Assignments 3 & 4 Interview Analyses

Assignments 3 & 4
Interview Analyses
1. To analyze actual interviews in light of the communication principles discussed in
class and in the book. (Interview 1 = Selection; Interview 2 = Your choice)
2. If the interview could be more effective, select alternative strategies for the
1. The analysis should be type written, approximately 7-10 pages in length.
2. The paper should focus on the 3 or 4 most important factors that explain the level of
effectiveness of the interview. You should justify the selection of the main factors
and each should be supported with specific evidence from the interview. For
example, you might discuss the type and frequency of different categories of
questions that are used (open/closed, direct/indirect) and the effect they create on the
1. Writing style: does the paper reflect college-level writing?
2. Understanding of theoretical concepts: does the writer reflect an understanding of the
theoretical concepts discussed in class and appropriately analyze them in this
interview? Does the writer reflect an understanding of the implications of the
theoretical concepts?
3. Illustration of major ideas: Does the paper make specific references to interview
sections that provide evidence to support contentions?
4. Depth of analysis: Does the paper show that the writer has grasped the essential
strengths and weaknesses of the interview?
5. Theoretical assimilation and creativity: Does the writer combine theoretical positions
in a unique manner for this analysis?