July 7, 2012

UW‐Green Bay Retiree Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Lambeau Cottage
Jim Wiersma (president), Ken Fleurant, Tracy Heaser, Frank Madzarevic, Pat Przybelski, Lee Schwartz, Ron
Stieglitz, Roger Vanderperren
Guests: Jeanne Stangel
Excused: Sue Weiler, Chuck Rhyner
The meeting was called to order at 9:20 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of May 8, 2012, were approved as submitted.
Tracy Heaser
Tracy has officially accepted and been assigned as the Advancement Office staff liaison to the Retiree
Association Board of Directors! Thank you Tracy.
Listserve Manager Backup
Bill Shay has volunteered to be backup listserve manager to Ken Fleurant.
Website Update
Tracy will look into updates for our Website. Nancy Matzke, University Communications, updates minutes
and makes any changes that we request. It appears that Bob Skorczewski continues to put obituaries found
in the Green Bay Press Gazette (with their permission) on our website. Jim will call Bob to confirm his
interest in continuing this.
Financial Report
Tracy distributed a report through June 5, 2012 for the 2011-2012 year. The balance in our 136 revenue
account is $3110.09, which includes two $500 deposits for years 2011-12 and 2012-13. We are not sure if
this yearly increase comes from the Office of Advancement, the Provost, or the Chancellor. Tracy will
check into this. Our Expenses for 2011-12 totaled $2603.62, which leaves us with a current 136 account
balance of $506.47. Jane Rank’s Oral History project money is funded at $1500 from the Advancement
Office. This dollar figure does not appear on our balance sheet.
Tracy distributed a report dated March 31, 2012. $700 will be distributed for the 2012-13 Scholarship
Award, with the recipient to be chosen by the Financial Aid office per our criteria. We wonder when the
recipient will be announced as we want to invite him/her and a guest to our annual retirement dinner. The
Scholarship Endowment book value as of June 30, 2012, is $16,325.94.
Golf Outing
The date for the 2nd annual golf outing is September 13, 2012. Registration is at 12:30 p.m.; golfing to begin
at 1:30 p.m. with a picnic-style buffet dinner to follow. Team play will use a four-person scramble format.
The cost last year was $37/person without a power cart and $45/person with a cart. Golfing at Shorewood
increased $1 this year. Jim will contact the Shorewood Club to check on current year prices and schedule
the food. The invitation will state that anyone wishing to just attend the picnic buffet can do so for a cost of
$10. We will send invitations out via e-mail to save on postage. Invites can be printed and payment
returned with either check or credit card. We need to produce a poster to be displayed at the Golf Course.
We also will awards to low and high gross teams.
August 1 is a Bulldogs Game with the UWGB Alumni Association. Alumni, employees, retirees and
students are invited. Cost is $15 for game ticket, hat, and hotdog/soda. Game starts at 7:05. The Budweiser
Clydesdales will be there. Jim will send out a notice on the listserve with this August 1 date, the September
13 golf outing, and the October 2 annual retiree dinner.
Annual Retiree Banquet
Pat, chair of the planning committee, discussed the dinner buffet menu. We chose Baked Herb Chicken,
Vegetable Napoleon, Rice Pilaf, Green Bean Almandine and Carrot Cake with cream cheese frosting. The
meal also includes salad and bread. The cost by A’viands is $17.95/person, up from $16.25 last year. We
will increase the meal cost from $20 to $22.50 per person this year.
Pat will contact Deb Anderson to see if she wants a table set up again for “mystery” people.
Roger indicated that Jane Rank, chair of the Oral History Committee, would like to be able to interview a
few people during the social hour from 5-6:00 p.m. Roger to call Jane to see what her needs are for this.
Jane will also give a report after dinner on the committee’s progress to date.
Picture taking for the Retiree ID cards will not be ready by our October banquet. Tracy needs to put together
a proposal that then must go to departments, Kelly Franz, and the Chancellor for approval. Tracy will work
with Chuck Rhyner on preparing the proposal.
We will need two-year term replacements for President, Secretary and an at-large member. Names were
discussed to fill these vacancies and Jim and Pat will contact these individuals. Pat has agreed to run again
as secretary on the ballot.
Meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.
Due to several Board member absences at our next regularly scheduled August 14 meeting, we have changed
the date to Tuesday, August 21 at 9:00 a.m. at the Lambeau Cottage.
Pat Przybelski, Secretary