The Duluth Superior Radio Control Club Bylaws Contents *Article I - Name A. Name and Location B. Definitions *Article II - Purpose A. Mission B. Vision C. Objectives *Article III - Membership A. Qualifications B. Dues and Assessments C. Resolution of Grievances D. Resignation E. Termination F. Disciplinary Action G. Expulsion H. Reinstatement *Article IV - Officers A. Responsibilities B. Number of Officers C. Term of Office D. Duties E. Appointed Officials F. Financial Arrangements H. Vacancies *Article V - Meetings *Article VI - Record Keeping *Article VII - Committees A. Standing Committees B. Special Committees C. Committee Membership *Article VIII - Nominations, Elections, and Recall A. Nominations B. Election C. Recall by Election D. Automatic Recall *Article IX - Miscellaneous Provisions A. Roberts Rules B. Fiscal Year C. Mailing by Newsletter D. Transfer of Records E. Suspension of Bylaw Provisions F. Use of Club Mark or Logo G. Standing Rules H. Dissolution of Club *Article X - Amendment of these Bylaws A. Proposed B. Approval C. Balloting *Article XI - Grievance Procedure (Flight and Safety Rules) Article XII - Special Provisions and Notes *Minimum Standard and Guidelines for AMA Chartered Clubs i 1 Duluth Superior Radio Control Club Bylaws Article I - Name A. Name The name of this organization shall be the “Duluth Superior Radio Control Club”, also known as the “Duluth Radio Control Club Inc.” and shall hereinafter be referred to for purposes of these by-laws as “ the Club”. All references in this document to corporation, organization, society or club shall be considered one and the same. B. Location The location of the Club shall be as determined by the Board of Directors, in or near the city of Duluth, Minnesota. C. Association/Definition 1. The Club is a Charter member of the Academy of Model Aeronautics 2. (AMA) and as such shall maintain all necessary requirements to retain the Club Charter. AMA #2283 The following requirements must be met in order to be an AMA Chartered Club: a. The Club shall consist of five (5) or more current AMA members. b. At least two (2) of the members shall be over 19 years of age. c. Each and every Club officer shall be a current AMA member of Junior, Senior or Open category. d. Each and every member of the Club who participates in Club flying activities shall be an AMA member of Junior, Senior, Open or Affiliate category, or be a current Model Aeronautics Association of Canada (MAAC) member. e. All members of the Club have the responsibility to ensure that their operations in connection with flying activities will be conducted in compliance with the AMA’s National Safety Code. The Club is a Nonprofit Corporation organized under the State of Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act. Identification No. N-166. Article II - Purpose A. Mission The primary mission of the Club is to promote and foster educational and scientific advancement in model aeronautics, to give recognition to model leadership and to provide guidance and direction in model aeronautics affairs. B. Vision 1. To provide all members an opportunity to advance their knowledge of 2. 3. aeronautics through model aviation, by promoting building, flying, research and development of all forms of flying machines, model aircraft and related radio controlled hobbies. To provide individual members with group support in achieving their personal goals relating to model aeronautics including understanding related flight control systems, propulsion systems, electronic/electrical systems, building and construction techniques and flight parameters. To guide and direct model activities to the end that the pursuit of model aviation by members will be an enjoyable, experience that will provide substantial personal satisfaction and continue to challenge his/her knowledge and abilities. C. Objective 2 1. The Objective of this Club shall be the promotion of the building and operation 2. of radio controlled model cars, boats, and aircraft and to support all other modeling activities sanctioned by the AMA and pursued by the members of this Club. The Club is to have as it’s guiding principal, Of, By, and For the Radio Controlled Model Enthusiast. Article III - Membership A. Qualifications 1. A member may be any person regardless of age or gender, provided the individual otherwise qualifies under these Bylaws. 2. Open Membership 3. Student Membership -- (19 years of age or older) Dues will be set annually and published in the ‘Newsletter’ NOTE: You must first be a member of the AMA and provide a copy of your AMA card with your application. --- (Full time student under age 25 with a current Student I.D. Card) $10.00 per year. NOTE: You must first be a member of the AMA and provide a copy of your AMA Card and Student I.D. Card with your application. 4. Junior Membership --- (Under age 19 as of July 1st) No dues. NOTE: You must first be a member of the AMA, provide a copy of your AMA Card and state your date of birth (DOB) on your application. 5. Honorary Membership --- Honorary membership may be conferred upon anyone who has rendered distinguished service to the Club. Proposals for Honorary membership shall be made to the Board of Directors for their approval and acceptance. An honorary member shall have none of the obligations of membership in the Club but, shall be entitled to all of the privileges except those of making motions, of voting and of holding office. The Newsletter Editor shall normally be granted Honorary membership status. 6. Associate Membership --- An Associate Member will be Non- flying and may be Non- AMA. $10.00 per year. 7. Life Membership --- Special memberships authorized by the Board of Directors to recognize individuals for exceptional continued support of Club activities 8. General Flying members will be required to have in their possession a license issued by the AMA and a valid Club Membership Card. For the purpose of flying and insurability the annual AMA license and Club membership periods shall run from the first day of January through the last day of December of each year, and shall expire on the 31st of December annually. Note: Flying is not permitted during the grace period (Jan-Feb) allowed in these bylaws for the payment of annual renewal Club membership dues, unless the member has in his/her possession a current AMA license. B. Dues and Assessments 1. The annual dues to be paid to the Club shall be determined by the Board of 3 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Directors with the approval of a simple majority vote. Dues are nonrefundable except under extraordinary circumstances, which will be determined by the Board of Directors on a case by case basis. Annual dues are to be paid by no later than the February Club meeting. Annual dues for renewal of membership and initial dues for new members may be set at different rates by the Board of Directors based on the financial state of the Club at the time the dues rates are set. No special assessment shall be levied upon the Club membership, unless it is approved by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at the regular monthly meeting, and the members have been given five (5) days prior notice along with an explanation of the assessment. A member shall be in arrears and shall not be considered active if his/her dues have not been paid as provided. Any member who allows their membership to lapse beyond March 1st of any year shall be considered a new member when renewing their membership and will not be given preference over any other applicant or reduced renewal rates (if applicable). Types of membership and limits on the total number of members shall be determined by the Club officers and approved by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at the meeting. All individuals desiring membership in this corporation shall file with the Treasurer, their applications therefore, together with proof of eligibility and the payment of such dues as may be provided herein. Memberships shall be nontransferable and shall be issued in the name of this corporation. Membership cards signed by the Treasurer will be issued once all membership requirements are met. The Treasurer shall provide written notification to members that have not renewed their membership by March 1st that they are in arrears and that their dues are over due. C. Resolution of Grievances 1. Grievances should first be discussed with a Club officer to determine if there 2. 3. is an acceptable informal resolution available. If the grievance cannot be resolved by the Club officer to the satisfaction of the grieving party, then the Club officer will refer the matter to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will convene to resolve referred grievances within thirty (30) days of said referral and will discuss and vote on a temporary or permanent resolution. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board is required and such resolutions shall be binding on members of the Club. Any member receiving a Safety Grievance, who is involved in flying or non-flying safety violations, will have the Safety Grievance resolved in accordance with Article XI. D. Resignation, Termination, Disciplinary Action, Expulsion and Reinstatement of Membership 1. Any member in good standing may resign his/her membership by giving 2. 3. 4. 5. written notice to the Club. If any member ceases to have the qualification necessary for membership in the AMA, his/her membership in the Club shall thereby terminate, subject to reinstatement upon restoration of eligibility. This is not applicable to Associate Members. Any other unacceptable behavior related to flying activities by an individual member or members, as defined by the Board of Directors, become the responsibility of the Board of Directors as stated in these bylaws. Any individual may be expelled from membership in the Club by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors if, in the Board of Directors determination, such individual willfully commits any act or omission, which is a violation of any of the terms of these Bylaws, or the rules of the AMA, or which is detrimental to the Club, the AMA, or to model aviation. Any member who is expelled from membership may be reinstated to membership by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have the discretionary authority to provide for and 4 to impose disciplinary action for such acts or omissions, which do not justify expulsion from membership. Article IV - Officers A. Responsibilities 1. The Officers of this Club shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Field Marshall, Safety Officer and any other member elected to serve as a member of the Board of Directors. These Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws adopted by the Club membership. 2. The Officers of the Club shall constitute the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Club between Club meetings, fix the hour and place of the meetings, make recommendations to the Club, and shall perform such other duties as are specified in these bylaws. The Board of Directors shall be subject to the orders of the Club and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the Club. 3. Official decisions by the Board of Directors may be made by a two-thirds (2/3) majority mail vote or by a quorum at a Board of Director meeting. A quorum shall consist of at least 50% of the current Board members. Official decisions shall be consistent with the stated purposes and objectives of the AMA as set forth in its Bylaws and, where those Bylaws are not specified, vested in the sound discretion of the Board of Directors. 4. Decisions, policies, procedures and other managerial affairs that significantly affect the daily operation of the Club will be presented to the Club membership for adoption by a majority vote during the next scheduled Club meeting. 5. The Board of Directors shall make appointments of Standing Committee Chairmen in accordance with Article IV, E. of these bylaws. B. Number of Directors 1. The Board of Directors shall consist of not less than two (2) and not more 2. C. Terms of Office 1. The officers of this corporation shall serve for a term of one year and until his 2. D. than eight (8) members. A minimum of two (2) current AMA Open or Senior members must be named as officers of the Club and serve on the Board of Directors. or her successor has been duly elected and qualified. The officer will be elected by the membership. All officers shall perform their duties to the best of their ability and according to the provisions herein. No member shall normally hold more than one office at a time and no member shall be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office unless that person is reelected to that office by at least a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote. Duties 1. President a. The President shall be the executive officer of the Club and shall preside at all Board of Directors and membership meetings. He shall be the spokesperson for the Club. He shall appoint special committees, as he deems necessary. He will cast the deciding vote in any case where a tie vote is encountered. b. The President shall complete the annual AMA Charter package including a current list of club officers. He shall calculate charter fees, additionally insured fees, Intro Instructor fees and other fees as stipulated by the AMA. Total fee amounts will be turned over to the Treasurer for payment. The complete Club Charter package will be submitted to the AMA prior to March 31st annually. c. The President shall make appointments of Club officials in accordance with Article IV, E. of these bylaws. 5 2. Vice President a. The Vice-President shall assist the President in all matters and shall assume the duties of the President if, for any reason, the President is not able to perform his/her duties. He/she shall be responsible for coordinating the efforts of Standing Committee Chairmen to support the schedule of annual events. b. The Vice-President shall be knowledgeable in the regulations relating to a nonprofit organization, will complete the Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation annual registration and file it with the Minnesota Secretary of State with associated fees by December 31st. of each year. c. The Vice-President shall conduct an annual audit of the Treasurer’s records at the close of the fiscal year or upon the election of a new Treasurer and report the results of this audit to the Board of Directors 1. Secretary a. The Secretary shall record minutes of each Club and Board of Director’s meeting and will provide the Newsletter Editor with legible minutes within 10 business days of the meeting. The Club Secretary will assist the Newsletter Editor as necessary in the production and distribution of the Club Newsletter. b. The Secretary will maintain, for a period of two (2) years, a record of all Club meeting minutes and Board meeting minutes. c. The Club Secretary shall maintain an accurate record, including place of storage, of all Club assets. Field Marshals shall annually provide data on equipment located at the field(s) for inclusion in the Secretary’s records. 4. Treasurer a. The Treasurer shall have charge of all Club funds, and shall collect dues when they are due, and is authorized to pay any and all Club obligations from these funds. He/she shall keep appropriate records of all Club monetary transactions and shall provide an annual Treasurer’s report to the Club. If the Vice-president, for any reason, is unable to perform his duties, the Treasurer shall assist or take over the duties of the Vice-president as needed. b. The Treasurer shall notify AMA immediately in writing of any changes in Club officers, will provide AMA with the annual Club roster update enclosed in the Club Charter package and will provide AMA with Club roster updates when required. c. The Treasurer will control Club membership and verify AMA membership by acting as the central point of control for Club membership application and renewal. He shall maintain an up to date membership record of all members including their name, mailing address, telephone number and AMA membership number. He may issue Club Membership Cards to applicants once eligibility requirements for membership are verified. d. The Treasurer will provide each new Club member a welcome package including a a copy of the Club bylaws when their Membership Card is issued.. e. The Treasurer shall pay all land taxes, land lease fees, Club Charter fees, insurance fees and Club incorporation fees prior to their annual due dates. f. All funds in the possession of the Treasurer shall be deposited in the name of the Club at such bank as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. All checks or disbursements for the payment of money shall be executed by the Treasurer or the President. In the absence of the Treasurer and the President, the Board may authorize any two officers of the Club to so act. g. The Treasurer will keep the Board of Directors apprised of the financial status of the Club and will make recommendations to the Board of Directors as necessary to avoid monetary indebtedness. 5. Field Marshall a. The Field Marshall shall have overall supervision of all Club activities at the flying site(s), and will ensure that the flying site and its related support components are maintained in a condition acceptable to the 6 Board of Directors. The Field Marshall will supervise other Club members as necessary for spring cleanup, fall shutdown and event support preparations. b. The Field Marshall shall be responsible for establishing mowing crews and mowing equipment maintenance crews. The Field Marshall is to ensure that the field is properly maintained and recommend improvements or changes. This includes field cleanup, shed maintenance, Port-a-toilet maintenance and sign or safety barrier maintenance. c. The Field Marshall shall use the AMA recommended RC flying site specification as a guide for flying site layout. d. Field Marshall duties include: (1) Supervision of field layout, parking, flight line, etc. (2) Greeting of new pilots at the field and explanation of field rules and policies. (3) Location of nearest hospital and police department. (4) Location of field fire extinguisher. (5) Supervision of transmitter impound area. (6) Field maintenance crew supervision. (7) Knowledge of first aid and location of first aid kit. (8) Erection of temporary signs during flying events. (9) Field clean up (litter, etc.) (10) Presentation at Club meetings of problems and field needs. (11) Ability to handle non-flyers who may disrupt operations. (12) Personal knowledge of public safety officials to contact if needed. e. The Field Marshall shall provide an updated inventory of all field equipment to the Club Secretary. This list will be updated annually and whenever changes to field equipment are made. 6. Safety Officer a. The Safety Officer shall be responsible for the overall safe environment at the flying field(s). He/she has the responsibility and the authority to bar individuals, whether Club members or not, from using or continuing to use the Club flying field if they do not adhere to the AMA and Club safety rules and procedures. b. Any person so barred from the use of the flying field may not fly from the Club field until arrangements have been made with one or more of the Club officers to correct the unsafe situation that caused him/her to be barred. The Safety Officer must approve these arrangements before he/she may again use the field. c. The Safety Officer shall periodically check the field first aid boxes and ensure that they are well stocked with required supplies. d. The Safety Officer shall be responsible for chairing the Safety Committee and ensuring existing safety rules are enforced. This includes processing the grievance forms and following the grievance procedure specified in Article XI. e. The Safety Officer’s duties include: (1) Preparation of Club safety rules. (2) Enforcement of AMA Safety Code. (3) Right to prevent individual fliers from flying if their conduct or aircraft are not suitable or the environmental conditions are unfavorable. (4) Supervision of spectator areas. (5) Supervision of flight-line and frequency control. (6) Know address and shortest route to hospital, police and fire department. (7) Know the location of field fire extinguisher. (8) Conduct safety classes as part of regular Club meetings. Note: The same person who has the position of Field Marshall can also hold the position of Safety Officer. E. Appointed Officials 1. The President shall appoint during the December meeting, with the advice and consent of the general membership, Grounds Keepers, Intro. Pilots, Events Coordinators, Special Committee Chairmen and other personnel as necessary to support the needs of 7 2. F. Financial Arrangements 1. The Treasurer of the Club is authorized to receive contributions or specially 2. 3. G. the membership. The Board of Directors shall appoint, during the December meeting, Committee Chairmen for the Contest/Events Committee, Awards Recognition Committee, Auction Committee and Finance Committee. obtained funds from any individual or institution, to be applied to the operating expenses of the Club. The President will have discretionary spending of up to $300.00 without requiring approval, up to $500.00 with approval of the Board of Directors and any spending in excess of $500.00 will require approval of the majority of the membership at attendance during a scheduled Club meeting or activity. No indebtedness may be incurred by the Board of Directors or the Treasurer in excess of the amount in the treasury. Vacancies 1. Any officer who is absent from three (3) or more meetings without proper notice or 2. who cannot perform his/her duties as a representative of the Club, shall be dropped from the Board at the discretion of the President and replaced under the following provisions hereof. Any vacancy of officers or members of the Board of Directors between elections shall be filled by a qualified member chosen by the Board of Directors. The member may be designated to serve on a temporary or permanent basis at the discretion of the Board based on the term of the vacancy. Article V - Meetings A. General Membership meetings 1. At least one annual meeting of this Club shall be held at a time and place 2. to be determined by the Board of Directors. At least seven (7) days prior to the day of the annual meeting, there shall be mailed or to each member of the corporation at his or her address, as shown on the books of the corporation, notice specifying the time and place of said meeting. The annual meeting shall be for the purpose of electing officers, receiving reports of officers and committees, and for any other business that may arise. Normally this meeting will be held during the month of November. Regular meetings of the Club will normally be held each month from September through April. Additional meetings may be called to coincide with the summer activity schedule. The time and location of membership meetings will be published in the Club Newsletter. B. Board of Director’s meetings The Board of Directors shall meet as necessary to support the needs of the Club. The time and place will be determined by mutual agreement of the Board members. Board meetings are open to all members and all members are encouraged to provide the Board with input on topics being discussed. Only Board members are permitted to vote. C. Special meetings 1. Special meetings may be called by the President or by the Board of Directors. Any member of the Club may initiate a request for a Special meeting or for action by the Board of Directors by submitting a written proposal to a Club officer. The proposal shall include a written description of the nature, type and extent of the request with recommendations for resolution of the request. 2. The Chairman of the Board shall forward copies of the request to other members of the Board for their consideration. If deemed appropriate the matter will be resolved at a special meeting or will be placed on the working agenda of the next scheduled Club meeting. Should a special meeting be called, the purpose of the meeting shall be stated in the call. Except in cases of emergency, at least three day’s notice 8 shall be given to all members that are expected to attend the particular meeting. D. Quorum At any annual, monthly or special meeting of the Club, the members present in person or by proxy shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any and all business. Article VI - Record Keeping A. All records that are required to be kept by these bylaws shall be neat and legible. Records shall be retained for a period of two years and all records shall be subject to audit by the Club President or his designated representative. During turnover of records from one Club officer to another the turnover shall not be considered complete until the relieving officer is satisfied that any and all discrepancies have been corrected by the out going officer to the satisfaction of the relieving officer. The status of such relief and record turnover shall be reported to the Chairman of the Board of Directors. B. Article VII - Committees A. Standing Committees 1. Contest/Event Committee The Event Committee Chairman shall be responsible for coordinating and establishing, in conjunction with the Club’s Contest Directors and Event Coordinators, a annual schedule of events for the Club. The schedule will be decided on by the committee and proposed to the Club members at the January membership meeting. 2. Awards/Recognition Committee The Awards/Recognition Committee Chairman will be responsible for recommending awards to members for achievement, excellence and/or promotion of model aeronautics. 3. Auction Committee The Auction Committee Chairman will establish an Auction Committee The Auction Committee will consist of an Auctioneer, Seller records keeper, Buyer records keeper, Treasurer, and additional personnel as deemed necessary. The Auction Committee will determine the time and location for the auction, advertise the auction, prepare all the auction paperwork and records prior to the auction and conduct the auction. They will organize and supervise post-auction clean up and insure that the proprietor of the facility is compensated for facility use. 4. Finance Committee A Finance Committee composed of the Treasurer as Committee Chairman shall prepare a budget for the fiscal year and submit it to the Club at it’s regular meeting in March. The Finance Committee may from time to time submit amendments to the budget for the current fiscal year, which may be adopted by a majority vote. 5. Committee Chairmen will keep the Vice-President informed of their progress and of any problems that would keep them from completing their assigned responsibilities. B. Special Committees 1. Such other committees, Standing or Special, shall be appointed by the President, 2. C. or the Board of Directors as they deem necessary to carry on the work of the Club. The Safety Committee shall be convened by the Safety Committee Chairman (Field Safety Officer) as necessary to resolve safety related matters. Committee Membership 1. Committee membership shall be determined by the Committee Chairman and will 2. 3. normally include at least two other Club members that are determined to be knowledgeable in the area for which the committee was formed. The President and Vice-president shall be ex-officio members of all committees. Club members that are appointed as Committee Chairmen or Committee Members will fulfill their assigned tasks with the best interest of the Club taken into consideration. Members that are unable to serve on a Committee must notify the Vice-President of their inability to serve in the assigned position. 9 Article VIII - Nominations, Elections and Recall A. Nominations 1. Nominations of Club officers shall be made at the general membership meeting during the month of October. Nominations for office may be made by any active Club member holding voting rights, either in person or by submitting a proxy nomination to an existing Club officer prior to the October meeting. 2. Any member nominated must signify his acceptance of any nomination he or she may receive at the time of, or within 10 days following the nomination. B. Elections Officers are to be elected by a vote of a simple majority of Club members present at the regular meeting in the month of November. Mail in ballots may be made available for those members who have voting rights but can not attend the meeting. Those ballots, returned by mail before the election meeting, will be counted as if those persons were present at the meeting. New officers will take office immediately after the December meeting. Every effort should be made by the out going officer to turn over all pertinent information and Club records prior to the December meeting. C. Recall A secret ballot is required for elections, for removal of a Club officer, a member of the Board of Directors, and for expulsion of a member from the Club unless waived by a simple majority vote of the members present at the meeting. Recall of elected Club Officers will require a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Club membership. D. Automatic Recall Election results shall be considered null and void and elected officials shall be recalled if discrepancies are found in the election procedures that would reflect unfavorably on the integrity of the elected official, the Club or the AMA. Article IX - Miscellaneous Provisions A. Roberts Rules The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Club in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the Club may adopt. The meeting Chairperson may elect to modify or suspend Robert’s Rules of Order based on the circumstance of the meeting and the desires of the majority of members present. B. Fiscal Year The fiscal year of the corporation shall run from the first day of April to the last day of March. C. Mailings by Newsletter All members in good standing will receive notification of Club events by receipt of a Club Newsletter and/or E-mail. The frequency and date of mailings of the Club Newsletter will be determined by the Club Secretary and the Club Newsletter Editor. D. Transfer of Records All required records will be transferred from an outgoing Club official to an incoming Club official prior to the outgoing official being relieved of his/her duties. This transfer of records will be reported to the Vice-president. E. Suspension of Bylaw Provisions The provisions of these bylaws may not be suspended unless the specific bylaw article or clause provides for it’s own suspension under specified conditions. F. Use of Club Logo 1. The Club Logo shall be as approved by the Club membership. a. The logo shall be used only in connection with goods and services approved b. by the Club and shall be used only in the manner and in the logotype approved by the Club. The goods provided and the services rendered shall be of such quality and 10 nature so as not to bring discredit upon the Club. c. If at any time the Club should find that the goods or services offered by members d. G. are not approved or do not meet the quality of the Club, the Board of Directors shall promptly call the situation to the attention of the member, specifically pointing out in what respect there has not been compliance, and the member will take steps necessary to correct the deficiencies. Members acknowledge that the logo(s) are the sole exclusive property of the Club, and agree not to use the logo(s) in any other way than expressly permitted without the prior written consent of the Club. All goodwill created by such use shall at all times inure to the benefit of the Club. Standing Rules 1. Members of this Club will have as their guiding principal, Of, By and For the modeling enthusiast. At all times during Club related activities members will make an effort to extend every courtesy and consideration to prospective members, new members and current members of all categories. The positive promotion of modeling activities with special emphasis on all aspects of model aviation is desired. 2. All flying Club members must be a member of the AMA, have a current AMA Membership Card in their possession and must have a current, valid Club Membership Card. A Club Membership Card is valid only if the Treasurer has signed and issued the card to the member, indicating membership status and payment of dues. 3. All Club members and guest pilots are required to know and follow the AMA Safety Code. 4. Any pilot or guest pilot must show proof of AMA or Club membership for the current year to any Club member upon the Club member’s request for such proof. Failure to do so will result in the pilot or guest pilot being told that they will not be allowed to use the Club flying property (owned or leased) for flying activities until such proof is presented. Disagreement arising as a result of this rule will be referred to a Club Officer with specific details for appropriate resolution. 5. Transient, visiting, or guest pilots may use the flying fields provided that they are AMA or MAAC members, observe all AMA Safety Codes, follow any Club rules posted at the field, observe frequency control procedures and adhere to any policies and procedures specified by Club members present. 6. Non-Club member pilots or pilots under instruction that intend to use the field or Club facilities for more than 30 days are expected to pay annual Club dues and join the Club. 7. Non-AMA members may be allowed to fly under the instruction of a Club member only in the following two circumstances: a. SINGLE FLIGHT BUDDY-BOX DEMO Any competent Club pilot may provide flight training/demonstration to any Non-AMA, Non-Club person by using a “Buddy-Box”. This is a one time only flight training/demo per Club pilot. b. INTRODUCTORY PILOT PROGRAM A Non-AMA/Non-Club person may receive flight training for thirty (30) consecutive days from a Club designated Intro Pilot. Instruction must take place at a Club field, “Buddy-Box” use is recommended, and all preflight and flight requirements must be completed by the Intro-Pilot including submitting registration paperwork to AMA within 48 hours of the start of instruction. 8. Each member will observe the use of the frequency board while flying. Transmitters 11 will not be turned on for any reason within three miles of the flying site, at the flying site, in the pits or at the flight line unless the operator has the required frequency pin from the frequency board in his possession. The frequency pin will be returned to the frequency board and the transmitter turned off when ever the member is not actually using his/her transmitter. 9. Spectators that are not Club members will not be permitted in the pit area unless accompanied by a Club member. 10. Taxi of aircraft will not be permitted immediately behind or to the rear of any pilot or pilot assistant at the flight line. 11. Flying over the soccer fields or baseball fields in Duluth when the soccer or baseball fields are in use is prohibited. 12. First or initial flights of untested aircraft will not be performed during Fun Flys, unless all other planes are on the ground, the test pilot is a seasoned pilot and initial takeoff and flight pattern is such that it will not endanger spectators or vehicles. 13. Whenever possible pilots at the flight line will notify other pilots at the flight line of their intentions by verbal announcement such as “Landing”, ”Deadstick” or “On the Runway” etc. 14. Flying hours are from 8:00 AM until dusk at the Duluth field and are unlimited at the Superior Field. 15. Engine noise restrictions during AMA Sanctioned Events shall be established by the Contest Director based on AMA Competition Regulations. During Non-Sanctioned Events and Open Flying periods, no individual engine should exceed the general overall noise level at the field as determined by the Event Coordinator, the Field Marshal and/or the Safety Officer. If a muffler was provided by the manufacturer as part of the engine package then it, or a comparable muffler should be installed. If a muffler is lost while flying the pilot will land and refrain from flying until the muffler is replaced. Engines that are relatively quiet without a muffler installed may be operated without a muffler. 16. Should a model land outside the flying site on private property, every effort will be made to obtain permission to go on the property to retrieve it. To not do so could be treated by the owner as trespassing and reflect negatively on the Club and it’s activities. H. Dissolution of the Club 1. The Corporation may be dissolved with the approval of a majority vote of the membership. 2. Upon the dissolution of the Corporation, the Board shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities of the Corporation, dispose of all the assets of the Corporation exclusively for the purposes of the Corporation in such manner, to such organization or organizations, organized to operate exclusively for charitable, educational, religious or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code 1986, as amended, or to such other organization with purposes similar to the purposes of this Corporation, as the Board shall determine. Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas (or similar court) of the county in which the principal office of this Corporation is then located, exclusively for the purposes and to such organization or organizations, as said court shall determine. Dissolution or Liquidation of this Club must also comply with the articles of incorporation for the Duluth Radio Control Club Inc., and Chapter 317 Minnesota Statutes known as Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act. Article X - Amendment of these Bylaws A. Proposal Amendments may be made to these bylaws at any general meeting of the Club membership provided the members shall have been notified in writing at least five (5) days in advance that the amendments are to be considered. B. Approval Amendments shall be approved by no less than two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of members present, at the regular monthly meeting. C. Balloting Mail in ballots may be made available for those members who cannot attend the meeting. Those ballots, returned by mail before the next meeting, will be counted as if those persons were present at the meeting. Article XI - Grievance Procedure (Flight and Ground Safety Rules) A. Purpose The grievance procedure provides a mechanism to enforce existing safety rules 12 by providing a progressive disciplinary system when needed. Although most complaints can be resolved informally, if a complaint is serious or cannot be resolved informally, the matter should be referred to the Safety Committee for its consideration by means of a Grievance Form to be filled out and turned into the Safety Committee Chairman / Field Safety Officer. At least one witness is required to sign the Grievance Form. B. Safety Committee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. The Safety Committee shall use its judgment in carrying out action on the following: A Grievance Form will be filled out and turned into the Safety Committee Chairman. At least one witness is required. FIRST VIOLATION a. Viewpoints of both complainants and accused will be considered. b. Complainant's names will be disclosed. c. A verbal reprimand will be given to the accused by the Safety Committee, if such is warranted, and will be recorded in the Committee files. If not warranted no record will be made. SECOND VIOLATION a. Complainant's name will be disclosed. b. The accused has the right to a written rebuttal, to be reviewed by the Committee. c. If the Committee so decides, the flying privileges of the accused will be suspended for thirty (30) days. Written notice of this shall be issued and a copy published in the Club Newsletter. THIRD VIOLATION a. The Committee will notify the accused in writing and the Club members via the Club Newsletter that the Club will vote on the expulsion of the accused at the next meeting. b. Said expulsion will last for one-year minimum. (Longer if deemed necessary by the Board of Directors). c. A member may be expelled from the Club upon a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the membership present at the meeting. d. Voting will be by secret ballot at a regular monthly meeting. e. The expelled member may reapply for membership after the expiration of the expulsion time period. All three actions will not be enforced unless they are accumulated in a two-year period of time. Any member receiving a Grievance, who directs any retaliation action against the person filing said Grievance, will be subject to immediate expulsion from the Club. This is to include threats, intimidation, physical harm, intentional equipment damage, or any other action deemed to be retaliatory by the Board of Directors. Article XII - Special Provisions and notes A. These bylaws and subsequent amendments are to agree with the “Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act, Chapter 317 Minnesota Statutes of 1986” B. The ‘Articles of Incorporation’ of the Duluth Radio Control Club, Inc. are summarized herewith for 13 clarification and take preference over any and all bylaws stated herein. 1. Name The name of this corporation shall be “The Duluth Radio Control Club, Inc.” 2. Purpose The purpose of this corporation shall be the promotion of the building and operation of radio controlled cars, boats and airplanes. 3. Nonprofit Status SECTION 1. The corporation shall not afford pecuniary gain, incidentally or otherwise, to it’s members. SECTION 2. No substantial part of the activities of this corporation shall be conducted to carry on propaganda or to otherwise attempt to influence legislation, and no part whatsoever of the activities of this corporation shall be the participation in or intervention in, any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. SECTION 3. Should this corporation ever be designated a private foundation by the internal revenue service this charter shall be amended to comply in all respects with Internal Revenue Code of 1954, Section 508(e), or as amended. SECTION 4. In the event of the liquidation, dissolution, or winding up of the corporation whether voluntary, involuntary, or by operation of law, and except as may be otherwise provided by applicable law, the corporation shall have power to to dispose of its assets in such manner as it may, by majority vote of its members, determine; provided however, that such disposition shall be strictly in conformity with the objects and purposes for which it is organized; and provided further that such organizations to which any of the assets of the corporation shall be distributed shall qualify as an exempt organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, or as amended. 4. Duration of Existence The period of duration of the existence of this corporation shall be perpetual. 5. Directors The number of Directors constituting the first Board of Directors of this corporation shall be seven (7), and the tenure in office of such first Board of Directors shall be one (1) year, or until successors are elected and qualified. 6. Personal Liability There shall be no personal liability for corporate obligations imposed upon the members of this corporation. 7. Stock C. D. E. F. This corporation shall have no capital stock. The sequencing of scheduled events at monthly meetings as described herein is provided for general guidance in the annual operation of the Club and is not intended to be compulsive or mandatory. Actual monthly events and day to day activities will be conducted based on the preferences of the membership. The articles in these bylaws that control the disposition of assets as a result of dissolution and liquidation of The Club as a whole are not applicable to the day to day acquisition or disposition of Club assets that may be required in support of normal Club activities. These bylaws and procedures were approved by the Board of Directors in March 2003 and adopted by the Membership in April 2003. Duluth Superior Radio Control Club Grievance form (attached) The Duluth Superior Radio Control Club Bylaws The Duluth Superior Radio Control Club Date: Time: Grievance Form Nature of violation: Signature:_________________________________ Witness:___________________________________ Additional Witnesses (Not Required) 1:________________________________________ 2:________________________________________ 3:________________________________________