Funding Opportunities at NSF Scott M. Freundschuh Geography and Regional Science National Science Foundation Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 1 environment learning spatial abilities REESE education ALT ATE place cognition ITEST DR-K12 landscape geography culture ISE geovisualization REU RUI diversity Freundschuh RET process technology NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 2 EHR Education and Human Resources DRL Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal Settings GOAL: generating knowledge, informing practitioners, and transforming practice in STEM education Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 3 Cycle of Innovation and Learning ITEST DR-K12 evaluate effectiveness; study complex phenomena; generalize REESE DR-K12 ISE ITEST ISE REESE synthesize lines of work; identify new insights and questions to inform new research and REESE development; set research and DR-K12 development agendas ISE ITEST implement innovations; study why interventions have the impacts they have with particular groups DR-K12 ISE ITEST design, develop, test, validate, and refine materials, measurement tools, and methods in specific contexts REESE study and clarify phenomena of interest; frame issues; operationalize goals and constructs; develop and REESE propose theory; conduct basic DR-K12 research on learning ISE ITEST Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 4 REESE Research and Evaluation on Education in Science and Learning GOAL: Advance the frontiers of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) learning, education and evaluation HOW: Provide foundational knowledge necessary to improve STEM teaching and learning at all educational levels in all settings PRIMARY OUTCOMES: research findings, methods and theoretical perspectives Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 5 DR-K12 Discovery Research K-12 GOAL: Enable advances in K-12 student and teacher leaning of the STEM disciplines HOW: Research and development of innovative resources, models and technologies for use by students, teachers, administrators and policy makers PRIMARY OUTCOMES: resources, models or technologies grounded or informed by research findings and practice Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 6 ISE Informal Science Education GOAL: build on educational research and practice HOW: increase interest in, engagement with and understanding of STEM by individuals of all ages and backgrounds through self-directed experiences PRIMARY OUTCOME: better understanding of STEM in both public and professional audiences (e.g., informal science educators, researchers, evaluators, etc.) Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 7 ITEST Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers GOAL: enhance participation in the U.S. STEM and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) intensive workforce HOW: design, implement, scale-up and test strategies for students and/or teachers AND through research studies that deepen understanding of issues related to STEM workforce participation. PRIMARY OUTCOMES: STEM workforce development, participation and improvement Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 8 ALT Advanced Learning Technologies Joint Program with Computer Information Science and Engineering (CISE) and EHR GOAL: transform learning and educational opportunities in computational technology HOW: support research and prototyping work that is built around well defined learning and technology goals AND that leads to generalizable advances in knowledge and technology PRIMARY OUTCOME: radical improvements in learning through innovative computer and information technologies Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 9 ATE Advanced Technology Education GOAL: improve education in science and engineering technology fields at undergraduate (focus on 2 year colleges) and secondary education levels HOW: create partnerships between academic institutions and employers PRIMARY OUTCOME: produce more science and engineering technicians to meet workforce demands, improve technical skills in STEM disciplines Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 10 SUPPLEMENTS Awards made to currently NSF funded sites, or can be part of a new proposal submission ROA Research Opportunity Award REU Research Experience for Undergraduate Students RET Research Experience for Teachers Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 11 ROA Research Opportunity Award Part of the NSF-wide Research at Undergraduate Institutions (RUI) program (NSF 00-144) GOAL: enhance the research productivity and professional development of science faculty at undergraduate institutions through research activities HOW: enable faculty at predominantly undergraduate institutions to pursue research as visiting scientists with NSF-supported investigators at other institutions PRIMARY OUTCOMES: contribute to the basic knowledge in science and integrate research in undergraduate education Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 12 REU Research Experience for Undergraduates GOAL: attracting and/or retraining talented undergraduate students to STEM careers. HOW: supporting active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by NSF PRIMARY OUTCOME: develop a diverse, internationally competitive, and globally engaged STEM workforce. NOTE: can also be awarded as an REU Site via independent proposals Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 13 RET Research Experience for Teachers GOAL: build collaborative relationships between K-12 schools and institutions of highereducation (e.g., bio, engineering, ocean studies) HOW: supporting active research participation by education majors and teachers in STEM research funded by NSF PRIMARY OUTCOME: enhance and strengthen the talent pool in STEM disciplines Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 14 Potentially Relevant Programs at NSF SLC (Science of Learning Centers) PAC (Perception, Action and Cognition) DLS (Developmental and Learning Sciences) GRS (Geography and Regional Science) STS (Science and Technology Studies) IOS (Innovation and Organizational Science) SSP (Science of Science Policy) Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 15 Thank you for your attention. Freundschuh NGS : Spatial Learning in Geography 16