124-12 Transportation Handbook BUS NO: SCHOOL: TEACHER: Please Sign and Return To Your Child’s Homeroom Teacher Within Five Days. BUS STUDENTS I have read and understand the REGULATIONS FOR PUPILS RIDING SCHOOL BUSES and agree, as a passenger on both regular school buses and activity buses, to abide by all regulations and Board policies. PRINT NAME SIGN NAME DATE PARENTS I have read and understand the REGULATIONS FOR PUPILS RIDING SCHOOL BUSES and agree to assume full responsibility for my child’s conduct on both regular school buses and activity buses. The Anderson School District Five Board of Trustees has authorized the use of video cameras on school district buses. Accordingly, the district may use video cameras on school district buses to monitor student behavior in order to provide for a safe environment for students and employees. Students and parents are hereby notified that the content of the videotapes may be used in a student disciplinary proceeding. Only those persons with a legitimate educational purpose may view the videotapes, subject to applicable federal and state laws and regulations. The district will retain the videotapes with other student records only if necessary for use in a student disciplinary proceeding or other matters determined by the administration. Subject to applicable federal, state and district laws and regulations, parents may request to view videotapes of their child if the district uses the videotapes in a disciplinary proceeding involving their child. Parent’s or Guardian’s Signature Date FAILURE TO RETURN THIS FORM SIGNED WILL NOT AFFECT THE STUDENT’S PRIVELEGE TO RIDE THE BUS; HOWEVER, THIS WILL NOT EXCUSE THE STUDENT FROM FOLLOWING THE RULES. INTRODUCTION Dear Parent/Guardian: The Anderson School District Five Board of Trustees is pleased to provide bus transportation for our students and consider it a vital part of the educational process. The following rules are for your child’s safety and protection and to assist the bus driver in transporting your child safely to and from school. Infractions of the following rules will be reported to the school principal and bus-riding privileges may be withdrawn as deemed appropriate. The following State Laws give the District the authority to operate school buses and discipline those students who violate the rule(s): State Laws 59-67-240 59-67-245 59-67-250 59-67-470 Federal Law Regulations 34C.F.R. Section 104.37 (a) (2) identifies transportation as a non-academic service which the District is required to provide to handicapped students in a manner which will afford them an equal opportunity for participation as that provided to non-handicapped students. Board Policies EEAEC-R – ADMINISTRATIVE RULE JICDA JICC These Board Policies are available online at www.Anderson5.net. Your assistance in reviewing the rules contained in this handbook with your child/children will greatly assist us in the safe transportation of our students. Thank you for your help! Sincerely, Anderson School District Five Board of Trustees SCHOOL BUS CONDUCT The school bus is an extension of school activities; therefore, the Board expects students to conduct themselves on the bus in a manner consistent with the established standards for safety and classroom behavior. All bus riders must cooperate fully with the bus driver and observe the bus rules. The bus driver is responsible for supervision of students on the bus. THE DRIVER MAY STOP THE BUS AT ANY TIME THAT MISBEHAVIOR OR THREATENED MISBEHAVIOR OFFERS A HAZARD TO SAFE DRIVING. The driver will report students who are involved in an infraction of the rules on school buses. The principal or his designee as authorized by STATE LAW and REGULATION AND BOARD POLICIES may suspend or deny bus transportation to a student whose conduct is persistently and/or flagrantly detrimental to safety and order on the bus. STUDENT ID BADGE POLICY (SCHOOL BUS) Purpose: To establish a policy that will reduce the ability of unauthorized riders to board a school bus; thereby creating a safer environment for our students that ride a school bus. STUDENT ID BADGE PROCEDURE FOR RIDING A SCHOOL BUS Students are required to have and display a valid ID badge when boarding the school bus. Student ID badges must be worn in a manner that allows them to be visible to the driver when boarding the bus; whether it is at the morning stop or at school for the return trip home. (This will eliminate delays during the boarding process.) If a student does not have an ID badge visible when boarding the bus then the driver will ask to see one. Any student unable to produce a valid ID badge will be issued an “ID Badge Violation”. There will be only one violation issued per student per day. Student referrals must be issued on the day of the 5th violation. The dates of the previous violations must be listed on the student referral that is issued for the 5th violation. Fill out a form for each student. (One form can be used five (5) times.) Any student attempting to board the bus at school without an ID badge or a “Permission to Ride” form will be sent back into the school to obtain one. Students will be allowed to have four (4) violations prior to receiving a “Student Referral” on the 5 th violation. An “ID Badge” violation is a Level One (1) infraction. Transportation will not be refused to a student that does not have and ID badge (AM route). When boarding at school every student will need to have a valid ID badge or “Permission to Ride” form filled out completely and signed by a school official. All buses will wait for the student to get a “PTR” form or a “Temporary ID” if they are sent back to the office. MEETING THE BUS 1. Students must be on time. 2. Students must not run alongside the bus when the bus is moving; rather, students must wait until the bus stops and then walk to the door. 3. Students should check carefully before crossing the road. Unfortunately, not all drivers stop for school buses. 4. As the bus approaches, students should stand ten (10) feet from the point where the bus will stop. RIDING THE BUS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Students should go to their assigned seats without crowding or pushing and remain seated while the bus is in motion. Students should not throw paper or any other objects out the window or on the bus. Students should keep their arms, legs and head inside of the bus. Students should not talk to the driver while the bus is in motion unless there is an emergency. Students should never tamper with the emergency exits or any other bus equipment. Students should not stand up, change seats or move about while the bus is in motion. Students should always obey a command given by the driver. Students must not fight or scuffle on the bus. Unusual activity diverts the driver’s attention and could cause an accident of a serious nature. 9. Students may be required to sit three to a seat when necessary. 10. Students must not place objects such as books, band instruments, lunch boxes or other items in the aisle of the bus. 11. Students should use no profane language, threats, obscenities or gestures at any time. 12. Students must not deface or cause damage to a bus in any way. When damage is caused, such as cutting, tearing, punching holes in seats or writing on the school bus, the cost of repair or clean-up will be paid for by the student performing the act or his/her parent or guardian. 13. Students must depart from the bus in an orderly manner. 14. Students shall not have in their possession any type of weapon or dangerous article which might be used as a weapon. 15. No students or other authorized passengers may stand in the stepwell at any time. 16. Students are not allowed to have electronic devices while on the bus. (Examples: Pagers, Cell Phones, Radios, CD Players, Game Boy, Etc.) PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to supervise their child(ren) between their home and the bus stop and while at the bus stop. Kindergarten through 3rd grade students who get off at a stop by themselves without other groups of students will not be allowed to get off the bus unless an authorized parent/guardian is at the drop off location. If the parent/guardian of the K through 3rd grader is not at the stop location when the bus arrives, the student will be returned to the school. FOOD AND DRINK ON SCHOOL BUSES Food and drink should not be consumed on a school bus. Bottles and cans are NOT ALLOWED on buses at any time. HAZARDOUS MATERIALS ON SCHOOL BUSES Glass articles, live animals, reptiles, insects, flowers, balloons, volatile substances or other articles that might be hazardous are NEVER allowed on the school buses. Large articles that students cannot hold or those that take needed seating space, obstruct the aisle of the bus, obstruct the use/access of any emergency exits or obstruct the front service door will not be allowed on school buses. Unless such items can be placed in an empty bus seat (only if space is available), in the student’s lap or between the student’s feet; and only if this can be done so safely. No items are allowed on the back engine compartment of transit buses. LEAVING THE BUS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Students must remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop. Students should exit the bus in an orderly manner. Students should get off the bus at the school they attend; and the school only. Students must not loiter or play around stopped or parked buses. Students may leave the bus at their designated stop only. Any changes must be made with the parent’s/guardian’s request approved by a school official. 6. Students should go around to the front of the bus and wait until the driver directs them to cross. IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Students must stay in their seat until the driver explains to them what to do. Students must not touch emergency or safety equipment unless told to do so by the driver or bus assistant. Students should not crowd; let those students closest to the exits go first. Students should keep their hands free, leaving all books and other items on the bus. Students should move away from the exits quickly so others can leave. Policy STUDENT CONDUCT ON SCHOOL BUSES Code JICC Issued 6/10 Purpose: To establish the basic structure for student conduct on school buses. The bus driver will be responsible for supervising students while on the bus. Student misconduct may result in a loss of bus privileges. Acts of misconduct, and the associated disciplinary consequences, are defined as follows: Warning-Level Offenses refusal to obey failure to remain properly seated unusually loud talking, laughing, singing or noise-making horse playing depositing litter on floor of bus eating or drinking while on the bus wearing hoods, caps or other identity concealing apparel Note: The principal or his/her designee may impose a suspension of 1-2 days on the third incident for an act of misconduct that otherwise requires the issuance of a warning. Minor Suspension-Level Offenses (1-2 day suspension) extreme disrespect to driver obscene language or obscene gestures standing or moving about the bus while bus is in motion throwing objects out of window sticking head or hands out of window Major Suspension-Level Offenses (3-5 day suspension) scuffling or fighting tampering with bus or its equipment Policy-Level Offenses smoking or use of tobacco products (subject to policy JICG) bullying, harassment or intimidation (subject to policy JICFAA) use of cell phones and/or other noise-making electronic devices (device(s) confiscated (subject to policy JICDA) failure to wear and display the school-issued identification badge, where applicable (subject to policy JICDA) Anderson County School District Five (see next page) PAGE 2 – JICC – STUDENT CONDUCT ON SCHOOL BUSES Other Suspension-Level Offenses any other action which interferes with the safe and orderly operation of the school bus (1 – 5 day suspension, depending upon circumstances) Disciplinary action will be taken by the principal or his/her designee as noted above. Suspension of bus riding privileges within the range of days prescribed above will be determined by the principal or his/her designee based upon the nature and severity of the act of misconduct and upon the student’s history of acts of misconduct committed during the current school year. If during the course of a school year a student is suspended from riding the bus in excess of 19 days (including the act of misconduct that would result in the 19 day limit being exceeded), the student’s bus riding privileges will be revoked for the remainder of the school year. In cases where a student’s bus riding privileges are suspended or revoked, the principal or the principal’s designee will send written notification of such to a student’s parents/guardians. In the event that a student’s bus riding privileges are suspended for the remainder of the school year, the principal or the principal’s designee may arrange for and attend a conference with the student’s parents/guardians and a member of the transportation staff to address the act(s) of misconduct and the disciplinary consequences taken. Students involved in criminal conduct while on the bus may be suspended from riding the school bus for the duration of the current school year on the first offense (in addition to any other disciplinary measures taken in accordance with policy JICDA). Acts of criminal conduct may include, but are not limited to the following: assault and battery extortion possession, use or transfer of dangerous weapons sexual offenses vandalism (major) theft, possession or sale of stolen property furnishing or selling unauthorized substances, as defined by board policy distribution, sale, purchase, manufacture or unlawful possession of a controlled substance Permanent Suspension Appeal: Permanent bus suspension occurs when a student’s bus riding privileges are revoked for the remainder of the school year. If, after a conference with a school administrator, the parent/legal guardian believes the student's suspension was unjustified, an appeal of the suspension may be taken to the district hearing officer. To request an appeal, the parent/legal guardian must write a letter to the hearing officer, advising the hearing officer why it is believed the suspension was unfair. The letter to the hearing officer must be received by the District within five days after the conference with the school administrator. The appeal will be conducted as an informal hearing. The administrator, parent/legal guardian and student may be present. If the hearing officer and the parent/legal guardian agree, the student may be dismissed during portions of the hearing. The parent/legal guardian, student and administrator will be allowed to address the hearing officer. Within 5 school days of the hearing, the hearing officer will render a decision as to whether the suspension was proper. The hearing officer will report his/her decision in writing to the parent/legal guardian, the superintendent and the school. If the hearing officer decides that the suspension was not proper, the student’s bus riding privileges will be reinstated. Adopted 1/17/89; Revised 11/15/94, 4/20/04, 12/12/06, 6/29/10 Legal references: A. S. C. Code, 1976, as amended: 1. Section 59-67-240 - Disciplinary powers of bus driver. 2. Section 59-67-470 - Superintendent to supervise conduct of pupils riding buses. Anderson County School District Five Anderson V Career Campus Regulations for driving TO and FROM CONSEQUENCES FOR TICKETED AND OBSERVED DRIVING VIOLATIONS BETWEEN TL HANNA or WESTSIDE HIGH SCHOOL AND THE ANDERSON V CAREER CAMPUS Students and public safety on the road is of utmost concern and importance to Anderson School District Five. Driving to the Anderson V Career Campus is a privilege given to students who continually demonstrate that they drive in a lawful and safe manner. Any student reported being ticketed by city, county or state police officers for a moving violation taking place between their home school and AVCC during the school day will receive the following consequences: FIRST OFFENSE: The student will lose all driving privileges to and from AVCC for a period of 180 SCHOOL DAYS. In addition the student will be required to ride the bus during this period of time. The student may NOT ride with other students during this time. If a parent does not wish their student to ride the bus, a parent may transport the student. SECOND OFFENSE: The student will lose all driving privileges to and from the AVCC for the remainder of their high school enrollment. In addition the student will be required to ride the bus to any classes taken at AVCC during this period of time. The student may NOT ride with other students. If a parent does not wish their student to ride the bus to AVCC, a parent may transport the student. FACULTY/STAFF REPORTING OF UNSAFE STUDENT DRIVING Home school principals and/or the AVCC director may take student driving privileges away from a student between the home school and AVCC when they witness reckless or unsafe student driving or if it is reported by another faculty or staff member. The principal or director will determine how long the student will not be allowed to drive in these instances. THESE CONSEQUENCES ARE STRICTLY ENFORCED FOR THE PURPOSE OF KEEPING OUR STUDENTS AND THE PUBLIC SAFE. Dear Parent, Your child rides a school bus in Anderson School District Five. Please find below the numbers to call if you have any questions pertaining to routing or late buses. Dispatch: 260-5000; Ext. 10131: Available from 6:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. You may also call the number to the school that your child attends: T.L. Hanna High School, an International Baccalaureate World School.....................................................260-5110 Westside High School an Early College Academy..........................................................................................260-5230 Anderson V Career Campus.............................................................................................................................260-5160 Glenview Middle School....................................................................................................................................716-4060 Lakeside Middle School of Inquiry and Innovation, a STEM School...........................................................260-5135 McCants Middle School, an International Baccalaureate Candidate School...............................................260-5145 Robert Anderson Middle School.......................................................................................................................716-3890 Southwood Academy of the Arts.......................................................................................................................260-5205 Calhoun Academy of the Arts............................................................................................................................260-5090 Centerville Academy of 21st Century Living.....................................................................................................260-5100 Concord Elementary School, an International Baccalaureate World School...............................................260-5105 Homeland Park Primary School........................................................................................................................260-5125 McLees Elementary School................................................................................................................................716-3600 Midway Elementary School of Science and Engineering................................................................................716-3800 Nevitt Forest Community School of Innovation..............................................................................................260-5190 New Prospect Elementary School......................................................................................................................260-5195 North Pointe Elementary School.......................................................................................................................260-5040 South Fant School of Early Education..............................................................................................................260-5225 Varennes Academy of Communication and Technology................................................................................260-5215 West Market School of Early Education..........................................................................................................260-5200 Whitehall Elementary School, a Global Communication School..................................................................260-5255