Unofficial COMMITTEE ON GENERAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE PROGRAMS Minutes of the May 11, 2011 Meeting Present: Mike Foster, THE; Mario Daoust, GGP; John Catau, Office of the Provost; John Downing, HPE; Ahren Johnston, MKT; Judith Martin, MCL; Thornton Miller, HST; David Mitchell, ECO; Carl Riegel, HRA; Eric Sheffield, RFT; Joshua Smith, BMS; Art Spisak, and Office of the Provost. Absent: Chantal Levesque-Bristol, FCTL; Ed Chang, FGB; Terrel Gallaway, Faculty Senate Chair Elect; Steve Jones, RFT; Pedro Koo, MCL; Cathy Pearman, RFT; Anthony Toste, CHM. I. CALL TO ORDER Mike Foster called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. in the Plaster Student Union room 317. II. OLD BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes Joshua Smith moved for acceptance of the minutes from the April 6, 2011 meeting; John Downing seconded. Minutes were approved as distributed. MUSIC 239 It was stated that MUS 239 failed to be carried over to the first meeting of this past fall and after discussion with the sub-committee that reviewed it and the current department head it was decided that it would be added to the old business for the new chair to handle in the fall. SGA Resolution Student Government Association sent a resolution asking that a student member be put as an ex officio member of CGEIP. It was decided to carry it over to the Faculty Senate Rules Committee for a decision. It was stated that CGEIP was an open committee and therefore it wasn’t necessary for them to have an ex officio member. Discussion continued. Gen Ed Task Force David Mitchell reported on the Task Force meeting and the progress that the committee is making in the Gen Ed review. John Catau informed the CGEIP committee that a team of members from the Gen Ed Task Force committee are attending an institute to help facilitate the Gen Ed review process. III. NEW BUSINESS Election of Chair Mike Foster thanked the committee for their work and then handed the meeting over to the Faculty Senate Chair-elect, Chris Herr. Nominations were called for Chair. Eric Sheffield nominated himself. John Downing moved to cease nominations. Judith Martin seconded the motion; motion carried to cease nominations. Eric Sheffield was elected as the Chair of CGEIP. The committee thanked Mike Foster for his hard work and a thank-you went to those not present, for their hard work as well. IV. ADJOURNMENT Judith Martin moved to close the meeting; John Downing seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 3:45 p.m. The next CGEIP meeting will be held 3:30 p.m. on September 7, 2011 in PSU 317.