MOSTEP Specialty Area: Secondary Mathematics Secondary Mathematics Competencies Matrix --- by Course MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH PHY PHY CSC Courses 261 280 302 315 345 460 497 503 532 533 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 536 540 567 575 409 410 123 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 203 121 Competencies for the Beginning Secondary Mathematics Teacher in Missouri 1 Mathematical Processes and Tools 1.1 Use problem solving to investigate and understand mathematical content. Y Y Y Y Y 1.2 Communicate mathematical ideas in writing and orally, using mathematical language and symbols. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1.3 Develop and evaluate mathematical conjectures and arguments to explain and validate Y Y mathematical reasoning. 1.4 Use mathematical modeling to simulate events and occurrences. Y Y Y 1.5 Analyze and articulate connections within mathematics. Y Y Y 1.6 Analyze and articulate connections of mathematics to other disciplines through applications Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1.7 Understand historical development of mathematics, including the contributions of under-represented groups and diverse cultures. Y 1.8 Use manipulatives to model and explain mathematical concepts. Y 1.9 Articulate the dynamic nature of mathematics and its significant role in social, cultural, and economic development. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 1.10 Using calculators and computers as tools to generate multiple representations of mathematical concepts. Y Y Y Y Y Y 1.12 Demonstrate facility with technological tools to support geometric construction/investigatio n, graphing, matrix exploration, and data investigation; and Y Y Y Y Y Y 1.13 Understand and articulate the role of technology in supporting the development of mathematical understanding. Y Y Y Y Y Y 2 Number Operation 2.2 Understand properties of real and complex numbers, including equivalent representations of numbers Y Y Y Y 2.4 Analyze the effect of and relationships among operations on real and complex numbers Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 2.5 Use estimation in working with quantities, measurement, computation, and problem-solving Y Y Y 2.6 Develop, use, model, and explain computational algorithms Y Y Y 2.7 Understand and apply numerical computation techniques (mental, paper/pencil, calculator) and extend them to algebraic expressions. Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 3 Geometry and Measurement 3.1 Understand and apply various systems and tools of measurement Y 3.2 Understand and apply Euclidean geometric concepts, properties, and relationships to describe and model mathematical ideas in real-world constructs Y Y Y Y Y 3.3 Identify, describe, measure, compare, classify, and represent two- and threedimensional geometric figures Y Y Y 3.4 Understand and apply trigonometric concepts, properties, and relationships Y Y Y 3.6 Understand and apply concepts of motion in two- and threedimensional space through transformations Y Y Y Y Y 3.7 Perform geometric constructions using straight-edge and compass and prove that the constructions yield the desired result. Y Y Y Y Y 4 Data Analysis, Probability, and Statistics 4.1 Collect, organize, and display data in meaningful form(s) 4.2 Use experimental and theoretical probabilities as appropriate to formulate Y Y Y Y Y and solve problems involving uncertainty 4.4 Use descriptive statistics (e.g. measures of central tendency and dispersion) and inferential statistics (e.g. hypothesis testing) to analyze data and to make predictions and decisions. Y Y 5 Patterns, Functions, and Relationships 5.1 Identify and describe patterns and relations Y Y Y 5.2 Represent patterns and functions as symbolic expressions, verbal descriptions, and tables and graphs; and move from one representation to another Y Y Y 5.3 Discover and analyze functional relations which arise from diverse problem situations Y Y Y Y Y Y 5.4 Use algebraic concepts and notation to Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y describe relationships and solve problems 5.5 Use basic trigonometric relations including the graphic representation and realworld application Y Y Y 5.6 Use trigonometric equations and inequalities to solve problems Y Y Y 6 Mathematical Systems 6.1 Construct logical proofs to validate or refute mathematical conjectures Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 6.2 Understand the nature and purpose of axiomatic systems Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 6.3 Understand and apply the major concepts of linear and abstract algebra Y Y Y Y Y Y 7 Discrete Mathematics 7.1 Use a variety of counting techniques and principles, such as permutations and Y combinations 7.2 Identify, model, and analyze situations represented by discrete and continuous data Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7.3 Represent problem situations using discrete structures such as sets, finite graphs, matrices, sequences, and recurrence relations Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 7.4 Understand and use algorithmic and recursive techniques in solving problems Y Y Y 7.5 Represent and solve problems using linear programming and difference equations Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 8 Concepts of Calculus 8.2 Understand and apply the concepts of limit, continuity, differentiation, integration, and other continuous processes 8.3 Use properties and techniques of calculus to model two- and three- Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y dimensional phenomena 8.4 Understand and apply infinite sequences, infinite series, and power series Y MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH MTH PHY PHY CSC Courses 261 280 302 315 345 460 497 503 532 533 536 540 567 575 409 410 123 203 121