Wind Measurements on the Gemini 8m Primary Mirrors Myung K. Cho Larry M. Stepp 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 1 Goals of Wind Test on Gemini • To understand wind effects on Gemini M1 • To evaluate the validity of the math/numerical models developed in the design stage • To understand environmental parameters during observation • To develop a vent gate control algorithm for operation of Gemini telescopes • To extrapolate wind effects measured on an 8m telescope to larger telescopes 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 2 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 3 Wind Test Setup • Wind pressure measurements on the primary – Dummy mirror surface covered with plywood – 24 pressure sensors installed for the first test series • In conjunction with structural accelerometer measurements – 32 pressure sensors installed for all other test sets • Wind velocity measurements (6 anemometers) – – – – Two locations on elevation axis (+X and –X axes) Top and bottom sides of M1 cell (+Y and –Y axes) Behind the secondary mirror assembly (M2) At the top of the dome (Dome location) 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 4 24 INITIAL PRESSURE SESOR LOCATIONS 8 ADDITIONAL PRESSURE SENSOR LOCATIONS 1 2 25 27 26 4 3 8 13 14 29 19 28 15 20 11 12 16 17 18 21 22 31 30 32 23 26-27 November, 2001 6 10 9 7 5 24 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 5 Instrumentation 3-axis anemometers Pressure sensors, 32 places 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 6 Wind test hardware/software • Wind data acquisition (National Instruments) – Acquisition PC board: NI PCI-6033E I/O – Interface: SCB-100, 100 pin connector block box – Data logger: NI LabView software on a pentium PC • Wind pressure sensor: Setra model 264 – Bi-directional pressure transducer – Pressure range: ± 50 Pascals (N/m2) • Wind velocity sensor: Young model 8100 – Ultrasonic 3 directional anemometer – Velocity range: 0 – 20 meters per second (m/s) 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 7 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 8 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 9 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 10 Sensor Locations Ultrasonic anemometer Ultrasonic anemometer 26-27 November, 2001 Pressure sensors NIO Wind Loading Workshop 11 Anemometer at +X axis 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 12 Anemometer on top of the dome 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 13 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 14 Wind Test Procedures • Total of 116 wind test sets with parameters of: – Wind attack angles (azimuth angle) – Telescope zenith angles – Vent gate positions • Wind pressure measurements (24/32 sensors) – Pressure sensor readings at a sampling rate of 10 samples per second (10Hz) for 5 minutes • Wind velocity measurements (5-6 anemometers) – 3 readings at each anemometer at 10Hz for 5 minutes • Simultaneous data acquisition – no time delay 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 15 Wind Test Data Reduction • Results from wind pressure measurements – – – – – – Time history and frequency response of each sensor Temporal and spatial average of wind pressure Temporal and spatial RMS of wind pressure Resulting surface distortions Zernike coefficients of surface distortions Structural Function for pressure difference variations • Results from wind velocity measurements – Average resultant wind velocity – RMS resultant wind velocity • Animations 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 16 Sample test case (c00030oo) • • • • • Typical case among a total of 116 test cases Wind attack direction to SLIT = 0 degree Telescope Zenith angle = 30 degrees Upwind gate: open Down wind gate: open (The open-open condition is most severe.) 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 17 Wind pressure variation at sensor #1 time history and frequency response 0 8 10 6 10 4 10 6 5 2 4 3 10 2 0 10 -2 10 -4 Sensor # 1 (C00030oo) 7 10 magnitude pressure (N/m2) Sensor # 1 (C00030oo) 10 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time History: time (second) 26-27 November, 2001 250 300 SUM = 9118 10 -3 10 NIO Wind Loading Workshop -2 -1 0 10 10 10 Frequency Response Function: frequency (Hz) 1 10 18 Average wind pressure time history and frequency response 0 1 10 0.5 10 0 10 6 5 -0.5 4 3 10 2 -1 10 -1.5 10 -2 AVERAGE Pressure (C00030oo) 7 10 magnitude pressure (N/m2) AVERAGE Pressure (C00030oo) 1.5 1 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time History: time (second) 26-27 November, 2001 250 300 SUM = -226 10 -3 10 NIO Wind Loading Workshop -2 -1 0 10 10 10 Frequency Response Function: frequency (Hz) 1 10 19 RMS wind pressure variation time history and frequency response RMS Pressure (C00030oo) 10 4 10 6 3.5 5 10 3 magnitude pressure (N/m2) RMS Pressure (C00030oo) 7 4.5 2.5 4 10 3 10 2 2 10 1.5 1 10 1 0.5 0 0 50 100 150 200 Time History: time (second) 26-27 November, 2001 250 300 SUM = 6141 10 -3 10 NIO Wind Loading Workshop -2 -1 0 10 10 10 Frequency Response Function: frequency (Hz) 1 10 20 Response of Primary Mirror to Wind Loading • Response of mirror determined by stiffness of mirror and load-spreading properties of support system – – – – Primary mirror material: Corning ULETM fused silica Primary mirror diameter: 8.1 m Primary mirror thickness: 0.2 m Mirror support: 120-point hydraulic whiffletree 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 21 Contour Plots (c00030oo) Wind Pressure (N/m2) 26-27 November, 2001 Mirror Deformation (microns) NIO Wind Loading Workshop 22 Simultaneous Animations (c00030oo) Wind Pressure (N/m2) 26-27 November, 2001 Mirror Deformation (microns) NIO Wind Loading Workshop Wind Speed at 5 Locations (m/sec) 23 Effect of vent gate positions Pressure Deformation C00030oo (open, open) Fz=26N, Mx=151N-m, My=-10N-m Surface RMS = 0.31 microns C00030cc (closed, closed) Fz=-7N, Mx=8N-m, My=-16N-m 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop Surface RMS = 0.03 microns 24 Mirror Deformation vs Pressure RMS Deformation (microns) 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 0.00 26-27 November, 2001 2.00 4.00 6.00 NIO Wind Pressure Loading Workshop RMS (pascals) 8.00 10.00 25 Mirror Deformation vs Wind Speed 0.700 RMS surface (microns) 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 0.0 26-27 November, 2001 2.0 4.0 6.0 NIO Wind Speed Loading Workshop Wind at M1 (m/sec) 8.0 10.0 26 Mirror Deformation vs Wind Speed 0.700 RMS surface (microns) 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 0.0 26-27 November, 2001 2.0 4.0 6.0 NIO Wind Speed Loading Workshop Wind at M1 (m/sec) 8.0 10.0 27 Mirror Deformation vs Wind Speed 0.700 Vent gates controlled to limit wind speed at mirror to < 3 m/sec RMS surface (microns) 0.600 0.500 0.400 0.300 0.200 0.100 0.000 0.0 26-27 November, 2001 2.0 4.0 6.0 NIO Wind Loading Workshop Wind Speed at M1 (m/sec) 8.0 10.0 28 Effect of Vent Gate Positions Average Attenuation of Outside Wind Velocity Vent Gate Positions Relative Wind Speed at M1 Relative Wind Speed at M2 Closed-Closed 13% 64% Closed-Open 37% 74% Open-Closed 35% 57% Open-Open 74% 61% (upwind-downwind) 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 29 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 30 Overview of the L16 Analysis (David Smith) L16 factorial experiment includes: • • • Azimuth Angle of Attack (AoA) at 0 and 45 degrees Elevation at 30 and 60 degrees of Zenith angle Upwind Vent Gate (UVG) Open and Closed • Downwind Vent Gate (DVG) Open and Closed Results: • • • The largest effect is from UVG position. Elevation angle was not a statistically significant. For the outside wind sensors (dome), the only significant effects: AoA and wind velocity itself. 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 31 average pressure PSD(P00060oo) 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 32 average pressure PSD(Q04530oo) 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 33 Average Pressure PSD Data - Effect of Upwind Vent Gate 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 34 Average Pressure PSD Data - Effect of Elevation Note: No elevation dependence on average pressure on primary 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 35 Definition of Structural Function Structure tensor D employed to define random wind pressure difference between two points. For homogeneous and isotropic wind pressure, structural function D(d): D(d) = < [P(r+d) – P(r )]2 > d = separation between two points r = position on the mirror surface 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 36 Average Pressure Structure Function (C00030oo) Average Structural Function for C00030oo 4 RMS pressure, Prms (N/m2) 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 D(d) = 0.096 d 0.41 1 0.5 0 Prms = 0.076124 d ** 0.4389 0 26-27 November, 2001 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 sensor spacing, d (mm) NIO Wind Loading Workshop 6000 7000 8000 Amplitude strongly dependent on vent gate setting 37 Extrapolation to 30 Meters RMS Pressure Difference (pascals) 0.25 Pressure variation on 30-m mirror about twice 8-m 0.2 0.15 0.1 Prms = 0.04d^0.5 0.05 0 0 2001 26-27 November, 10 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 20 Sensor Separation (meters) 30 38 Summary and Conclusions • Wind loading on M1 is strongly dependent on vent gate openings • Wind loading on M2 is not strongly dependent on vent gate openings • Control algorithm will maintain wind speed at M1 < 3 m/sec • With vent gates closed, M1 deformations remain within error budget even in high winds • Pressure variations on M1 are larger than average pressure • M1 wind deformations are dominated by astigmatism • M1 deformations are proportional to RMS pressure variations on surface • M1 deformations ~ proportional to (wind velocity at mirror)² • Pressure structure functions fit 0.5 power law • Structure functions allow extrapolation to larger telescopes – pressure range for 30m twice that of 8m 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 39 The Gemini South wind test results are available on the AURA New Initiatives Office Web site at: 26-27 November, 2001 NIO Wind Loading Workshop 40