09/11/2013 General Council

Minutes of Missouri State University Panhellenic
September 11, 2013
The General Council meeting was called to order by President Jessica Willard at 4:00 pm at the PSU
Parliamentary Room. The roll was called by Vice President of Administration, Kelly McCall.
ROLL CALL:  Y) YY Y Y) Y Y)
PREVIOUS MINUTES The previous minutes were read and approved by our delegates
President, Jessica Willard (Willard123@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Think about applying for PHA! 
b. Applications out by next Friday.
VP of Community Relations, Allyson Liefer (Liefer114@live.missouristate.edu)
a. September service opportunities
b. If your members are a Peer Leader…these hours will not count for community service
VP of Membership Development, Meghan Farrell (Farrell14@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Sisterhood Week. Ask questions at the end.
i. House Tours on Monday, Sister Swap on Tuesday/Wednesday, Movie night
Wednesday night, Twitter challenge more of a showing inter-community love, the
football game attendance as a sisterhood.
b. AXO Alcohol Awareness Week, definitely go!
VP of Recruitment, Bonnie Kessel (Bonnie777@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Recruitment T-shirts for $5!
b. Remind your recruitment chairs to check their emails regarding a post-recruitment meeting
VP of Academics, Laura Green (Laura805@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Happy ¼ of the way done with the semester!
b. Please have scholarship chairs looking for an email about the next roundtable
c. Mock Interview Day, Wednesday September 18 – PSU Ballroom, 9am-5pm
d. Fall 2014 Networking Etiquette Dinner, Tuesday September 24 – JQH Area PrimeOvertime Club,
6pm, Must Register
e. Fall Career Fair 2013 Wednesday September 25 th – JQH Area, Noon-4pm
f. Tutoring applications on the FSL website.
g. Have chapters send me a list of your Academic Advisors
VP of Administration, Kelly McCall (McCall91@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Please remind your chapter presidents and finance chairs to write a check for NPC dues. It needs to be
made out to Panhellenic Council. They need to be placed in the black lockbox. Let me know if you
didn’t receive the email.
Director of New Member Education, Bailie Phelan (Phelan091@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Hazing Prevention
a. Sunday, chapters have the opportunity to hang Hazing Prevention banners! Encourage your
chapters to participate
b. Monday, everyone wear green around campus to surround anti-hazing
c. Tuesday, Travis Apgare is speaking at 6:30 on his experiences with hazing *25% of your
chapter can make it an educational event
d. Monday-Thursday, there will be a hazing prevention banner signing at the PSU
b. New Member Day
Applications are now available online on the FSL website and due to the OSE by 4pm on
September 20th
b. Remember that 25% of your chapters’ new member class are required to attend the keynote
speaker and 5 are required to attend the whole day, but more may apply!
c. Phi Sigma Upsilon
a. Applications are available today!
b. They are due by Oct. 25th at 4pm in the OSE
Director of Outreach, Andrea Lensing (Andrea236@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Keep sending newsletter info to fsloutreach@yahoo.com.
b. I really need cooperation and help to make this newsletter happen. Please send me anything interesting
going on in your chapter that you want FREE PR for!! I want this by September 23 rd.
Director of Panhellenic Counselors, Molly Francomb (Francomb@live.missouristate.edu)
a. No report
Director of Social Awareness, Shannon Brown (Brown992@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Travis Apgare September 24th at 7pm in Carrington Theatre. Doors will be open at 6:30pm. This is an
educational event
b. Social and Risk Management Roundtable September 19th. The room is still TBA, will be in contact
about that later.
Chief Justice, Jordan Shelton (Jordan321@live.missouristate.edu)
a. No report
Graduate Assistant, Liv Parks (Olivia1226@live.missouristate.edu)
a. Greek Week applications are out!! Also sign up for interview times. Due September 23 rd in the OSE at
Assistant Director of Student Engagement, Andrea Weber `
a. We’ve had 204 women respond to the recruitment review. They loved you all, only complaint was
waiting in the PSU
b. Friday September 20th, Bear Blvd Celebration. Please attend in BearWear.
c. We should not call our new member classes ‘babies’. They are women as a part of your chapter. They
are equal to us. ‘Babies’ is considered a form of hazing.
Meghan moves to discuss Sisterhood Week. ADPi seconds the motion. The House Tours will be
more of an open house setting. Sister swap for in-house members and live in a different sorority house
and spend the night. ADPi motion to vote yes. Sigma Kappa seconded the motion. Majority vote, motion
AXO propose changing philanthropy date from 19th to 23rd. ADPi motioned first, Delta Zeta seconded the
motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Meghan moves to vote on formalizing FSL Awards requirements next week.
Jessica disussed cutting the Director of Outreach position, and added a few tasks to Director of
Marketing. The descriptions will be attached.
AXΩ: Alcohol Awareness Week starting next Monday. Full week of events including mocktails,
educational speaker, and skit. Please come!
AΔΠ: Sisterhood retreat Friday.
AΣA: Sisterhood retreat
ΔZ: Speed dating for bigs to meet littles.
ΓΦB: Sisterhood retreat last weekend.
ΣK: Sisterhood retreat Saturday.
ΞOI: Having a great recruitment. Bid Day Saturday
IFC: Sigma Chi moving philanthropy to November 15 th. Pi Kapp philanthropy event September 30 th.
NPHC: None
SAC: None
Phi Sigma Upsilon: Applications out!
SGA: Keep eyes open on social media to explain Bear Fee
AXO motion to close meeting. Delta Zeta seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 4:28pm.