Inter-Fraternity Council General Council Minutes March 7, 2013 President (Shane Sullivan – - Courting nominations due March 8th at 5, contact me for questions Joint Council is Wednesday March 20th Guest Speaker David and Brittany are running for student body president VP of Community Relations (Corey Hollander – - Philanthropy events are going well VP of Membership Development (Henry Smith – - Delivering the last awards Finalizing ceremony Looking into scrimmage VP of Recruitment (Bear Hall – -Vote on schedule in old business - Vote on phired up in old business VP of Academics (Scott Berndt – - Vote on Greek Week breakfast and exchanges Working on rewards with bookstore for 4.0 students Working on a dean’s list reception VP of Administration (Jack Gregg – -Vote on budget in old business Director of Social Awareness (Jim Vigland – - Speaker during hazing prevention week Risk management cards are out!! Director of New Member Education (Graham Gilyard – ): - Phi Sig and gamma to cohost speaker david Stollman Director of Marketing (Jordan Gallant – - List is mostly compiled Director of Outreach (Cameron Taylor – - Newsletter successfully sent out Information compiled for future newsletters Chief Justice (Marc Rafael – Rafael0013 - Training session for IFC standard board will be on March 21st in room 317B Associate Chief Justice (Vishal Patel – - Working on round table with all chapter intramural chairs after spring break Tell standard board reps that training is March 21st at 5 in the PSU FSL Advisor (Andrea Weber – - New Grad assistant for next year, Colleen is graduating I will be in my office all spring break, come visit! FSL Graduate Assistant (Colleen Pace – - Greek week liason meeting tonight at 4:30 Should be getting order of omega emails soon Old Business: Vote on phired up (approved) Vote on recruitment schedule (option 1; 2 weeks long is approved) Vote on greek week breakfast (approved) Vote on greek week exchanges during greek week (Majority of 80%) Vote on Budget (approved) Discuss alternative format for FSL directory. Online. Vote on Ag Sig porkfeast moved to April 11th (approved) Vote on Sigma Chi moving philanthropy to May 2nd (approved) New Business: Date for new member day will be September 29th Announcements: Happy Springbreak