Associated Students of Willamette University 8 October 2009 Smullin 129 Senate Agenda 1.0 Call to Order 1.1 2.0 7:03pm Roll Call Late: Sen. Baptista Proxy: Sen. Clardy 3.0 Approval of the Minutes Minutes Approved 4.0 Approval of the Agenda Agenda Approved 5.0 WEB Report Co Pres Bell: Awareness and discussion dialogue-working with Nike Web Chair McLennan: Concert went well thank you for feedback last week, Midnight Breakfast-looking for Senator volunteers, 6.0 Collegian Report* VP Jones: Editor Bernstein hired as tutor. Will be attending when he can. Looking to completely eliminate the Collegian debt by this year (hopefully) 7.0 Officer Reports President Rice: Working towards brining screens to campus, please update profiles, All TIUA meeting went well thank you Sen. Reddy, Sen Delph and TIUA Rep Yoshida VP Rathe: Cleared up budget questions with OMA. Emailed Sen. Reddy and Tom Bernstein to get an ASWU weekly report put in. Working with the Collegian to change payroll system. Talked with WEB co Presidents to get WEB endowment established. VP Morton: Working to hold committee members accountable. Working to get screens put on campus. VP Jones: Fixing an amendment to establish an attendance policy for faulty. Talk to me if there are times when you are taken on a trip that forces you to miss a class so we can record these accounts. Sen. Gilbert: What is an example of an unexcused absence? VP Jones: Any absence that prevents you from completing any outside school work without notifying Faculty Council. Sen Maresh: Is this a ‘tattle tale’ policy? VP Jones: It’s completely up to you if you want to report a faculty member. It’s been around for it a while. Sen Delph: Any reports are kept very confidential. 8.0 ASWU Budget Discussion/Approval VP Rathe: Presented Budget. Questions? Sen Reddy: If clubs want to request funding, how do they do that? VP Rathe: Have them send an email to finance board. Sen Fakhoury: I see a lot of food items on the budget. Can you explain? VP Rathe: If the food is intrinsic to the event, it is funded. Sen Maresh: Can we fund Onesies? VP Rathe: No Beta Representative Westlund: We are looking to ensure we have money for the Beta Buckoff. Sen. Gilbert: What is Beta Buckoff? Westlund: It’s an inter-greek event between Beta and Alpha Chi. Sen Bobirnac: How many people come and is this open to the public? Westlund: A few hundred and yes Sen Baptista: Who decides who gets coaches? Sen Nigh: It hasn’t been decided. Sen Koll: Move to approve budget Sen Williams seconds Budget approved 9.0 Old Business 9.1 Constitutional Amendment – Senator Vacancies Sen Jackson: Move to limit discussion to 10 minutes Sen Koll seconds Motion Approved Sen Reddy: Explains amendment Sen Bobirnac: I’d like to open discussion Sen Helvie seconds Sen Koll: I was going to move to vote Sen Echeverri: I have some questions. You want the president of the senate to recommend a senator if the class senators cannot find one. Isn’t the VP of Admin hold more authority for this role? Sen Reddy: Since the VP of admin runs the election, I decided it would be better if the VP Exec selected a senator Sen Jackson: I feel it would be better if the ASWU Exec voted on a senator and then it was approved by the senate where the Pro Tempore would hold the deciding vote Sen Reddy: I think that would make the process more convoluted than it needs to be. The VP of Exec would most likely consult his executive officers anyway before making a selection. Sen Koll: What are you proposing Sen Jackson? Sen Jackson: Explains motion see above Sen Reddy: Adds friendly amendment Sen Maresh: How are you going to find this senator? Sen Reddy: This shouldn’t be a problem. I hope this remedies the chance of any senators leaves we’ll have a plan. Sen Reddy: Adds friendly amendment Sen. Ecceveri: There are many people who don’t know who about elections. Sen. Williams: I second the motion made by Sen. Koll Amedment approved Sen Reddy: There is a proxy here. Constitution does not specify if that’s ok. As the President of the Senate I believe its your call. VP Jones: I feel that is ok 10.0 New Business 10.1 Bylaws Amendments – Establishment of Vice-Chairs/Constitutional Amendment – Executive Line of Succession Sen Jackson: I move to limit discussion on this to 10 minutes Sen Koll seconds Motion Approved Sen Reddy: Explains amendment Sen Bobirnac: Who is vice chair of finance board? Sen Reddy: We don’t have one. It would be elected after amendment is approved Sen Jackson: How does the ASWU Exec feel? VP Morton: I don’t like the idea of two senators on elections board. It also feels like I would be grooming my successor. I also wouldn’t want a freshman senator to be put into an Exec position. Sen Bobirnac: Committees will vote on the vice chair correct? Sen Reddy: Yes but it will be only be a senator Sen Koll: Do you have any line succession if the pro tempore resigns or a vice chair? Sen Reddy: Senate would vote on the new officer. Sen Rassumssen: I don’t like this process. We need to be careful about approving things without taking into account the repercussion. Sen Reddy: The problem is with no process, we are left with noting or an imperfect system. I feel an imperfect system is ultimately better. Sen Helvie: Could we not have a time for people to come vote and have senate select the officer? Sen Reddy: I think that would work. I feel the senate is unsure about a line of succession. I think this should be sent as a referendum the student body. Adviser Lisa: Can you explain would you mean about a referendum to the student body? Sen Reddy: It is a spelled out method of approving a constitutional amendment. Adviser Lisa: I think a system should be set in place. But I don’t think it should be sent to the student body. It could turn into a popularity contest Sen Gilbert yields time to VP Rathe VP Rathe: Maybe the executive should choose the resigned executive member. Sen. Baptista: What about if the finance and election committees? Can we establish that if one of the officers resigns, the vice chair will take over the committee so its not paralyzed? VP Morton: I think that wouldn’t be bad. VP Rathe: I think that would work ok too. Sen. Bapista: I motion to increase time of discussion 10 Sen. Gilbert: Move to table Sen Rasumessen: I agree with Sen. Baptista Sen. Koll: Move to table Vote on extending time 10 minutes Vote division Motion to extend discussion failed Vote to table motion Vote division Motion passes Vote to approve the line of succession amendment Sen. Williams: Its not clear who is voting on the Vice chair. The committee or senate? Sen. Baptista: Offers a friendly amendment Sen. Reddy: Dictates new wording Sen. Koll: Offers a friendly amendment Sen Reddy: Accepted Sen Koll: Yield time to VP Morton VP Morton: If we vote on this we will have to change the constitution to include more senators on elections board. In which case, I think we should use caution when voting on this. Sen. Reddy: Withdraws motion vote Motion tabled 11.0 Senate Projects Sen. Romane: Person who is in charge of the clock is on vacation. When he returns we will work with him to get it fixed Sen. Helvie: Our committee will be hereby known as the Aristocat committee. Ill be working with the rhetoric committee to make the debates happen. Sen Reddy: I have made a Facebook group. We’re currently looking at creating a new personalized meal plan. Sen Willams: Life skills seminars. We are looking at some different ideas for seminars such as developing better study habits. Sen Fakhoury: Reported on progress Sen Clardy: Will report next week on his work. 12.0 For the Good of the Order Moment of silence for Yasayuki Sampei Sen Koll move to adjourn Sen Jackson second Meeting adjourned