Anderson, South Carolina
November 19, 2013
6:30 P.M.
The Board of Trustees of Anderson County School District Number Five met in the Offices of
the Board this date with the following members present: Mr. Jay Blankenship, Mr. Rick
Bradshaw, Mr. John P. Griffith, Mrs. Ann W. Huitt, Mr. Al Norris, Mr. Tommy Price, and Mr.
Dick Smith. Absent were Mrs. Margaret Mack and Mr. Paul Zugg.
In accordance with the S. C. Code of Laws, 1976, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the
following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The
Anderson Independent-Mail, Greenville News, The Anderson Journal, WYFF, WSPA, Paul
Brown, and FOX 21.
Mr. Bradshaw called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. and he led the Pledge of Allegiance
to the Flag.
Mr. Bradshaw stated that Board Member Margaret Mack was admitted to the hospital and
Mr. Smith reported that former bus driver Larry Yon passed away on November 17, 2013.
Mr. Bradshaw then asked everyone to participate in a moment of silence.
Mr. Norris made a motion the Board approve the agenda as presented. Mrs. Huitt
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mr. Wilson recognized T. L. Hanna Principal Sheila Hilton to recognize the T. L. Hanna Girls
2013 Class AAAA State Champion Tennis Team. Mrs. Hilton presented certificates to
Coach Rob Spencer and Coach Elizabeth McKenzie, and Mrs. Hilton and Coach Spencer
presented certificates to the following students: Lauren Anderson, Adelaide Bradford,
Claire Counts, Corbin Dorsey, Natalie Ivey, Victoria Kellogg, Bailey Klein, Katherine
Loudermilk, Lauren McGregor, Kristen Reynolds, Anna Rice, Summer Robinson,
Brianna Stephens, Donna Tran, and Ivey Welborn.
Mr. Wilson recognized Glenview Principal Walter Mayfield to recognize Jay Lagroon for
being named the 7th Grade Eastbay Youth All-American. Jay was selected to play in the
Eastbay Youth All-American game in San Antonio, Texas. Mr. Mayfield also recognized
Stephen Wynn for being named the 8th Grade Eastbay Youth All-American. Stephon
has been selected for the second year in a row to represent Glenview in the Eastbay Youth
All-American in San Antonio, Texas. Mr. Mayfield presented certificates to both students.
Finally, Mr. Wilson recognized Robert Anderson Principal Kathy Dobbins to recognize Wendy
Johnson for being named a Newberry College Hall of Master Teachers Inductee. As a
1995 graduate of Newberry College, Ms. Johnson is the Social Studies Department Chair
and 7th Grade Social Studies teacher at Robert Anderson Middle School.
Mr. Bradshaw stated that as Chairman of the Anderson School District Five Board of
Trustees, he wanted to remind speakers during the public participation portion of the Board
Meeting of the parameters for public participation set by the Board, as stated in Board Policy
BEDH—Public Participation at Meetings. The policy states that the Board conducts meetings
for the purpose of carrying out the business of the district. While the meetings are
generally held in public, they are not a public forum. He further stated that the Board has
set aside a total of 15 minutes for public participation but will extend the time to allow each
person an opportunity to speak. Each individual who signed up to speak will have a
maximum of three minutes. Mr. Bradshaw stated that speakers will not be permitted to
yield his/her three minutes to another speaker, nor will any one be permitted to show
PowerPoint presentations or to pass out materials to the Board. He reminded speakers that
there will be no discussion of individual district employees. Finally, Mr. Bradshaw stated
that all speaker comments will be received as information and that the Board will not make
any response this evening.
As necessary and appropriate, the Board will ask the
Administration to follow up on any information that is presented.
Mr. Brandon Grace thanked Mr. Wilson for meeting with the Southwood parents on October
7, 2013. Mr. Grace asked the Board to table tonight’s motion as it relates to Southwood,
order the superintendent to turn over the public documents that have been requested under
the Freedom of Information Act, and allow for full informed discussions.
Ms. Ruth Tuers expressed to the Board that the district needs another high school. She
stated that Southwood could be utilized as the third high school for Anderson School District
Mr. Larry Martin expressed that he was in favor of the Boards decision as it relates to
Southwood Academy of the Arts. He further stated that the Board made the right decision
not to add 9th-12th grades at Southwood because Westside and T. L. Hanna are great
Mr. David Helvy addressed some of the statements made by the superintendent at the
October 7, 2013 meeting with Southwood parents. He stated that in April 2007, 60% of the
voters voted to approve a $140 million referendum which included Southwood becoming a
6th-12th grade academy of the arts. He asked the Board to bring Southwood along as they
change course for the future.
Ms. Jenna Fuller read articles in the Anderson Independent Mail that addressed the cost for
adding grades 9-12 at Southwood Academy of the Arts.
Ms. Melanie Foster addressed information relating to planning documents on the website
that shows the addition of the 9th grade class at Southwood Academy of the Arts. She
asked the Board to review their decision and allow for further discussion.
Mr. Brandon Simpson expressed concerns about having a specialized school designated for
select students. He also expressed that this would distract from the overall educational
experiences of all students in Anderson School District Five. He stated that the district has
to take a collective approach as to what is best for all of our students.
Ms. Pam Stansell addressed her comments to the citizens who were in opposition of the
Southwood parents. She also stated that the core courses should be at Southwood because
they are infused with the arts.
Ms. Claudia Speed expressed her support of the diversity in Anderson School District Five.
She also stated that in keeping the school systems at a manageable number, students can
be taught as individuals.
Ms. Brenda Bradberry expressed concerns about the Board’s decision to change what was
outlined in the Strategic Plan for Southwood approved at the December 18, 2012 Board
Meeting. She asked the Board to table tonight’s decision as it relates to Southwood
Academy of the Arts.
Following the comments, Mr. Blankenship stated that the Board has a fiduciary
responsibility to make sure that funds are spent in ways that are accountable. The Board
has a responsibility to make sure that all children are educated in a fair and equitable
manner beyond just dollars. Mr. Blankenship further stated that one of his biggest concerns
is that we are not properly preparing our children to be college ready, to be work ready, and
to be functional where they can provide for themselves in life.
Mr. Blankenship
recommended, as information, that the Anderson County School Board of Education provide
a non-residential fine arts academy for all students in Anderson County, and that it be
funded by the Anderson County Board of Education. He further stated that it is more
important for our children to have a safe environment, and that the District’s funding to go
towards more pre-programs where children can have the literacy components they need to
read at a third grade level in third grade so they can graduate. Mr. Blankenship stated
anything less is a disservice to every student in Anderson County.
Mr. Wilson and the Administration recommended Board approval of the following Consent
Agenda items:
Minutes of the October 15, 2013 Regular Board Meeting
Policy Revisions (Second Reading Approval)
Student Dress Code
Admission of Transfer Students/Withdrawals (Grades K-12)
Expulsion of Students
Expulsion of Students
Student Records
Mr. Blankenship made a motion the Board approve the Consent Agenda Items as
presented. Mr. Price seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Administration’s Recommendation – Mr. Wilson stated that it is incumbent upon him to
make decisions for all 12,800 students in Anderson School District Five. Mr. Wilson further
stated that he stands by his original recommendation to the Board that Southwood
Academy of the Arts remain as a sixth through eighth grade Academy of the Arts and
expand it to offer classes for school students on grades 9-12 to take art electives. He also
stated that the Administration will work diligently with Mr. Bruhjell to inservice parents and
rising 8th graders about scheduling options. Mr. Wilson encouraged the parents, students,
and the community to work with the Administration and staff to make Southwood
Mr. Blankenship made a motion the Board support the Administration to continue
Southwood as a sixth through eighth grade Academy of the Arts magnet School
and to continue the already established Arts Center for all high school students to
take art courses at Southwood.
Mr. Griffith then requested to make a motion to amend the motion made at the September
30, 2013 Special Board Meeting.
Mr. Blankenship rescinded his motion.
Mr. Griffith made a motion the Board amend the motion adopted at the September
30, 2013 Special Board Meeting to approve the Administration’s recommendation
for Southwood to continue as a sixth through eighth grade Academy of the Arts
and establish a continuing Arts Academy for all students to pursue their artistic
goals by striking that portion of the motion stating “for all students to pursue their
artistic goals” and inserting “for all district high school students to take art
courses at Southwood.”
Following further discussion, Mr. Blankenship seconded the motion.
carried with six in favor and one opposed (Norris).
The motion
Building Committee Report – Mr. Wilson recognized Mr. Brooks to present information
with regards to the LED Message Boards.
At the November 14, 2013 Committee of the Whole Meeting, Mr. Brooks distributed a bid
tabulation sheet on the LED Message Boards project. He stated that Sign Crafters was the
low bidder with a bid of approximately $224,540, including a $20,000 contingency. He also
stated that the companies were asked to price vandal covers for the LED Message Boards.
Sign Crafters priced the covers at $650/each for a total cost of approximately $9,100. Mr.
Brooks further stated that at the Committee of the Whole meeting a recommendation from
the Building Committee was made not to purchase a sign for Adult Education.
On behalf of the Building Committee, a motion was made to approve the bid from
Sign Crafters at a cost of approximately $224,500, including a $20,000
contingency and approximately $9,100 for vandal covers for the LED Message
Boards, subject to satisfying the bid protest period and providing that all of the
requirements of the District Procurement Code are met. No second is required.
The motion carried with six in favor and one opposed (Griffith).
Policy Committee Report – In the absence of Mrs. Mack, Mr. Wilson stated that the
following policies and/or administrative rule are being recommended for first reading
JFAB – Nonresident Students
JLCEF – Concussions and Student Athletes
JLCD-R – Assisting Students with Medicines
Mr. Wilson then recognized Dr. Leverette to give an update on policies relating to the Epi
Pen and concussions. Dr. Leverette stated that since the November 14, 2013 Policy
Committee Meeting, information has been received from the SCSBA regarding the Epi Pen.
She further stated that the Administration would like to revisit this policy, make major
revisions to the concussions policy, and recommend first reading approval on these two
policies at the December Board Meeting.
Due to additional information received from the SCSBA with regards to the Epi Pen
and minor revisions to be made to the concussion policy, Mr. Blankenship made a
motion the Board table the first reading approval of all of the above mentioned
policies and administrative rule until further review by the Policy Committee. The
motion was seconded by Mr. Price. The motion carried unanimously.
Financial Reports – Mr. Wilson reported that the monthly Financial Statements and Pupil
Activity Report for the month of October 2013 were included as information in the Board
Mr. Wilson distributed as information “Diploma Options for Today’s Graduate.” He stated
that this is a draft of a presentation he, Dr. New, and Katie Brown made in Columbia as a
result of the Education Summit with Dr. Zais and all five Anderson County Superintendents
on October 16, 2013.
Mr. Wilson reminded the Board that the ribbon cutting for the Nevitt Forest medical facility
“Nevitt Forest Connection: A Partnership with AnMed Health” is November 20, 2013 at
10:00 a.m.
Mr. Wilson recognized Mr. Dukes to give a brief overview of the State Report Card. Mr.
Dukes distributed copies of the District’s and individual schools’ Report Cards. He stated
that the district was rated Good in the Absolute Rating. With regards to PASS scores, the
District is out performing similar districts in every category. Mr. Dukes then presented a
summary of all school and district absolute rating.
With regards to the graduation rate, Mr. Dukes presented a scenario of what the District’s
rating would be if the HSAP scores were increased by five points.
Mr. Price made a motion the Board recess for five minutes, and then reconvene in
Executive Session to discuss a Personnel Matter related to the Superintendent’s
Contract. Mr. Smith seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
(8:02 P.M.)
Mr. Price made a motion the Board reconvene in Open Session.
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mr. Smith
Mr. Bradshaw reported that no action was taken in Executive Session and no action will be
taken in Open Session.
There being no further business, Mr. Norris made a motion the Board adjourn.
Mrs. Huitt seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
(8:22 P.M.)
Recording Secretary
As Approved By Superintendent