August 6, 2013

UW‐Green Bay Retiree Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Tuesday, August 6, 2013
Lambeau Cottage
Jim Wiersma (president), Tracy Heaser, Frank Madzarevic, George O’Hearn, Pat Przybelski, Jane Rank,
Chuck Rhyner, Ron Stieglitz, Roger Vanderperren
Excused: Gary Mach, Lee Schwartz
Our meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of July 9, 2013, were approved without change.
Third Annual Golf Outing, August 22, 2013
Tracy said that to date we have 5 foursomes signed up. We expect more to be signing up this week.
Tracy suggested we give four cloth captain chairs away as low gross prizes. We would have to place an
order of a minimum of 24 chairs at $20 each, plus shipping for about $576. Printing on the back would say
UWGB - 360 Degrees of Learning. She would need to order the chairs today.
Pat suggested that we ask Lee as Shorewood if he could give us four UWGB golf shirts at cost. Pat and Jim
will go talk with Lee after today’s meeting. We will then decide if we go with ordering the chairs or giving
shirts away.
Jim, Pat, Frank and Tracy will meet at the close of today’s meeting to further discuss plans for the outing.
Salon Program Series” - 20 Ticket Event, September 17, 2013
Of the people contacted to join us for the piano concert, we currently have 13 people attending. Jim will
now send out an e-mail to the listserve discussing our “20 ticket event” and indicating we have space
available (7) on a first-come, first-serve bases.
Tracy is now unable to attend the evening. Pat will work on registration and donations at the event.
Annual Dinner – October 8, 2013
We discussed three options for sending the invitation for the annual dinner: 1) send the invite via the
listserve only as was done last year, 2) send a postcard, 3) or send the invitation with a tear-off sheet. There
are approximately 300 retires. A postcard mailing would cost $70 while a printed invitation with tear-off
mailing would cost $132. We decided to go with sending everyone a printed invitation and also sending the
invitation to the listserve. We were concerned that many of the e-mail addresses were no longer valid or
used and we would be missing too many retirees. If we would get just 6 more people to attend the dinner
from receiving the printed mailing, we would make back the cost for the postage.
We need to get the invite out in the mail by the first week of September. Frank will check with Adam
Halfmann, Athletics Marketing Coordinator, to get a picture of Kevin Borseth. Frank will also contact Kevin
to get a short paragraph about his presentation. Pat will work with Tracy on printing and stuffing envelopes
as needed with the mailing.
Jane would like to set up a story booth again this year before dinner and hold short interviews about specific
topics. Roger will assist with the recording.
Pat needs straw chianti bottles for table decorations….drink up!
Board Vacancy Candidates
We need to fill vacancies for president, vice-president, treasurer and member-at-large. Frank will put his
name on the ballot for another 2-year term as treasurer and Roger for another at-large 2-year term. We will
have a call for nominations from the floor for President. Jim agreed that if no one came forward he would
serve again, but only for one more year. We need to get back to both the President and Vice President
elections being in opposite years. We need to send the names of the nominees for 2013-15 to retirees 30
days prior to voting. We will revisit suggested names at our next meeting.
Ginny Dell indicated interest in serving in some capacity. Four people responded to a survey Tracy sent via
e-mail indicating interest on various committees.
We have four standing committees: Membership (Chuck Rhyner/Lee Schwartz), Communication (George
O’Hearn), Service (Jane Rank), and Program (Pat Przybelski). We will need to fill the Membership and
Communication appointments as the current chairs are stepping down after many years of service to the
Board. Thank you Chuck, Lee and George.
Tracy suggested we send along with the annual dinner invitation a personal letter encouraging people to
become involved in the Board and standing committees.
Frank suggested we get retirees to join together at a women’s basketball game either pregame or at the
halftime , possibly using the Phoenix Room, to talk about the Board and look at possible future projects and
duties that people might like to become involved in.
New Business
Golf course beautification. Jim is interested in getting a group together to help beautify the campus,
possibly starting with flower containers at the tee boxes at the Shorewood Golf Course. He will contact Lee
Reinke (golf course manager), Nate Rusch (greenskeeper) and Mike VanLanen (grounds supervisor). Jim
would like to announce this project at the annual dinner and get a committee together for next spring.
Oral History Project: Jane handed out a committee update. There are 63 interviews completed (54 audio
and 9 video) and 19 transcripts completed. The budget balance as of 8/1/13 is $1076. Roger is assisting
with technical support. Future budget needs are for completion of transcripts for all interviews conducted
and seed money to explore options to encourage use of the Oral History Archives. Jim asked Jane to give a
short update at the annual dinner, along with a handout of what the committee accomplished and who has
been interviewed to date.
Financial Report: Tracy would like to add this to the September agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 a.m.
Our next meeting will be held on September 10 at 9:15 a.m. at Lambeau Cottage. We need to finalize
names for vacant Board positions. Please come with names of interested retirees.
Respectfully Submitted,
Pat Przybelski, Secretary