Statewide Academic Council– August 15, 2013, Meeting Summary

Statewide Academic Council– August 15, 2013, Meeting Summary
Audio: 1-800-893-8850
PIN# 9740910
Attending: Ron Spatz, Gwen Gruenig, Susan Henrichs, Robert Boeckmann, Helena Wisniewski, David
Valentine, Virgil Fredenberg, Rick Caulfield, Elisha Baker
1. Approval of the summary of the 7.18. 2013 meeting – Attachment – approved.
2. Confirm date and time of High Demand Job meeting - Thurs 8/29 2-4pm Helena, Robert, Rick,
David, or Friday 8/30 9-11am, David, Susan, Virgil, Rick, David. Prepare material in advance
about national or state practices on how this is addressed – Gwen will share material. Do not
lump OEC, certificates, to PhD – split by credential category – maybe we target areas like
engineering, nursing, and teachers.
3. New Program Proposals and Deletions (all posted on VPAA web site under SAC)
a. UAS AS degree proposal revision – Caulfield – approved.
b. UAA Physical Therapist Assistant AAS program – Baker - approved
c. UAF Graduate Certificate in Science Teaching and Outreach - Henrichs – delay to next
meeting for opportunity to review.
d. UAA and UAF expect program deletions forth coming
e. UAS Science Education K-8 Med
f. UAS program suspensions
4. Undergraduate Research Proposal – Ron Spatz – attachments - Ron noted some urgency to act
on this and is energized by SDI. Undergraduate research adds value and gets students engaged
early. Has taken two years to get to this point. Fran Ulmer has agreed to be the Socratic
moderator for the forum. Intended to fulfill a gen ed requirement across the system. Let the
BOR know about this in December. Why not workload assignments rather than over loads?
Jump start needed. Sustainable because enrollment will help sustain it. Institutional investment
in a new direction. Proposal is thinking creatively and appreciated. Request is for UA Statewide
to fund. UAF could reallocate within undergraduate research or within academic affairs more
generally. VPAA does not have sufficient discretionary funding to cover this proposal. Video
production costs are relatively low for this type of project. Dana will talk with Chas St. George in
this work and Dana will discuss funding possibility with provosts. How long will shelf life be
relevant? Ron argued that methods of inquiry will have longevity – David Valentine expressed
concern about this shelf life. Support in concept but mindful of faculty senate approval process.
Money to be discussed by VPAA, provosts, and perhaps research leaders. Share proposal with
UA Foundation for possible donor support. Send Megan Riebe contact info to Ron Spatz.
5. Program addition and deletion summary - Gruenig - attachment
a. Please continue to raise the rigor of program review and ensure that program deletions
come to the board with the same urgency as new programs.
b. Please work with your units to clean up the program list and use consistent terms.
Renaming programs and program code is part of the problem – counted as new programs in Banner.
Banner list allows us to enroll and graduate students in specific programs. BOR list needs to identify
renaming. Banner includes codes for each interdisciplinary program even though this is one program;
can we lump as one when reporting programs? UAF has cert/AAS pairs – certificate courses completely
overlap with the AAS courses – indicate number of programs that are stepwise pathways. UAA notes
some programs that moved between colleges and can be cleaned up. Gwen intends to schedule
collaborative meetings with each registrar, where most of the work needs to get done. Identify
programs that required no additional resources and those that did. We want to get the Banner list and
BOR lists better aligned during this fall semester. Dana ask GC, NWCCU and BOR about order of
program deletion then teach out – or teach out then when complete do deletion – deletion allows for
faculty layoff and faculty are needed for the teach out. Program deletions are intended to create
reallocation opportunities for new programs or existing program growth.
6. Policy and Regulation Revisions
R10.02 with “C” inserts – attached – changes noted and approved
P02.02.017 A. Chief Academic Officer – Provost Baker will take a shot at revision. Use wording
like in collaboration with the Statewide Academic Council and include academic innovation and
P10.04 Academic Programs – delay 10.04 to next meeting and look at credit hour fix.
P10.05 Admission and Graduation Requirements - policy approved; regulation delayed while
broader faculty senate review is undertaken.
P10.07 Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity- delayed
P10.08 Equal Educational Opportunity and Nondiscrimination - delayed
7. September Board of Regents meeting and common reporting templates & due dates
a. Program Review - Baker had provided a revised template – attachment – send out
Susan Kalina UAA report as intended template with an opportunity for other institutions
to suggest revisions quickly
b. Institutional and Specialized Accreditation – attachment from Megan Carlson
i. Suggest add dates of specialized accreditation and programs on probation or
delayed accreditation status – with an explanation of what is being done.
ii. Suggest add recommendations and commendations from the most recent
institutional accreditation evaluations and any outstanding recommendations
that have not yet been re-evaluated
c. McDowell Graduate Survey – MAU summaries and plans to address issues – written
report from UAA, UAF, and UAS. Due first week of September.
d. Shannon Atkinson – UAF primary home & UAS faculty member talking about her work
with high school students– added – put in A&SA
e. Add SONs – statement of need and MAA missionary analysis – Bethel Cultural Center
will likely to add this – do we need to approve the two previous ones (West Ridge
revitalization and Emergency Services)
f. Other – Should we include a presentation and/or report on any of the following in
September or December?
i. Undergraduate research – delay until December - supported
ii. National Center for Teacher Quality's low scores for Alaska's Teacher Education
Programs - delay
8. December Board of Regents meeting
a. MAU Student and Enrollment Service VCs will report on where and how MAUs are
recruiting in-state, out-of-state, internationally - what is working & how we know Saichi Oba will coordinate
b. Health Program update - Jan Harris and Bill Hogan from UAA
c. eLearning report - Dana Thomas will coordinate – please name one rep from each MAU
– Carol Gering, Susan Kalina, Diane Meador.
d. New program proposals if any
e. Regent Jacobson likes the idea of submitting a SB241 Teacher Education report again
this year – I will discuss with her further on August 22nd and let you know if she wants to
pursue that.
9. Roundtable