Missouri State University Honors College Departmental Distinction Requirements 2009-2013 I. Departmental Distinction Program Requirements minimum of 12 honors credit hours in department of major senior distinction project worth at least three credit hours (may be included in 12 hours in major) Courses Courses used to fulfill general honors requirements also may be applied to departmental distinction. It is the prerogative of the department of major to determine what courses may or may not be used to fulfill the departmental distinction requirements. Sample course sequences: A. MAJ 312 MAJ 401 MAJ 499 4 (upgrade from 3 with honors component) 4 (upgrade from 3 with honors component) 4 (senior honors project) 12 honors credits B. MAJ 312 MAJ 401 MAJ 412 MAJ 499 3 (regular honors section) 3 (regular honors section) 3 (regular honors section) 3 (senior honors project) 12 honors credits II. Distinction Project Proposal Form Process The student should consult with a senior faculty member in the department of major and settle upon a topic and design for the project. A written proposal describing the project must be submitted to, and approved by, the Director of the Honors College. Deadline The project proposal must be submitted prior to the beginning of the student’s senior year. Form The proposal should contain the following elements: Title Page Signature Page (Approval of the Project) Abstract covering the following: Subject Purpose of the Research Need for the Study Methods Projected Date of Completion Course Enrollment Course Enrollment. The proposal must provide the following information: (a) semester of enrollment, (b) course code and number, and (c) number of credit hours. Approval of the Project. A signature page, bearing the signatures of the project advisor, department head, and Director of the Honors College must be a part of the proposal. Funding A small stipend might be available for xerography, library research, and other expenses related to the project. Request for funds (max. $250) must be made in the proposal. III. Distinction Project Format The completed project will contain the following components in the order given: Acceptance/Signature Page Title Page Abstract Table of Contents List of Tables (if any) List of Figures, Plates, or Illustrations (if any) Body of Thesis Literature Cited, References, or Bibliography Appendix (if any) Index (if any) Project Acceptance/Signature Page. The format shown below is to be used. The page must bear the signatures of the project advisor, department head, and Director of the Honors College. Title Page. The required format is shown below. The title and author entries are centered within the margins of the title page. The title, in all capitals, is double spaced and presented in inverted pyramid style if longer than 48 spaces. This page is counted as "I" but pagination is not shown. Abstract. The format shown below must be used. The abstract should be not more than 350 words and should contain a statement of the problems, materials, methods or procedures used, a presentation of principle results, and a conclusion or summary. The body of the abstract should be single spaced and limited to one page. Number as "ii" in pagination. IV.Distinction Project Preparation Form Use one side of 8 2" x 11" white, bond paper. Spacing Double space all materials in text. Single space may be used for footnotes or quotations of five lines or more. Print Size and Quality Standard pica (10 characters per inch), elite (12 characters per inch) or proportional spacing is required. Script or slanted faces are not acceptable. Italics may be used for book or journal titles, scientific names of species, and other appropriate situations. Acceptable print quality: letterquality (laserjet or inkjet). Margins 1 2" left side. 1" top, right side, and bottom. The area within these margins must contain all parts of the project -- all parts of illustrations, graphs, the body of the project, and the page numbers. Page Numbering Page numbers should be in the upper right hand corner, 1" from the top and 1" from the right edge of each page. Pages prior to the body of the project should be numbered with small Roman numerals (I, ii, iii, etc.); the body of the project through the index should be numbered with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, etc.). V. Completion of Departmental Distinction Deadline The completed honors distinction project, including all those elements listed under "Project Order" above, must be submitted to the Honors College on the final day of classes prior to graduation. Minor corrections and/or changes in the body of the project may be made up until date of commencement. When the student completes these requirements, his/her diploma and transcript will read "...in the Honors College with distinction in [major]." SENIOR HONORS PROJECT PROPOSAL by Joe Honors Submitted to the Honors College Missouri State University Month Year Approved: Project Director Department Head Director of the Honors College SAMPLE TITLE PAGE TITLE HERE IN TWO OR THREE LINES A Senior Honors Project Presented to the Department of [Major] and the Honors College Missouri State University In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Departmental Distinction in the Honors College by Joe Honors Month Year TITLE (ALL CAPS) Academic Department Missouri State University, Month Year Joe Honors ABSTRACT (body - single spaced - one page) TITLE OF PROJECT by Joe Honors A Senior Honors Project Submitted to the Honors College Missouri State University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Departmental Distinction in the Honors College Month Year Approved: Project Director Department Head Director of the Honors College MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY HONORS COLLEGE COURSE COMPONENT PROPOSAL STUDENT NAME: BearPass M#: COURSE CODE (e.g. UHC 410-999): _________________________________________ COURSE INSTRUCTOR: __________________________________________________ Honors course components allow students the opportunity to complete honors-level study in areas where the Honors College is not normally able to provide distinct sections. In consultation with the course instructor, students may design an expanded syllabus that features additional course work worth 1 credit hour (or approximately 15 contact hours per semester). Honors components should be reading or writing intensive, emphasize research, or require synthesis and critical evaluation in written or oral form of course concepts and themes. Students are expected to complete work that qualitatively differs from what is normally expected in the course and should not use components to simply add additional assignments or to extend the length of term papers and projects. Describe the purpose of the proposed honors course component: Describe the arrangements for satisfying the additional contact hours to be added to the course (e.g. extra meetings, regular sessions during office hours, lab hours, blended course interaction): Describe how the course instructor will assess and grade the honors component materials: Please attach the original course syllabus and a detailed proposal outlining the additional academic expectations and requirements for the honors course component. Proposals without these materials will not be approved by the Honors College. Student’s Signature Instructor’s Signature Department Head’s Signature _Date ____ _Date _______Date SUBMISSION DEADLINE: END OF FIRST WEEK OF THE SEMESTER IN WHICH THE HONORS COMPONENT IS TO BE COMPLETED. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Honors action Honors credit hours Director's Signature Date Time of Day db by Days of Week Location Code Honors College Departmental Honors Research Funding Request Name: ___________________________________ Bear Pass M#:________________________ Class: FR SO JR SR Major: ________________________________________ Phone: ________________________Email: _________________________________________ Funding requested (up to $250.00): ________________________________________________ Project Description: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Describe how funds will be utilized (attach supporting documentation when possible): _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________ Students will be reimbursed for approved expenses. Save all original receipts and supporting documentation. Reimbursements typically take about three weeks to be processed and will be issued by check. Please note that Missouri State University does not reimburse tax costs. _____________________________________________________________________________ Student Signature Project Director Signature Date Date _____________________________________________________________________________ Honors College Signature Action: _______________________________________________________________________ Date