Educational Technology Team Terms of Reference UA Goal: Significantly broadening the academic degree and workforce training opportunities we offer to our Alaskan students by enabling our students at any location, to be served the best the University has to offer, from any location. UA Strategies: Maximize effective use of modern educational technology to improve faculty productivity, course quality and ensure cost-effective educational opportunities are made available to the largest number of students throughout the state. Align business processes, information technology developments, and student services in ways that are fundamentally student-centric. Purpose of the Educational Technology Team To ensure that UA fully implements these strategies to meet its goal, President Hamilton chartered the Educational Technology Team (ETT). The ETT is charged with: Directing concerted and coordinated actions in the incorporation of educational technology in our teaching and training programs, in both distance and oncampus offerings. Ensuring that policies and procedures associated with distance education are aligned with on-campus support and delivery, and with other academic program development and student service efforts. Broad oversight and support of the UA Distance Education Steering Board. ETT Membership: VP for Health Programs (VPHP) has been designated the Chair the ETT by the VP for Academic Affairs (VPAP). The ETT will include members of VPHP staff and other members as appointed by the VPAP/VPHP. Standing membership seats will include: UA VP Student Services & Enrollment Management, UA Chief Information Technology Officer, and MAU representatives from UAA, UAF and UAS. The Chair of the DESB will be an ex-officio member. Draft prepared for ETT 2006 Business Meeting Juneau March 29, 2006 Page 1 of 3 ETT Chair Responsibilities: The Chair will set the ETT agenda, report on ETT actions to the AVAP, direct ETT activities and ensure that it operates in accordance with the principles outlined for the ETT by President Hamilton. The ETT Chair will also oversee and support the efforts of the Chair of the Distance Education Steering Board. ETT meetings will operate on a consensus basis. ETT Responsibilities: Formulate technical, policy and budget recommendations with respect to the use of educational technology within the University of Alaska system. Prioritize educational technology resources and investments to meet the program needs identified by the UA Academic Planning Committee and the MAU academic priorities as defined by SAC. Promote efficient collaborations across MAUs. Promote efficient business practices to support and enhance distance education. Develop robust, efficient and consolidated distance delivery systems. Does this mean to specify the details of a delivery system? That seems like it would take a lot of work. Ensure that instructional design and distance delivery resources be located at campuses close to faculty. Promote faculty development at each campus to enhance the integration of learning theory and instructive practice using advanced educational technology and distance education techniques. Promote best practices for the administration, design and delivery of distance education. Ensure development of metrics that adequately reflect the success of distance education as a strategy for access on all campuses. Encourage statewide distance delivery through fair and equitable incentive practices. Analyze and inform key stakeholders on educational technology trends nationally and internationally. Advise the AVP on opportunities for innovative applications of educational technologies to advance the teaching, research and outreach mission of the university. Draft prepared for ETT 2006 Business Meeting Juneau March 29, 2006 Page 2 of 3 Pose and prioritize research questions relevant to improving distance education. Form and task working groups as necessary under the direction of the DESB Chair. ETT Implementation: Annual work plans, annual report, annual budget, and quarterly meetings. Meet quarterly or as needed. Could we add that ETT will meet once a year in a Summit with the Distance Education Steering Board? Keep and distribute written records of meeting proceedings. Create an annual work plan that promotes and advances the priorities of the committee for distance education. Propose an annual budget and implement a spending plan to support the work plan. Write an annual report on the status and impacts of educational technology within the UA System. The ETT will provide a liaison member to participate in the UA Academic Planning Committee meetings to provide cross-communication on issues and priorities of mutual interest ETT will create staff positions to carry out its mission. Draft prepared for ETT 2006 Business Meeting Juneau March 29, 2006 Page 3 of 3