1 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY 1 FINANSIëLE STATE VIR DIE JAAR GEëINDIG 30 JUNIE 2008 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 GRADERING VAN PLAASLIKE OWERHEID/GRADING OF LOCAL COUNCIL Graad 3/Grade 3 OUDITEUR/AUDITOR Die Kantoor van die Ouditeur-Generaal/The Office of the Auditor General BANKIERS/BANKERS Absa Bank, Upington GEREGISTREERDE KANTOOR/REGISTERED OFFICE Hillstraat 14/Hill Street 14 Upington Privaatsak/Private Bag X6039 8800 MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER/MUNICIPAL MANAGER FINANSIëLE BESTUURDER/FINANCIAL MANAGER II Thatelo P Beukes INHOUD/INDEX BLADSY/PAGE Voorwoord Uitvoerende Burgemeester/Foreword Executive Mayor 2 Samestelling van staande komitees/Composition of standing committees 3 Goedkeuring van die finansiële state en die Verslag van die Ouditeur-Generaal/ Approval of the financial statements and the Report of the Auditor General 4 Tesouriersverslag/Treasurer’s report 5-7 Rekeningkundige beleid/Accounting policy 8 - 11 Balansstaat/Balance sheet 12 Inkomstestaat/Income statement 13 Kontantvloeistaat/ Cashflow statement 14 Aantekeninge tot die finansiële state/Notes to the financial statements 15 - 21 Aanhangsels/Appendixes: A- Ontleding van opgehoopte fondse, statutêre fondse, trustfondse, voorsienings en reserwes/ Analysis of accumulated funds, trust funds, statutory funds, provisions and reserves 22 Ontleding van eksterne lenings en interne voorskotte/ Analysis of external loans and internal advances 23 C- Ontleding van vaste bates/Analysis of fixed assets 24 D- Ontleding van bedryfsinkomste en uitgawes/ Analysis of operating income and expenditure 25 E- Gedetaileerde Inkomstestaat/Detailed income statement 26 F- Agentskapkrediteur/Agentskapdebiteur Agency creditor/Agency debtor 27 Statistiese Inligting / Statistical Information 28 B- G- 2 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FINANSIëLE STATE VIR DIE JAAR GEëINDIG 30 JUNIE 2008 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 VOORWOORD : UITVOERENDE BURGEMEESTER SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/ FOREWORD : EXECUTIVE MAYOR SIYANDA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY I remember the kind and wise words of Will Hutton which reminds us that, "The foundation of human association is the idea that human life has equal worth and human beings are equally entitled to political, economic and social rights which allow them to choose a life they have reason to live" Human life has equal worth… Motho ke motho - ga ana bosehlana (a human being is a human being, there is no lesser human being) The idea, that human life has equal worth, and that this is the core value that unites us, invites us to ask whether we have done enough to give practical effect in the Siyanda District today to our shared humanity. Have we acted in a manner that shows that human life has equal worth? Or do we still live in a society where the shadow of history dominates over the opportunities of an open society. As our young nation enters a new year, we have much to be proud of. We are building a society founded on principles of equality, non-racialism and non-sexism. We have built institutions of democracy, creating an open society founded on the rule of law. After stabilising the economy and the public finances, we have created the conditions for rapid economic growth, job creation and the broadening of opportunities. Sound management of public finances and the improved compliance culture on which it rests provides us with the resources to invest in our public services, renew our infrastructure, reshape our residential areas, and provide water, electricity, housing, sanitation, schooling, health care and access roads to millions who were previously denied these elementary building blocks of modern society. The Siyanda District Municipality strives to accelerate economic growth and work opportunities, modernise our public services and infrastructure and fight poverty and inequality, because we have a shared pledge to work together in action. We do this, consciously, as a choice of this government because without a powerful countervailing force, the shadow of history will dictate opportunities, entitlements and outcomes. Izimpilo zabantu zinesisindo ngoku fanayo (people’s lives hold equal value) In conclusion do I wish to express a word of appreciation to my fellow councilors, the acting municipal manager, his management team and their staff for the support and contribution to ensure a financial picture of the Siyanda District Municipality that grows. ………………………………………….. M.L. Ntuli Executive Mayor 3 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FINANSIëLE STATE VIR DIE JAAR GEëINDIG 30 JUNIE 2008 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 SAMESTELLING VAN STAANDE KOMITEES/COMPOSITION OF STANDING COMMITTEES Uitvoerende Burgemeesterskomitee/Executive Mayoral Committee M.L. Ntuli M. Booysen K. Makatong K. de Wee G. Cloete (Uitvoerende Burgemeester/Executive Mayor) (Speaker) (Waarnemer/Observer) Institusionele Ontwikkelings Portefeuljekomitee/Institutional Portfolio Committee G. Cloete P. Eksteen S. Willemse M. Eiman J. van Wyk M.L. Ntuli M. Booysen (Voorsitter/Chairperson) (Ex-officio) (Ex-officio) Infrastruktuur Ontwikkelings Portefeuljekomitee/Infrastructure Portfolio Committee K. Makatong GJ. Mooki P.M. Mgcera C. Tities J.J. Oerson P.M. Kotze M.L. Ntuli M. Booysen (Voorsitter/Chairperson) (Ex-officio) (Ex-officio) Sosiaal Ekonomiese Ontwikkelings Portefeuljekomitee/Social Economic Portfolio Committee K. de Wee S.D. Mbondezi S. Coetzee S. Molao P.S.J. Allie P.M. Kotze M.L. Ntuli M. Booysen (Voorsitter/Chairperson) (Ex-officio) (Ex-officio) 4 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY FINANSIëLE STATE VIR DIE JAAR GEëINDIG 30 JUNIE 2008 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 GOEDKEURING VAN DIE FINANSIëLE STATE/APPROVAL OF THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Die finansiële state soos uiteengesit op bladsye 2 tot 28 is deur die Munisipale- en Finansiële Bestuurder goedgekeur op ……………………………………. en voorgelê aan die raad op ……………………………. en goedgekeur op ……………………………………. The financial statements contained on pages 2 to 28 were approved by the Municipal and Financial Manager on ……………………………………… and presented to council on ………………………………… and approved on ……………………………… _____________________________ MUNISIPALE BESTUURDER MUNICIPAL MANAGER _________________________ DATUM DATE _____________________________ HOOF: FINANSIëLE DIENSTE HEAD: FINANCIAL SERVICES _________________________ DATUM DATE VERSLAG VAN DIE OUDITEUR-GENERAAL REPORT OF THE AUDITOR GENERAL Die verslag van die Ouditeur-Generaal word nie by die finansiële jaarstate ingebind nie, aangesien die verslag slegs met die afhandeling van die oudit direk aan die Siyanda Distrik Munisipaliteit gestuur sal word deur die Ouditeur-Generaal. The report of the Auditor-General are not included in the annual financial statements due to the fact that the Auditor-General will only deliver his report directly to the Siyanda District Municipality after the completion of the audit. 5 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY TESOURIERSVERSLAG VIR DIE JAAR GEëINDIG 30 JUNIE 2008 TREASURER’S REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30 JUNE 2008 1. INLEIDING/INTRODUCTION Die weerhouding van ouditmenings in die vorige jare met spesifieke verwysing na die feit dat die 2007 finansiële state nie ooreenstem met die Raad se rekeningkundige rekords nie het tot gevolg gehad dat die 2007 finansiële state gewysig moes word. As deel van die Raad se herstelprogram en as gevolg van die bedanking van sleutel personeel is die bestaans benadering gevolg in die opstel van 2008 finansiële state. In gevolge die benadering is slegs items waarvan die bestaan bevestig is in die balanstaat opgeneem. Due to the disclaimer of audit opinions in previous years with specific reference to the fact that the 2007 financial statements did not reconcile with the Council’s accounting records resulted in the need to restate the 2007 financial statements. As part of the Council’s recovery program and due to the resignation of key staff an existence approached was apply during the compilation of 2008 financial statements. In accordance with this approach only items of which the existence could be verified were disclosed in the balance sheet. Die surplus vir die jaar geëindig 30 Junie 2008 ten bedrae van R 5 707 325 min die aanwendings het bygedra dat die onaangewende surplus aan die einde van die jaar R 2 983 128(R 7 901 857 in 2007) bedra het. Verwys asseblief na aantekening 3 tot die finansiële state en punt 2 hieronder vir ‘n opsomming van die bedryfsresultate. The surplus for the year ended 30 June 2008 amounts to R 5 707 325 less the appropriations contributed that the unappropriated surplus at the end of year amounts to R 2 983 128( R7 901 857 in 2007). Please refer to note 3 of the financial statements and point 2 hereunder for a summary of the operating results. 2. BEDRYFSRESULTATE/OPERATING RESULTS Die besonderhede van die bedryfsresultate per funksie word in Aanhangsel E weergegee. Die algehele bedryfsresultate vir die jaar was as volg : /The details of the operating results per function are disclosed in Annexure E. The overall operating results for the year are as follows: 2007/2008 R 2006/2007 R 40 578 286 (34 870 962) 5 707 325 (10 626 054) 33 752 395 (33 458 432) 293 963 (928 586) Netto Surplus (tekort) aan die begin van die jaar Nett Surplus (deficit) at the beginning of the year (4 918 729) (634 623) Onaangewende surplus/(tekort) aan die begin van die jaar Unappropriated surplus/deficit at the beginning of the year 7 901 857 14 486 132 Onaangewende suplus/(tekort) aan die einde van die jaar Unappropriated surplus/deficit at the end of the year 2 983 128 13 851 509 Bedryfsresultate /Operating results Inkomste/Income Uitgawes/Expenditure Aanwendings/Appropriations 3. KAPITAALUITGAWE EN FINANSIERING CAPITAL EXPENDITURE AND FUNDING 2007/2008 R Kapitale uitgawes/Capital Expenditure Infrastructure Community Other TOTAL: 743 517 1 328 669 2 147 004 4 219 190 6 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY TESOURIERSVERSLAG – 30 Junie 2008 (vervolg) TREASURER’S REPORT – 30 June 2008 (continued) Finansieringsbronne/ Funding sources Bydraes uit inkomste/Contributions from income Lenings opgeneem/Loans taken up Skenkings/Donations TOTAL: 4. R 526 740 927 908 2 764 542 4 219 190 EKSTERNE LENINGS/EXTERNAL LOANS Op jaareinde het eksterne lenings R 6 077 517 (2007: R 5 854 134) bedra. Rente ten bedrae van R781 612 t.o.v DBSA is gekapitaliseer. Verwys na aanhangsel B en aantekening 5 tot die finansiële state vir meer besonderhede. /At year-end external loans amounted to R 6 077 517 (2007: R 5 854 134). Interest to the amount of R781 612 was capitalized. Refer to annexure B and note 5 of the financial statements for more detail. 5. EKSTERNE BELEGGINGS/EXTERNAL INVESTMENTS Op jaareinde het eksterne beleggings R 3 036 303 (2007: R 6 877) bedra. Verwys na aantekening 8 tot die finansiële state vir verdere besonderhede. At year-end external investments amounted to R 3 036 303 (2007: R 6 877). Refer to note 8 of the financial statements for more detail. 6. BANK- EN KONTANT/BANK AND CASH Op jaareinde was die netto oortrokke banksaldo’s R 3 914 584 (2007: R 6 509 747 oortrokke). Dit verteenwoordig ‘n netto toename in bank- en kontant van R 2 595 163 vanaf die 2006/2007 finansiële jaar geëindig. Verwys na aantekening 12 en 14 tot die finansiële state vir verdere besonderhede.The nett bank overdraft balance was R 3 914 584 (2007: R 6 509 747 overdraft) at year-end. This represents a nett increase in bank and cash of R 2 595 163 from the 2006/2007 financial year end. Refer to notes 12 and 14 of the financial statements for more detail. 7. FONDSE EN RESERWES/FUNDS AND RESERVES Fondse en Reserwes op jaareinde ten bedrae van R 7 668 557 lê opgesluit in debiteure en word glad nie verteenwoordig deur beleggings nie. / Funds and Reserves to the amount of R 7 668 557 at year-end are not cash-backed and are represented by debtors. 7 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY TESOURIERSVERSLAG – 30 Junie 2008 (vervolg) TREASURER’S REPORT – 30 June 2008 (continued) 8. LOPENDE SAAK/GOING CONCERN Die lopende saak en kontantvloei van die Raad is onder groot druk en is verskeie tjeks deur die bank gedishonoreer. Probleme word steeds ondervind met die toename in debiteure en spesifiek die paaie agentskapsdebiteur. Dringende aandag behoort verleen te word aan die vordering van die debiteur en kontrole maatreëls om te verseker dat projekte nie oorspandeer word nie. / The going concern and cash flow of the Council are under serious threat and numerous cheques have been dishonored by the bank. Problems are still experienced with the increase in debtors and specific the roads agency debtor. Urgent attention is needed in order to recover this debt, and to ensure that sufficient controls are in place to prohibit over expenditure on projects. 9. WAARDERING/APPRECIATION Graag maak ek van die geleentheid gebruik om dank uit te spreek teenoor die munisipale bestuurder en personeel vir hul ondersteuning en bystand tydens die opstel van die finansiële state./I sincerely express my gratitude to the municipal manager and staff for their support and aid in compiling the financial statements. ……………………………… Hoof: Finansies Head: Finance 8 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY REKENINGKUNDIGE BELEID ACCOUNTING POLICY 1. BASIS VAN VOORBEREIDING/COMPILATION BASIS 1.1 Hierdie Finansiële state is opgestel om te voldoen aan die standaarde neergelê deur die Instituut van Munisipale Tesouriers en Rekenmeesters, die Gebruikskode vir die Rekeningkunde van Plaaslike Owerhede (1992), en die gepubliseerde Jaarlikse Finansiële State vir Plaaslike Owerhede (jongste gewysigde uitgawe).This Financial Statements is compiled to comply to the standards as set by the Institute of Municipal Treasurer’s and Accountants, the Usercode for the Accounting of Local Authorities (1992), and the published Annual Financial Statements for Local Authorities ( newest amended edition). 1.2 Die finansiële state word op die historiese kostebasis opgestel en aangepas vir vaste bates, soos meer volledig uiteengesit in rekeningkundige beleid, item 3. Die rekeningkundige beleid stem ooreen met die van die vorige jaar, behalwe waar anders aangedui./ The financial statements is compiled on the historical cost based and adjusted for fixed assets as further analysed in accounting policy , item 3. The accounting policy agrees to the one of the previous year, except where otherwise indicated. 1.3 Die Finansiële state word volgens die toevallingsgrondslag opgestel : - Inkomste word erken wanneer dit meetbaar en invorderbaar word. Sekere direkte inkomste soos verkeersboetes en sekere lisensies word erken wanneer dit betaal word. - Uitgawe word erken in die jaar waarin dit aangegaan word. The Financial statements are compiled according to the accrual basis: 2. - Income is accounted for when it is measurable and recoverable. Certain direct income like traffic fines and licences are accounted when it is paid. - Expenditure is accounted for in the year when it is made. KONSOLIDERING/CONSOLIDATION Die balansstaat omsluit streeksfunksies, bydraes aan deelnemende plaaslike owerhede, administratiewe funksie sowel as agentskapsdienste, VOR trustrekeninge, fondse en voorsienings./The balance sheet include regional functions, contributions to participating local authorities, administrative functions as well as agency services, VOR trust accounts, funds and provisions. 3. VASTE BATES/FIXED ASSETS 3.1 Vaste Bates word getoon:/Fixed Assets are disclosed: - teen historiese koste; of/at historical costs; or - teen waardasie (gebaseer op die markprys op die datum van verkryging), waar bates deur middel van ‘n toekenning of skenking verkry is,/at valuation (based on the marketprice on the acquiring date),where assets are acquired by means of a grant or donation, - terwyl dit bestaan en geskik is vir die gebruik, behalwe in die geval van massa-bates wat aan die einde van hul beraamde lewensduur, soos vasgestel deur die tesourier, afgeskryf word./while it existed and be in use, except in the case of bulk assets which at the end of their expected lifetime as set by the treasurer are written off. 9 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY REKENINGKUNDIGE BELEID – (Vervolg) ACCOUNTING POLICY- (Continued) 3.2 Waardevermindering:/Depreciation: Die saldo wat teen die opskrif “Lenings Afgelos en Ander Kapitaalontvangste” in die aantekeninge tot die balansstaat getoon word, is gelykstaande aan ‘n voorsiening vir waardevermindering./The balance which is disclosed in the heading “Loans Redeemed and Other Capital receipts” in the notes to the financial statements is equal to the provision for depreciation. Behalwe vir voorskotte uit die verskillende raadsfondse, kan bates ook op die volgende wyses verkry word :/Except for advances out of the different council funds, assets can also be acquired in the following instances : - Toewysings uit inkomste, waar die volle koste van die bate ‘n onmiddellike en direkte heffing teen bedryfsinkomste vorm, en dit dus nie nodig is om enige verdere voorsiening vir waardevermindering te maak nie./Allocations out of income, where the full costs of the asset is a immediate and direct levy against operating income and then it is unnecessary to provide for further depreciation. - Toekenning of skenking, waar die bedrag wat die waarde van so ‘n toekenning of skenking verteenwoordig, onmiddellik na die “Lenings Afgelos en Ander Kapitaalontvangste” gekrediteer word./Grant or donation, where the amount which present the value of such grant or donation, are credited immediately to the “Loans Redeemed and Other Capital receipts” 3.3 Die netto opbrengs uit die verkoop van roerende vaste bates word na die kapitaalontwikkelingsfonds gekrediteer. Indien onroerende bates soos grond en geboue verkoop word, word die netto opbrengs daarvan na die kapitaalontwikkelingsfonds gekrediteer./The nett proceeds out of the disposal of movable fixed assets are credited to the capital development fund. When immovable assets like land and buildings are disposed off, the nett proceeds of the disposal are credited to the capital development fund. 3.4 Kapitaalbates word uit verskillende bronne gefinansier, insluitend eksterne lenings, bedryfsinkomste en interne voorskotte. Die lenings en voorskotte word terugbetaal binne die beraamde nuttige lewensduur van die bates wat uit sodanige lenings en voorskotte gefinansier word. Rente word teen die heersende rentekoers ten tye van die toestaan van die voorskot teen die betrokke diens gedebiteer./Capital assets are financed out of different sources, included external loans, operating income and internal advances. The loans and advances are repaid within the expected useful life of the asset which are financed out of such loans and advances. Interest are debited to the concerned service at the ruling interest rate when the advance where given. 4. VOORRAAD/STOCK Voorraad word waardeer teen die laagste van koste, vasgestel volgens die geweegde gemiddelde grondslag, en die netto realiseerbare waarde. Stock is valued at the lowest of cost, calculated according the weighted average method, and the nett realizable value. 5. FONDSE, TRUSTFONDSE EN RESERWES/FUNDS, TRUST FUNDS AND RESERVES 5.1 Kapitaalontwikkelingsfonds/Capital Development Fund Die fondse in die kapitaalontwikkelingsfonds word ooreenkomstig die Raad se begroting en op die wyse deur die Raad bepaal, aangewend om :/The funds in the capital development fund are employed according Council’s budget and in the manner determined by Council, employed for : - Voorskotte of lenings aan deelnemende plaaslike owerhede toe te staan op die bedinge en voorwaardes waarop die raad besluit;/Advances or loans to participating local authorities allocated on the negotiations and conditions where upon council decides; 10 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY REKENINGKUNDIGE BELEID – (Vervolg) ACCOUNTING POLICY- (Continued) - Terugbetaling, delging of aflossing, na gelang van die geval, van lenings, effekte, obligasies of wissels deur die raad aangegaan of uitgereik;/Repayment, redemption or pay off , in case of, loans, stocks, debentures, or bills taken up or issued by council. - Vir beleggings by instellings indien dit nie onmiddellik vir ander doeleindes benodig word nie;/For investments at institutions if it’s not needed immediately for other purposes; - Vir beskikbaarstelling van fondse vir goedgekeurde kapitaalprojekte;/To make funds available for approved capital projects; - Ter finansiering van sodanige gedeelte van die kapitaalbehoeftes van die raad as wat ingevolge raadsbesluit nie uit lopende inkomste van die raad finansier word nie./To finance such part of the capital needs as in accordance council resolution could not be financed out of current income. Bydraes tot die fonds word gedoen ooreenkomstig die raad se goedkeuring en soos die begroting voorsiening daarvoor maak. In die huidige finansiële jaar was daar geen bydraes tot die fondse gemaak nie./Contributions to the fund are done in accordance council’s approval and as the budget provide for. In this financial year no contribution was made to the fund. 5.2 Trustfondse/Trustfunds Trustfondse word verteenwoordig deur voorwaardelike subsidies en skenkings nog nie gespandeer op jaareinde nie./Trustfunds are represented by conditional subsidies and donations not spent at year end. 5.3 Reserwes/Reserves Reserwes word verteenwoordig deur projekte waarvoor die Raad ‘n bydrae maak, maar die fondse nog nie op jaareinde spandeer is nie./Reserves are represented by projects to which Council make a contribution , but the funds are’nt spent at year end. 6. VOORSIENINGS/PROVISIONS Voorsienings word gemaak om verpligtinge of gebeurlikhede wat ten tye van die balanstaat bekend is, maar waarvan die betrokke bedrae nie met redelike sekerheid bepaal kan word nie, na te kom. Die voorsiening vir oninbare skuld het op ‘n bedryfsbate betrekking en word dus as ‘n aftrekking van die bate geopenbaar./Provisions are made to meet commitments or contingencies which are known at balance sheet date but the concerned amounts could’nt with reasonable certainty be ascertain. The provision for bad debts involves a current asset and are disclosed as a deduction from the asset. 7. AFTREEVOORDELE/RETIREMENT BENEFITS Die Raad, Raadslede en werknemers dra by tot die Samwu, Imatu- en Kaapse Pensioenfondse. Al hierdie fondse verskaf aftreevoordele aan sodanige werknemers en raadslede. Die aftreevoordeleplan is onderhewig aan die Wet op Pensioenfondse, 1956 en pensioene word bereken volgens die laaste pensioendraende vergoeding betaal. Huidige bydraes word teen bedryfsinkomste gehef, gegrond op huidige dienskoste. Volle aktuariële waardasies word ten minste elke drie jaar uitgevoer./Council, Councillors and employees contribute to SAMWU, Imatu and Cape Pension funds. All these funds supply retirement benefits to such employees and councillors. The retirement benefit plan is subject to the Act on Pension funds, 1956 and pensions are calculated according the last pension carry remuneration paid. Current contributions are levied on the operating income, based on current service charges. Actuarial valuations are done at least every three years. 11 SIYANDA DISTRIK MUNISIPALITEIT/DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY REKENINGKUNDIGE BELEID – (Vervolg) ACCOUNTING POLICY- (Continued) 8. AFWAG DEBITEURE/SUSPENSE DEBTORS Afwag debiteure word verteenwoordig deur trustrekenings vir Verteenwoordigende Oorgangsrade (VOR’e) deur die Distriksraad geadministreer./Suspense debtors consists of trust accounts for Representative Transititional Councils(RTC’s) administrated by the District Council. 9. BEHANDELING VAN ADMINISTRATIEWE EN ANDER BOKOSTE/TREATMENT OF ADMINISTRATIVE AND OTHER OVERHEAD COSTS. Die koste van interne hulpdienste word, in ooreenstemming met die riglyne in die instituut se Verslag oor die Rekeningkundige Behandeling van Hulpdienste (1990), teen die verskillende dienste wat daarvan gebruik maak, gedebiteer./The costs for internal support services are debited to the different services that made use of it , in accordance with the Institutes Report on the Accounting Treatment of Support Services (1990). 10. BELEGGINGS/INVESTMENTS Beleggings word teen die laagste van kosprys of markwaarde getoon, en is belê ooreenkomstig met die omsendbrief soos uitgereik deur die Provinsiale Regering./Investments are disclosed at the lowest of costs or market value and are invested in accordance with the circular as issued by the Provincial Government. 11. STREEKS- EN VESTIGINGSHEFFINGS/REGIONAL AND ESTABLISHMENT LEVIES Inkomste word erken op die datum van ontvangs van verklaring vir betaling van distriksraadsheffings opgawe (RSC4)./Revenue are captured on the date of receipt of the declaration of payment of district council levies return (RSC4). 12. LENINGS AAN DEELNEMENDE PLAASLIKE OWERHEDE/LOANS TO PARTICIPATING LOCAL AUTHORITIES Lenings is toegestaan aan Plaaslike Owerhede vir verskeie doeleindes en sluit in: 12.1 Lenings toegestaan deur die opneem van lening uit eksterne finansiering; 12.2 Lening opgeneem uit finansiering deur die Kapitaalontwikkelingsfonds. Loans are granted to Local Authorities for various reasons and include: 12.1 Loans granted for the taken of loans via external financing; 12.2 Loans taken via financing out of the Capital Development Fund. 13. BRUIKHUUR BATES/LEASED ASSETS Geen/None