Similarity Review

Name _________________________________________________________ Date ______________________________
Similarity Review – Geometry CP – Mr. Ray
1. In a schedule of 9 classes, Marta has 3 elective classes. What is the ratio of elective to non-elective classes in
Marta’s schedule? _______________________
2. Out of 274 listed species of birds in the United States, 78 species made the endangered list. Find the ratio of
endangered species of birds to listed species in the United States. __________
Solve for the variable.
Determine whether each pair of figures is similar. If so, write the similarity statement and scale factor. If not,
explain your reasoning.
6. Similar: Yes or No
7. Similarity Statement:
 _________ ̴  _________
8. Scale Factor: _________
Solve for the variable.
Determine if the following triangles are similar. If they are, identify the postulate or theorem that proves they
are similar.
10. Similar: Yes or No 11. Theorem: __________
12. Similar: Yes or No 13. Theorem: __________
14. Find FP = _____________
15. Find BC = ___________
Solve for the variable.
16. y = ________________
17. x = ______________
18. x = __________________
19. x = _________________
20. 𝐽𝐻 is a midsegment of △KLM. Find the value of x.
x = _______________________
Write a similarity statement for the following figure.
22. Luke wants to make a scale model of a Boeing 747
jetliner. He wants every foot of his model to represent
50 feet. Complete the following table.
23. A lighthouse casts a 128-foot shadow. A nearby lamppost that measures 5 feet 3 inches
casts an 8-foot shadow.
How tall is the lighthouse? ____________________