University of Alaska Anchorage FY13 Operating and Capital Budget Requests 9 August 2011 UAA: The 21st Century Regional Public University Unites Traditional Community College and University Missions Provides Open Access to Educational Opportunity with Sustained Emphasis on Student Achievement Delivers Teaching, Research, Engagement, Creative Expression Offers Programs in Career and Technical, Arts and Sciences, and Professional Fields ranging from Occupational Endorsements to Graduate Degrees Works in Partnerships, Partnerships, Partnerships Points of Pride 20,559 Students Enrolled for Credit (Fall 10) 2,295 Total Awards (AY10-11) Successful Reaffirmation of Accreditation as NWCCU Pilot Institution Re-Organization of Principal Health Programs to Address Role as Lead Institution Health Sciences Building to Open Fall 2011 National Recognition for Gary Rice/OIR Student Tracking Model (Enhanced Performance Data for Decision-Making) Four Student Fulbright Scholars; 5th Truman Scholar in Last Six Years Athletics rated in top 10% of Division II Schools Performance Metrics Metric Projection Change fr FY10 High Demand Job Awards 1,775 UP 6.9 % Undergraduate Retention 67.8% DOWN from all-time high of 70.2 in FY10 Student Credit Hours 378,802 UP 3.8% University-Generated Revenue $160.5M UP 10.4% Grant Funded Research Expenditures $12.9M UP 15% Baccalaureate (6 Yr) Graduation Rate 25.2% UP slightly Key UAA Strategic Principles Assure Alignment and Consistency UA System Priorities MAU and Campus Priorities and Requirements Meet State and Community Needs Maintain Mission Balance Across the MAU Reinforce MAU Strengths with Emphasis on the UAA Community of Students, Faculty, and Staff Act as Good Stewards of Financial and Infrastructure Assets Take Sustainability Seriously – Environmentally Wise, Economically Sound, Socially Responsible Why These Requests Now? These requests are designed to: Sustain previous investment Reinforce success and maintain momentum Close the gap between well-established public needs and our ability to meet them Grow and expand the social and economic impact of the university Planning and Budgeting Highlights FY08 – FY12 FY08-FY12: Budget requests driven by strategic plan (UAA 2017) FY08-FY12: Total of almost $6.6 million reallocated to support urgent and strategically important operational requirements via the PBAC process FY08-FY12: Use of wide-range of conservation and sustainability measures to address fixed costs. Outlook: Non-General Fund Will Remain Flat Federal Receipts (excepting Financial Aid) Other Grants and Contracts Gifts and Donations Will Grow Tuition and Fees (a function of increases in charges and enrollment) Outlook: Major Challenges 3-5 Years Major Challenges to Address: Accommodate Continued Enrollment Growth Continue to Increase Student Success (Retention, Progress, Graduation, Distinction). Sustain Programs, High Demand Jobs and Workforce Development Agenda Grow the Research Mission Address Highest Priority Infrastructure Requirements Make Strategic Reallocation Decisions to Address Fiscal Challenges University of Alaska Anchorage FY13 Operating Budget Request Highest Priority Program Increments STUDENT SUCCESS: The “First Three Years” $900.9 GF; $40.0 NGF MAU RANKING TITLE GF 1 Honors College Staffing (move from one-time to base)1 100.0 3 Increasing Student Degree/Goal Attainment1 354.9 12 High Impact Practices/Student Success 175.0 13 ANSEP Staff 271.0 1 Requested in previous years NGF 20.0 20.0 Highest Priority Program Increments TEACHER EDUCATION - $250.0 GF MAU RANKING 2 TITLE Alaska Education Policy Research1 1 Requested in previous years GF 250.0 NGF Highest Priority Program Increments HEALTH and BIOMEDICAL - $1,309.3 GF; $175.0 NGF MAU RANKING TITLE GF NGF 4 Dietetics & Nutrition Program Expansion1,2 116.0 20.0 6 Graduate Nursing Faculty1 389.9 40.0 7 INBRE Cellular Development Biologist 100.0 20.0 9 Physical Therapy Careers 350.0 40.0 10 Health Student Services Coordinator1 62.2 5.0 16 Bio Statistics and Epidemiology 75.0 20.0 17 Occupational Therapy Liaison 100.0 10.0 19 Ultrasound Faculty2 116.2 20.0 1Requested in previous years 2Replaces TVEP funds Highest Priority Program Increments WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT - $899.7 GF; $116.5 NGF MAU RANKING TITLE 5 Process Technology – KPC1,2 8 GF NGF 375.0 94.0 Architectural/Engineering Faculty1,2 94.0 20.0 11 Outdoor Recreational Program – PWSCC1 29.7 2.5 14 Small Business Development Center 273.8 18 MSC Computer Systems Tech Faculty2 127.2 1Requested in previous years 2Replaces TVEP funds Highest Priority Program Increments ENGINEERING - $60.0 GF MAU RANKING 15 TITLE Engineering Student Assistants GF NGF 60.0 Highest Priority Fixed Cost Increments Student Success: Library Fixed Costs 120.9 GF Inflation—Journal Subscriptions and Monograph Acquisitions Information Technology Fixed Costs 30.0 GF Totals Category TOTAL PROGRAM INCREMENTS TOTAL FIXED COST INCREMENTS TOTAL INCREMENTS GF NGF $3,419.9 $331.5 $150.9 $3,570.8 $331.5 FY13--UAA Capital Budget Request Deferred Maintenance Planning and Design Renewal Land Acquisition New Construction Academic Equipment FY13--UAA Capital Budget Request Main Campus R&R/Deferred Maintenance--$40.6M Anchorage Campus—Top 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. BMH Building Renewal $ 6.92 M Allied Health Sciences Bldg Renovation $ 1.8 M Campus Building Envelope/Roofs $ 1.5 M Mech/Elec/HVAC Systems Upgrades $ 1.5 M Campus Roads/Curbs/SW $ 0.5 M EM1 and EM2 Mechanical $ 3.43 M MAC Housing Renewal $ 3.0 M Library Cores Mechanical Upgrade $ 2.85 M Engineering Building Renewal $ 3.34 M Fine Art Mechanical System Renewal $ 7.48 M Anchorage Campus Share of $37.5M approx $8.96M FY13--UAA Capital Budget Request Community Campus R&R/Deferred Maintenance -$9.7M Community Campuses—Top 5 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. KPC Goodrich Ward Backfill Kodiak Campus Renewal PWSCC Campus Renewal Mat-Su Restroom Upgrades Kodiak Roof Replacement $1.26 M $3.29M $3.64 M $0.51 M $1.01 M UAA Community Campus Share of $37.5M approx $1.84M FY13--UAA Capital Budget Request UAA Planning and Design Funds Anchorage 1. 2. 3. 4. Health Sciences Ph ll Bldg & Parking/Bridge Student Rec Center/WFSC/Ice Rink Library North Entrance & Student Resource Center UAA Anchorage Campus Master Plan and MAU Facility DM Assessment $ 11.0M $ 5.0M $ 0.5M $ 1.5M Community Campus 1. 2. 3. PWSCC Lecture Hall /Classroom Addition MSC Science Facility Addition PWSCC Vocational Technology Center $ 0.3M $ 0.3M $ 0.3M FY13--UAA Capital Budget Request UAA New Construction UAA FY13 New Construction PAUSE, or … Anchorage Campus - 2 Projects Engineering PH I - Instructional Lab Bldg (TPC $117M) Includes New Building (75K GSF)-- $79.8M Structured parking (500 spaces)--$17.7M Temp Parking--$3.2M Existing Bldg Renewal --$16.3M Alaska Native Art Studio—(Receipt Authority) $ 113.0M $ 3.5M Community Campus – 1 Project Kodiak Vo-tech and Warehouse (Phase I) $ 14.3M Wrap-Up UAA is a strong and growing institution Continuously improving quality in all mission dimensions Meeting regional needs from developmental education to graduate degrees Serving the majority of students in the UA system Producing increased output of basic and applied research Building engagement and partnerships in our communities Continuing investment is required to Maintain strengths Reinforce successes Address challenges Wrap-Up Immediate Needs Additional operating funds for highest priority programmatic needs. Sustained deferred maintenance support. Construction and planning funding for capital projects already in progress.