Anderson, South Carolina
December 17, 2013
6:30 P.M.
The Board of Trustees of Anderson County School District Number Five met in the Offices of
the Board this date with the following members present: Mr. Rick Bradshaw, Mr. John P.
Griffith, Mrs. Ann W. Huitt, Mrs. Margaret Mack, Mr. Al Norris, Mr. Tommy Price, Mr. Dick
Smith, and Mr. Paul Zugg. Absent was Mr. Jay Blankenship.
In accordance with the S. C. Code of Laws, 1976, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the
following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The
Anderson Independent-Mail, Greenville News, The Anderson Journal, WYFF, WSPA, Paul
Brown, and FOX 21.
Mr. Bradshaw called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. and welcomed all visitors to the
Mr. Bradshaw then led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Mr. Price gave the
Mr. Price made a motion the Board approve the agenda as presented. Mr. Smith
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mr. Wilson recognized Director of Nursing Janis Bolden to recognize Dr. Katherine Liddle
for providing the Epi Pen prescriptions for all of our 21 schools. As a leader in allergy and
asthma care, Dr. Liddle’s practice, Allergy Partners of Anderson, is the nation’s largest
single specialty medical practice dedicated to the evaluation & treatment of allergy, asthma,
and immunology.
Mr. Wilson then recognized Lakeside Middle School of Inquiry & Innovation Principal to
recognize Lakeside’s teacher Stephen Weymouth for being named the Region Forms &
Supply Inc. and the Carolina Panthers Teacher of the Week. Throughout the NFL
regular season, FSI and the Carolina Panthers recognize outstanding teachers who excel in
the classroom, while demonstrating a high level of commitment to their students and a
willingness to help others.
Mr. Wilson recognized Varennes Academy of Communications & Technology Principal
Leonard Galloway who was named as one of Anderson’s 20 top leaders less than 40 years
of age. Mr. Galloway was selected based on his community involvement, stellar job
performance, and service to the children of Anderson County. The 20 Under 40 Program
is sponsored by the Anderson Independent Mail and Anderson University.
Finally, Mr. Wilson recognized Director of Personnel Sabrina McCall to recognize ten teachers
who have earned National Board Certification, bringing the District’s total of NBC
teachers to 95. The teachers are: Ashley Anderson, Centerville Academy of 21st Century
Learning; Vertoria Anderson, Westside High School; Amanda Bolt, Katherine
Laughridge, Jennifer Makison, and Stacy Smith, Calhoun Academy of the Arts; Frances
DeVoe, T. L. Hanna High School; Misty Dillard, McCants Middle School; Andrea Knight
and Angela Watt, Glenview Middle School. National Board Certification is achieved through
a rigorous, performance-based assessment of a teacher's pedagogical skills and content
knowledge. The certification takes one to three years to complete.
Special Presentation – Director of Nursing Janis Bolden recognized Dr. Brett Stoll,
Cardiologist with Carolina Cardiology and Kathy Deloplaine, Senior Director of
Cardiovascular Services (AnMed). Dr. Stoll stated that every six minutes an individual will
die from cardiovascular disease. These deaths are often sudden. Dr. Stoll further stated
that AnMed is committed to saving lives and improving the health of individuals in the city
of Anderson and Anderson County. As a part of that commitment, AnMed is donating AED’s
(Automated External Defibrillator) to schools, churches, and businesses across the county.
On behalf of AnMed, Dr. Stoll and Kathy Deloplaine presented Anderson School District Five
with one of the AED’s.
Mr. Bradshaw stated that Mr. Brandon Grace signed up to address the Board. Mr. Grace
expressed his concerns about the Board’s decision not to fund 9 th through 12th grade at
Southwood Academy of the Arts.
Mr. Wilson and the Administration recommended Board approval of the following Consent
Agenda item:
Minutes of the November 19, 2013 Regular Board Meeting
Mr. Norris made a motion the Board approve the November 19, 2013 Board
Meeting Minutes as presented. Mr. Price seconded the motion, which carried
Policy Committee Report – Mr. Wilson stated that several policies were tabled at the
November Board Meeting for further review by the Board and Policy Committee. Mr. Wilson
further stated that it is important for the policies relating to the Epi Pen and concussions be
put in place in a timely manner. The Administration recommended first reading approval
with the waiver of second reading of the following policies.
JFAB – Nonresident Students
JLCD-R – Assisting Students with Medicines
JLCEF – Concussions: Students and Student Athletes
Mr. Smith made a motion the Board approve the policies on first reading with the
waiver of second reading.
Mr. Huitt seconded the motion, which carried
Personnel Matter related to the Superintendent’s Contract
Mr. Bradshaw made a motion the Board approve to amend the superintendent’s
contract to provide a medical insurance allowance in the amount of $875/per
month. This medical allowance will be in lieu of the Comprehensive Medical
Insurance Plan the superintendent is currently being provided through the South
Carolina State Insurance Program. Mr. Zugg seconded the motion, which carried
Approval of Mission and Vision Statements – Mr. Wilson stated that part of the
District’s AdvancEd evaluation was a recommendation to revise our purpose statements.
Mr. Wilson then recognized Dr. Leverette to present the proposed statements.
Dr. Leverette stated that a very diverse group of parents, students, teachers, principals,
administrators, Board, and community groups met in November to discuss the
recommendation from AdvancEd as it pertains to the District’s mission and vision
statements. The Administration recommended Board approval of the proposed mission and
vision statements.
To educate students who are college and career ready and will positively contribute to an
ever-changing world.
To provide a superior school system empowering students to reach their potential through
academics, arts and athletics.
Mrs. Huitt made a motion the Board approve the Administration’s recommendation
of the proposed mission and vision statements as presented. Mrs. Mack seconded
the motion, which carried unanimously.
Student Discipline Matter – Mr. Wilson stated that at the December Committee of the
Whole meeting he shared with the Board a request for an expungement of an expulsion
from the permanent record of a student. The Administration recommended Board approval
of the request for an expungement.
Mr. Bradshaw made a motion the Board approve the Administration’s
recommendation for an expungement of an expulsion from the permanent record
of a student. Mr. Griffith seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Financial Reports – Mr. Wilson reported that the monthly Financial Statements and Pupil
Activity Report for the month of November 2013 were included as information in the Board
Financial Audit Presentation for FY 12-13 – Mr. Brooks recognized Mr. Larry Finney of
Greene, Finney & Horton, LLP. In a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Finney reviewed some
highlights of the Financial Audit for year ended June 30, 2013. He reported that the
financial condition of the district is good at year end. Mr. Finney also reported that the
district has continued to receive the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and
Association of School Business Officials (ASBO) Awards for Excellence in Financial Reporting.
He further stated that the district is responsible for financial statements and the processes
and procedures to ensure accurate and complete amounts, balances and disclosures.
Greene, Finney & Horton is responsible for opinion-reasonable assurance that financial
statements are materially correct. Mr. Finney reported that the district received an
“unmodified opinion,” which is the best opinion the school district can receive.
Next, Mr. Finney reported that the district’s General Fund Balance increased slightly from
last year. The unassigned fund balance that is available for the district to use for general
operations represents approximately 18% of budgeted expenditures for FY 2014. He stated
that the major reasons for maintaining a healthy fund balance include cash flow through
December, potential for better bond ratings and therefore, lower interest rates for debt
issuances, emergencies/unanticipated events,
and savings for major planned
expenditures/revenue losses.
The General Fund revenue was approximately $4 million more than the prior year due to an
increase in state revenues. Local tax revenues also increased. Compared to budget, district
revenue was approximately $2.5 million over budget primarily due to a higher based
student cost.
The General Fund expenditures were approximately $7.3 million more than the prior year
due to higher salaries and fringe benefits. Compared to budget, district expenditures were
approximately $1.7 million over budget primarily due to technology equipment, supplies and
Next, Mr. Finney discussed other funds which include Debt Service (approximately $2.7
million fund balance), Capital Projects (approximately $2.8 million fund balance), Special
Revenue Funds (i.e., Special Projects, EIA, etc.) with approximately $4.5 million in
carryover funds, and Food Service (approximately $1.5 million fund balance). He further
stated that the district is constrained by federal and state requirements to use the special
revenue funds.
Mr. Finney called attention to New Pension Accounting Rules (GASB 68) to be implemented
in 2015. He stated that the SC Pension Plan is significantly underfunded by as much as $16
billion. Under GASB 68, the State has started addressing this shortfall by increasing the
rates for employees and employers. The employer will then be responsible for recording
their portion of this liability on their financial statements.
Because the district receives a significant amount of federal revenue, auditors are required
to do a single audit to make sure that the district is in compliance with federal
requirements. There were no reportable findings.
In conclusion, Mr. Finney stated that there were no recommendations from the auditor to
the Board; the district has good management of finances and is in good financial condition;
and the district has done an excellent job in monitoring pupil activity accounts.
Procurement Audit Presentation for FY 12-13 – Mr. Finney discussed the Procurement
Audit Report for year ended June 30, 2013. He stated that the auditors reviewed formal
sealed bids and proposals greater than $50,000; informal bids less than or equal to
$50,000; small dollar purchases less than $2,500; major construction projects; sole source
and emergency procurement transactions; minority business utilization plan and reports;
procurement ratifications; surplus property sales; and trade-in transactions. He reported
there were no reportable findings.
In conclusion, Mr. Finney stated that the district had very good management of
procurement operations and that the overall opinion on the Procurement Audit is an
“unmodified opinion,” which is the best opinion the school district can receive.
United Way – Mr. Wilson thanked Cindy Martin for leading the District in raising
approximately $52,000.
Program for Assisting, Developing, & Evaluating Principal Performance – Mr. Wilson
reported that he and Dr. New attended a state mandated training for developing and
evaluating principal performance. He stated that the district is mandated by state statute to
evaluate the performance of every principal once a year based on nine standards.
Royal Baptist Church – Mr. Wilson reported that he was recently awarded the opportunity
to speak at Royal Baptist Church on December 8, 2013. He stated that the event was well
attended by district employees, Board Members and the community.
Administrative Update – Mr. Wilson reported that in the District will undergo some
administrative changes. He reported that David Brooks and Jacky Stamps are retiring;
Henry Adair is stepping down as principal of Westside High School but will be employed by
the District to assist in the Office of Management & Testing Services, help with the
leadership academies, mentor new administrators, etc. Mr. Wilson further reported that
next school year he will transfer Centerville Principal Kory Roberts to Westside as principal.
Mr. Wilson also reported that Sharon Hunt, Interim Director of Food & Nutrition Services,
has been named Director of Food & Nutrition Services. He stated that Ms. Hunt has done an
outstanding job as Interim Director and works well with the staff.
Finally, Mr. Wilson thanked the principals, administrators, employees, and Board of Trustees
for their support during his first six months as Superintendent of Anderson School District
There being no further business and by Board consensus the meeting was
(7:33 P.M.)
Recording Secretary
As Approved By Superintendent