October 9, 2013 - 3:30 PM (PSU Ballroom East)
Meeting Minutes
Eduardo Acuna-Zumbado, Roberta Aram, Tami Arthaud, Gilbert Brown, Chris Craig, Bill Edgar, Kim
Finch, Brenda Goodwin, David Goodwin, Adam Harbaugh, Andrea Hellman, Andrew Homburg,
David Hough, Beth Hurst, Angela Kohnen, Andrew Lewis, Carol Maples, Cindy McMeley, Sarah
Nixon, Juli Panza, Cathy Pearman, Diana Piccolo, Debra Price, Gayle Runke, Gigi Saunders, James
Sottile, Glenna Vanderhoof, Ye Wang, Steve Willis, and Rebecca Woodard
Alice Black, Bryan Breyfogle, David Brown, Dean Cuebas, Denise Cunningham, Karen Engler, Scott
Fiedler, Cindy Hail, Steve Hinch, Jim Hutter, Grace Jackson-Brown, Julie Ann Jenkins, Judith John,
Jason Jolley, Michelle Morgan, Debbie Pitts, Lynda Plymate, Vicky Scott, and Cheryl Wrinkle
Call to Order
The monthly meeting of the Missouri State University Professional Education Committee
convened at 3:30 pm. Chair, Brenda Goodwin presiding. A quorum was established.
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the September 18, 2013 meeting.
All approved. Minutes stand.
a. Academics & Service Learning – Presentation by Kathy Nordyke (CASL)
Kathy Nordyke gave a presentation of Academics + Service Learning and the
Robberson Community School Partnership formed Spring 2012. The goal was to
provide additional educational learning opportunities for K-5th Grade students. The
benefits of making your class a Service Learning class were addressed.
Programs that are in place with MSU Service-Learning Students:
 Detective Club – Criminology Students
 Musical Opera – Music Students
 Spanish Club – Spanish Students
 STOMP Dance – Dance/Theater Students
 Fun with Math – Math Students
 Math & Reading Tutoring – Math & Reading Education Majors
New Programs Fall 2013 for Education Majors: Art Experience, Science Club,
Global Education/Diversity, History Detective Club, Journalism Club, Computer
Science Club, Chess Club, Fun & Fit Club, and Drama/Theater Club.
b. Legislative Update/Announcements – No current news to report
c. COE Meeting – Special Session for PEC Members & Program Coordinators
A Special Session is planned at the COE Meeting for PEC Members and Program
Coordinators Friday, Oct 25th. Lunch will be from 11:30 to 12:30, and then a special
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session from 12:30 to 2:00. A one page cheat sheet will be provided to help prepare
faculty for their NCATE BOE Team session.
d. Hispanic Heritage Month – http://news.missouristate.edu/2013/09/10/hispanicheritage-month-2013/
e. LGBT History Month – October 1st-29th
Administrative Updates
a. Unit Update – Chris Craig, Head of the PEU
There was a good turnout at the PEU wide committee meeting. RSVP to cooperating
teachers. There is going to be a good turnout for the Oct 14th meeting to help students
understand questions that will be asked by the BOE Team. The visiting team was very
interested in the idea that we were creating for our students, diverse experiences with
other universities. Next Thursday at 11 am will be a meeting with UAPB where more
of the faculty may learn about the program.
b. Accreditation Update – Dr. David Hough
After the last CAEP meeting it was brought up that MSU has a TEA project going on.
Deb Eldridge is now saying that MSU is an exemplar needs to make presentations on
TEA at every CAEP session. This all came from a presentation made by Diana Piccolo
and some colleagues that really made a huge impression
c. Secondary Ed Update – Rebecca Woodard, Interim Director
No Report
Committee Reports
a. Admissions, Procedures & Retention – Reminder that a Chair is needed.
b. Membership & Professional Development – Chair Beth Hurst
No Report
c. Program Review – Chair Roberta Aram
They are working on the diversity proficiencies and internal review process. The
program review template created last year has been modified so that programs may give
a report on their diversity and proficiencies. In November they will work on how they
might realign the template and would like to run a second program if anyone is
interested in using their revised template. This would help in perfecting the template
which would make it easier form programs to report.
d. Diversity – Chair Steve Willis
They discussed the multicultural and diversity scholarship recipients, their task and their
agreement with MSU. If you have any ideas of how a diversity scholarship recipient
can be meaningful in your program, or if you are interested in mentoring a student,
please let Dr. Willis know. As Diversity Fellow, Dr. Willis would like to know if any
faculty have suggestions on what forms of diversity/professional development they
would like to see on campus, please contact Steve Willis.
e. Conceptual Frameworks – Chair David Goodwin
They are continuing to work on integrating diversity proficiencies and where they are at
with assessment.
f. BSED Secondary Oversight – Andrew Homburg
Met September 20th. Next Advisory Board meeting is Oct 18th. If anyone has
recommendations of someone who might be willing to serve on the Advisory Board
Committee, please contact Tonia Tinsley or Andrew Homburg.
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g. MSED Secondary Oversight – Chair Lynda Plymate
No report
h. Screening – Chair Gayle Runke
Next meeting is Oct 30th. Please have curricular proposals to Cindy Caddy by Oct 23rd.
i. Exceptions & Compliance – Chair Gayle Runke
The committee had been give a charge from the PEC to come up with a fair proposal for
dealing with the CBASE.
j. TEA Update – Diana Piccolo
Diana presented at the CAEP conference in Washington D.C., and went through the
handout of the presentation for the committee.
Action Items
a. Curricular Proposals – Chair Gay Ragan
MUS 430 Teaching of Music in the Grades
All Approved
MUS 488 Seminar in Student Teaching
All Approved
MUS 494 Supervised Teaching (Elementary General Music)
All Approved
MUS 496 Supervised Teaching (Secondary Music)
All Approved
Course Change
Course Change
Course Change
Course Change
Personnel Actions
a. Recommendation of new PEU members – Beth Hurst
The Membership Committee moved to approved Diane Buatte as a new member, and an
updated 5-year plan for Eduardo Acuna-Zumbado. Motion made and seconded to
accept. All approved.
b. Teacher Education Program Candidates
Julie Panza, Professional Education Advisor
Rebecca Woodard, Secondary Education Director
Members received candidate rosters from the College of Education and the Secondary
Education office. Motion was made and seconded to approve all candidates. Motion
VIII. Old Business
a. UAPB Program
This is an important part of us going forth and showing our continuing effort to
incorporate diversity.
New Business
a. Digital Measures Update – James Sottile
The benefits of using digital measures was explained. It will make faculty’s job easier
by only having to enter the data once.
b. CBASE Proposal
The CBASE battery of tests will be replaced by a battery of tests known as MoGEA. It is the
purpose of this proposal to help students who are very close to fulfilling the CBASE
requirements. The following outlines an emergency approach to this transition and acceptance
to the Teacher Education Program:
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1. There will be no exceptions made for qualifying GPAs.
2. All sections must be scores above 235.
a. Three sections passed with 265
b. 2 sections can be fulfilled with a replacement course
c. Content area section score must be 265 or student will be required to take the
MoGEA content section.
d. One Extended semester for 1 professional education course will be granted
while taking the replacement course.
3. The student must initiate the paperwork for these exceptions and must meet all of the
standards currently in place concerning a replacement course.
4. Replacement courses must be approved and taken and passed with a B- or better prior
to Fall 2014.
5. Students who do not meet above criteria by Fall 2014 must meet the complete MoGEA
test requirement. No additional extended semesters will be granted.
Faculty decided that the proposal should be taken back to their departments for
discussions, and then be presented at the November meeting for a vote. Also, if any
Faculty want to take the MoGEA at no cost, give their name to Dr. Sottile. They will
not get a score.
c. DESE Assessments
Will keep faculty informed of any new information from DESE.
d. Assessment – handout provided
Attachment B of the handout – Preparing for a Curricular Change. The ACT score is no
longer required. The Standards Based Performance Assessment is web based and will
be an initial part of the acceptance into Teacher Education. These are proposed changes
to the current catalog. These are all required DESE changes. Review them and take
them back to your departments for discussions.
Meeting adjourned at 5:10 pm
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