UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-GREEN BAY ASSOCIATE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES PLANNING FORM Name: ___________________________________________ Student ID #: __________________________ Students must complete at least 60 credits (12 credits minimum in a focus area approved by an academic advisor) and finish with at least a 2.0 cumulative G.PA. GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS: Course: # Credits: Completed/ In Progress Fine Arts (3 credits): FA: ____________________________________ _________ Humanities (9 credits): (Cannot all be from the same academic subject) HS1: ____________________________________ _________ HS2: ____________________________________ _________ HS3: ____________________________________ _________ Social Sciences (9 credits): (Both SS1 courses cannot be from the same academic subject) SS1: ____________________________________ _________ SS1: ____________________________________ _________ SS2: ____________________________________ _________ Natural Sciences (10 -12 credits): HB1: ____________________________________ _________ NPS1: ____________________________________ _________ HB2: ____________________________________ _________ NPS2: ____________________________________ _________ World Culture (3 credits): WC: ____________________________________ _________ Ethnic Studies (3 credits): ETS: ____________________________________ _________ Writing Emphasis Requirement: (6 credits at the lower level (100-200)) WE: ____________________________________ _________ WE: ____________________________________ _________ English Competency Requirement: Math Competency Requirement: ________________________________ _____________________________ Focus Area: ____________________________________ (minimum of 12 credits) _______________ _______________ (approved course) (approved course) _______________ (approved course) _______________ (approved course) Approved by Academic Advising Student Plans to continue at UW-Green Bay immediately following this semester: (circle one) Yes or No *Advisor’s Signature: ____________________________________ Date: _______________