stock index is 213.107 and that of futures is 223.755. The mean of futures volatility is larger than that of spot. It means that futures market is more volatile than spot market and its volatility would spillover to spot market. 1800 1600 1400 volatility 1200 spot futures 1000 800 600 400 200 0 200 0/1 0/1 200 2/2 /13 200 3/6 /28 200 4/1 1/9 200 6/3 /24 date Figure 1 daily volatility of NIkkei225 On the other hand, in FigureⅡ, the mean of volatility of spot is 118.154 in DJIA index and that of futures is112.407. The mean of spot volatility is larger than that of futures but futures daily volatility sometimes excesses spot. Particularly, when both volatilities are high, futures volatility tends to become larger than spot. From the Figures of Nikkei225 stock index and DJIA index, they got completely different result. 1800 1600 1400 volatility 1200 spot 1000 futures 800 600 400 200 0 200 0/ 10/ 1 200 2/2 /13 200 3 200 /6/ 28 4/1 1/9 200 6/3 /24 date Figure 2 daily volatility of DJIA Conclusion This study examined the differences of markets structure between linkage of Nikkei225 stock index spot on its futures and that of Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) index with using Daily data from2001/01/03 to 2006/03/30. In measuring volatility spillover between spot and futures, this study employed the bivariate GARCH and bivariate EGARCH methodology. Particularly we focused on which model is suitable for each country’s markets and which indices (spot and futures) get dominant effect and how much it is. The derived empirical results show that Nikkei225 stock index is suitable for fitting bivariate GARCH, and futures market dominantly form spot market and effect from spot to futures doesn’t exist. 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