Reference 5 - Internal Audit Report

Audit Status Report
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Audit Status Report
State Legislative Audit Activities
Ongoing Activities
Legislative Audit began an audit of the University of Alaska in July 2004. The audit
scope included the following areas:
Follow-up review of five recommendations from the 1993 Legislative Audit
including management information system, personnel files, sabbatical leave
review, overload assignment controls, auxiliary enterprise costing.
An update of the unit cost analysis
Analysis of distance delivery education currently used by the University and
whether available technologies are being utilized sufficiently.
Final reports* have been issued for the follow-up, unit cost analysis, and travel
portions of this audit. As of this writing, the report for the distance delivery
education portion has not been issued.
Final Reports Issued
Legislative Audit began an audit of the UAF School of Education in June of 2007.
The focus of the audit was described as follows:
1) The standards and requirements of admissions to the program
2) Whether the School of Education has applied those standards and
requirements to all prospective students
3) The conditions under which exceptions have been made for the purpose of
admissions and graduation
The Final Report was issued November 2, 2007 with no findings and the following
“SOE has consistently followed its admissions requirements for its student teaching
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Audit Status Report
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External Audit Reports & Activities
Final Reports Issued:
Property Control System Analysis (ONR)
University of Alaska FY07 Financial Statements (KPMG)
UA Foundation and Consolidated Fund FY07 (KPMG)
Education Trust of Alaska FY07 (PWC)
UA Provisional Fringe Benefit Rate for FY08 (DCAA)
UA Provisional F&A Rate for FY08 (DCAA)
Work in Progress:
FY08-10 Predetermined F&A Rate (DCAA)
UA FY07 A-133 Single Audit (KPMG)
KUAC FY07 Financial Statements and CPB Report (RJ&G)
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Audit Status Report
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FY2008 Annual Audit Plan (Italic Items - have been completed or are in progress)
KPMG External Audit Support
Year-end cutoff
Inventory observation
Cash disbursements & bank transfers
Cash depositories
Auxiliary fund analysis
Unexpended Plant fund addition
Function and System Reviews
General Controls
Cash Receipts
UAA Follow-up Audits
Cash Receipts
UAF Follow-up Audits
Cash Receipts
UAS Follow-up Audits
Information Systems Reviews
Data Security
Cash Receipts
Special Requests
OEM Review
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