EOP&S Application Name: _________________________________________________________________ Coastline College ID#: _________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ___________________________________________ City / Zip: ____________________________________________________________ Cell Phone: ______________________________________________ First Middle Last Gender: Male ☐ Female ☐ Email Address (print neatly): _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ________________________________________________________ Educational Goal: Ethnic Background: (Check appropriate box) ☐ AA or AS degree ☐ Transfer to University ☐ Career/Technical Certificate ☐ African American / Black ☐ ☐ Anglo/ White Asian / Pacific Islander Eligibility for Program and Services: 1. Are you a U.S. Citizen? ☐ Yes ☐ No 2. Are you a California resident? ☐ Yes ☐ No 3. If “NO” are you eligible for AB540? ☐ Yes ☐ No 4. How many units are you planning on taking this semester? Circle: 12 or more / 9 – 11 / below 9 5. Have you applied for the Board of Governors’ Waiver and/or FAFSA? ☐ Yes ☐ No 6. Total Coast Community College District units completed (Coastline, Golden West, Orange Coast colleges): _______ 7. What is your cumulative GPA: ___________ Educational Assessment: 1. Have you taken the Math placement test: ☐ Yes ☐ No If “YES” did you assess in Math 010 or lower: ☐ Yes ☐ No 2. Have you taken the English placement test: ☐ Yes ☐ No If “YES” did you assess in English 99 or lower: ☐ Yes ☐ No Intended Major: _____________________________________ Intended Minor: _____________________________________ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Hispanic / Latino American Indian / Alaska Native Vietnamese Other: ___________________ 3. High School Graduation Status: 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. ☐ Graduate - Date: _____ / _____ / __________ ☐ Certificate of Proficiency ☐ Non-graduate ☐ G.E.D. High School Grade Point Average: _____________ Have you ever been enrolled in remedial classes: ☐ Yes ☐ No ☐ High school remedial ☐ High school ESL ☐ Adult Education ESL ☐ College remedial courses ☐ College ESL Did either of your parents graduate from a 4-year college/university: ☐ Yes ☐ No Is your primary language spoken at home English? ☐ Yes ☐ No Do you have a diagnosed learning disability? ☐ Yes ☐ No Are you an current or former foster youth? ☐ Yes ☐ No 10. What age(s) were you when you were in foster care? ______________________________________________________________ CERTIFICATION I certify that the above is factual and correct. I grant Coastline Community College EOPS/CARE/CAFYES office the authority to verify and/or obtain the records necessary to confirm the above information from schools and/or agencies. I also understand that it may be necessary to provide further documentation to determine my eligibility for the EOPS/CARE/CAFYES program Student Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ FOR PROGRAM STAFF ONLY Assessment Level: Math _________ English _________ ESL _________ BOGFW: A________ B_________ EFC_________ Accepted: ________ Denied: _________ Staff Signature: _____________________________________________________ California Resident: _____ Yes ______ No AB540: ______ Yes _______ No Foster Youth: ______ Yes _______ No Date: ___________________________________________ Director Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________________________ CARE Application CARE (Cooperative Agencies Resources for Education) is a supplemental program for EOP&S eligible students who are single head of household with a family member who is a recipient of CalWORKs/TANF and has a child who is under 14 years of age. If you are eligible for the CARE program you may receive benefits that are in addition to those you receive as an EOP&S participant. Additional paperwork will be required. Student Name: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________ Are you at least 18 years of age? ☐ Yes ☐ No Are you or your dependent children who live with you receiving cash aid from the Department of Social Services? ☐ Yes ☐ No Case number with DSS: ________________________ Date benefits started: ________________________________________ Marital Status: (Please check one): ☐ Married ☐ Single ☐ Divorced ☐ Widowed ☐ Separated ☐ Married (spouse absent) Family Status (List all family members that currently live with you) Name Relationship Self Age Date of Birth Proof of any child under 14 years of age will be required from DSS. Proof of single head of household will also be required. To remain in good standing with the CARE Program you must agree to the following: Meet with the CARE staff at least twice each month. Participate in any special CARE activities as required. Enroll in at least 12 units at Coastline Community College. Provide an annual verification of eligibility (Notice of Action) from DSS at or before the start of a semester. Notify the EOP&S/CARE office if there is any change to your status with DSS, change in marital status, or other issues that my have an impact on your eligibility. CERTIFICATION I certify under penalty of perjury that all information stated above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I realize that any false statements or failure to provide proof when requested may be cause for denial, reduction, withdrawal and or repayment of my grant. I grant Coastline Community College EOPS/CARE office the authority to verify and/or obtain the records necessary to confirm the above information from any appropriate agency. Student Signature: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ______________________________