PEC Program Review Committee Meeting Minutes Wednesday, Sept 12, 2012 Hill PSU314A 2:00-3:00 p.m. Members Present: Jamaine Abidogun (CHPA), Roberta Aram (Chair, COE), Brenda Goodwin (CHHS), Kurt Killion (CNAS), Glenna Vanderhoof (COBA), Daniel Hellman (COAL) Members Absent: Kim Finch (COE), Juan Meraz (COBA) Guests: Sue George (interim associate Dean, COE) 1. Call to Order 2. Announcements---the PRC regular meetings be will monthly during the academic year; one week before the regular monthly PEC meeting Meeting dates for 2012-13 are: Oct. 3, Nov. 7, Nov. 28, Jan. 9, Feb. 6, Feb. 27, Apr. 3, May 1 3. Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Minutes of the April 11, 2012 meeting were approved after a correction in the date of proposed committee goals for the next year.. 4. Interface between PRC and PEC Assessment Committee---Sue George explained that the primary role of the PEC Assessment Committee is to facilitate the updating and implementation of the existing Unit Assessment Plan; including updating/developing tools and processes to gather unit data, assessing and reporting unit data to DESE and CAEP/NCATE. The primary role of the PEC Program Review Committee is to support programs as they update/develop tools and processes to gather program data, assess and report those data to the PRC, DESE and SPAs. These two committees interface when data from programs is aggregated to form unit data sets that are analyzed and reported as part of the to DESE and CAEP/NCATE review process. Therefore, certain data collection tools and processes will be used to gather and process data for both programs (Program Review Committee purview) and the unit (PEC Assessment Committee purview), e.g. PRAXIS data, C-BASE data, student teaching evaluation data, disposition data, etc.) 5. Draft Goals for 2012-2013: the following goals were adopted by the PRC for the 20122013 academic year and will be revisited at monthly PRC meetings via progress reports: 1) Develop a proposal to PEC that formally establishes the relationship between PEC Assessment Committee and the PEC Program Review Committee within the framework of shared governance; the proposal will include a written proposal and a graphic organizational chart. Dr. Abidogun will draft a proposal for PRC to review in October. 1 2) Create/provide a crosswalk between MoSTEP and MoSPE; develop and implement a system and timeline for assisting programs in aligning syllabi, key assessment and other course materials with MoSPE. See attachment 3) Develop a proposal to PEC that the Screening Committee require that all new course/program syllabi be aligned to MoSPE beginning Spring semester 2013. Dr. Abidogun will draft a proposal for PRC to review in October. 4) Develop a format and timeline for Programs to undergo review by PRC. See attachment 5) Revise and resubmit the proposal for an accreditation director. Dr. Abidogun will draft a proposal for PRC to review in October. 6. Adjourn 2