Missouri State University - Fraternity and Sorority Life Website Policy FRATERNITY AND SORORITY LIFE WEBSITE The Fraternity and Sorority Life website will be updated at the beginning and end of each semester. Chapter presidents and the executive councils will be e-mailed asking for changes or additions to the website - these changes include but are not limited to: updating officer information, adjusting chapter dues, replacing facts as requested, et cetera. Timelines: - Presidents and executive council members will have two weeks from the first day of classes each semester to send in their updated information for the website. - Presidents and executive council members can submit changes for the end of the semester starting two weeks prior to the last day of classes. Exception Important changes (officer or contact information changes) can be made upon request with an understanding of both the president/council executive member and the Fraternity and Sorority Life Student Specialist that these changes may take up to one week. Recruitment The website will always be updated prior to recruitment to ensure the most up-to-date information is available. CHAPTER WEBSITES Chapters are responsible for maintaining their own websites according to local and federal laws, Missouri State University rules and guidelines, and their own national and local policies. Chapter links will be checked periodically by the Fraternity and Sorority Life Student Specialist to ensure the links are still correct. When an issue with a website arises, the chapter will be informed so they can fix the issue.