NAPA VALLEY COLLEGE Umoja Cohort Speech 126- Intercultural Communication Fall/2013 “We grow, and as we grow we must find new and better ways to express ourselves.” HLP Department: Language & Developmental Studies Instructor: Tia Madison Telephone: 259-8963 Email: Office: Room 865, building, 800 Office Hours: M 11-12; T 3-4; W 2-4; TH 3-4 Required Text: INTERCULTURAL COMPETENCE EDITION: 7TH 13 By LUSTIG PUBLISHER: PEARSON ISBN: 9780205211241 Description: This course is designed to increase your knowledge understanding and appreciation for persons and groups from diverse cultures. This course will provide you with the opportunity to learn about and research your own culture. The course will examine the effects of language, gender, and relationships as they pertain to various American cultural groups. Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: 1. Demonstrate cultural self-knowledge by identifying the impacts of culture on one’s own world views, values, beliefs, norms and communication patterns. 2. Utilize an understanding of intercultural competence (knowledge, skills and mindset) to communicate effectively verbally and nonverbally in intercultural contexts. You Need: The Textbook Two (2) Scantron Forms & #2 Pencils for exams (Form # 882-E) 3x5 index cards An Open Mind 11x 14 Poster Board Attendance & Participation: Attendance, promptness, and positive participation are absolutely crucial in any class. You must attend every class and arrive on time. Your classmates depend and need your feedback. A safe and supportive atmosphere is mandatory to craft an exciting and productive semester. To get the most out of this course, show up on time with a positive attitude, and ready to work. All performance assessments depend upon the students’ achievement, rather than effort. It is the responsibility of the student to come to class prepared. You should read your text, complete your assignments, and read your syllabus. Course Standards: Students in need of accommodations in the college-learning environment: Any student who feels s/he may need an accommodation based on the impact of a learning disability should contact Learning Services in the Library and Learning Resource Center (LLRC), room 1766, phone (707) 256-7442. A Learning Disability Specialist will review your needs and determine appropriate accommodations. If you need accommodations for physical or other types of disabilities, schedule an appointment with DSPS Counselor, Sheryl Fernandez, in the Counseling Department located on the top floor of the 800 building, phone (707) 253-3040 for appointment. All information and documentation is confidential. Please feel encouraged to make an appointment with me privately to discuss your specific learning needs in my class. Classroom Conduct Turn off all pagers, cell phones, and any other gadgets that ring or buzz before entering the classroom. If you are tardy to class on a presentation day, and someone is giving a presentation, please wait outside the classroom until the speech is completed. Plagiarism/Cheating: Napa Valley College trusts each student to maintain high standards of honesty and ethical behavior. All assignments submitted are required to be the student’s own work. Assignments: All reading assignments are listed in the syllabus and must be read prior to class. All written assignments must be typed, and will be evaluated based on content, and organization. All papers should include a title page, including author’s name, class, and instructor’s name. Proofread all papers. Papers filled with spelling or grammatical errors will result in the rejection of your paper or partial credit. No late assignments are accepted. In this course your writing, organization, and grammar are skills that are very important. If you need assistance in improving your skill Napa Valley College’s Writing Center can help. The Writing Center can: Help you with all stages of the writing process Individually tailor assignments to meet your specific writing needs Help you improve your grammar Help you generate, develop, and organize your ideas Let you know if you are communicating your ideas clearly Help you develop editing skills so you can correct your own papers In the Writing Center you can sign up for a half-hour appointment. Appointments must be made or changed in person, Room 832, Building 800. Be sure to come on time; if you are ten minutes late (or more), the appointment will be cancelled. Policy for grades/assignment return: I will not post grades. All of your assignments will be returned to you. So keep track of your progress. Extra Credit: Opportunities for extra credit will become available throughout the semester. Exams: Exams cannot be taken late without a valid reason approved by the instructor. There will be two (2) exams. Assignment # 1- Weekly Practice Each week you will be given a weekly practice exercises. Weekly practices must be turned in on the first day of the week and no late weekly practices will be accepted (under any circumstances). Assignment #2- Cultural Cuisine In all our communication pursuits we interact with people of diverse backgrounds. You will be required to examine your culture and the cultures of your classmates. During the cultural cuisine we will explore differences, similarities, stereotypes, and superstitions. Bring a dish from your culture. Bring enough to share with the class. Assignment Style: Informal Oral Presentation Written Requirements: Cultural Cuisine Questionnaire (provided) Presentation Aides: A food or beverage from culture. 2 Assignment #3- My Cultural Perspective Express yourself! Who are you? What are your likes and dislikes? You have two minutes to introduce yourself to the class. What are the important details of your life that the class should know? Take a personal inventory of yourself, currently, as a communicator, friend, person, and student. Identify any changes that you want to occur while attending this class. Assignment Style: Informal Oral Presentation (in circle seated) Written Requirements: NONE Presentation Aides: Not Required Assignment # 4-Group Presentation Your group will be given a topic to research and report. Your group will explore the culture through the arts, literature, cuisine, music, etc. You will investigate the cultural norms, values, and beliefs of various cultures. Assignment Style: Written/ Oral Presentation Written Requirements: 4-10 pages (per group) Typed, MLA format 30 Min Presentation/Discussion Sources: 4-8 Presentation Aides: Required Assignment # 5-Cultural Values Collage Create a collage with two other people from your culture. This collage should be a direct reflection of who you, what you value and believe in. Assignment Style: Informal Oral Presentation Presentation Aides: Required Assignment #6- Self-Culture Presentation This presentation discusses your own culture as passed down to you by parents or family member. Discuss identity issues, celebrations, opinions toward education, language, religion, and any supplemental information that gives a clear view of your culture. Assignment Style: Oral/Written Presentation Written Requirements: 5-10 pages typed, MLA format Sources: 4-8 Presentation Aides: Not Required 3 Grading: ASSIGNMENTS WEEKLY PRACTICE (15X10) CULTURAL CUISINE CULTURAL COLLAGE SELF-CULTURE PRESENTATION GROUP PRESENTATION VISION BOARDS MIDTERM FINAL Total possible points Keep Track of your grade: 100 100 100 200 150 100 100 150 1000 TOTAL POINTS PERCENTAGE GRADE A 900 to 1000 90%-100% B 800 to 899 80%-89% C 700 to 799 70%-79% D 600 to 699 60%-69% F Below 600 Below 60% My Group: GROUP ____ Contact Number Email Address 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Tia Madison’s Pet Peeves: Showing up late to class; Letting the classroom door slam; Reading a different textbook during class or Doing homework from another class; Taking a nap in class; Not calling or emailing when absent; Trying to submit late work; Showing up late on exam days or presentation days; Having personal conversations during a lecture or speech; Coming to class unprepared; Not reading your syllabus; Giving Excuses “Excuses are tools that build monuments to nothing”; Mistaking my kindness for weakness; Asking for a grade you did not earn; Hand written papers; Papers with no name. 4 Tentative SPEE 126 Calendar (Umoja) UMOJ A-126 WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 WEEK 5 WEEK 6 WEEK 7 WEEK 8 WEEK 9 WEEK 10 WEEK 11 WEEK 12 WEEK 13 WEEK 14 WEEK 15 WEEK 16 WEEK 17 Finals Tue s 20Aug 27Aug 3Sep 10Sep 17Sep 24Sep 1Oct 8Oct 15Oct 22Oct 29Oct 5Nov 12Nov 19Nov 26Nov 3Dec 10Dec 17Dec Umoja orientation Chapter 2 Collage Presentations Chapter 3 Chapter 5 Group A Presentation Group B Presentation midterm Review Chapter 7 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 12 Group D Presentation Group F Presentation Final Exam Self- Culture Presentations Self- Culture Presentations 10:30-12:30/ Vision Boards Thur s 22Aug 29Aug 5Sep 12Sep 19Sep 26Sep 3Oct 10Oct 17Oct 24Oct 31Oct 7Nov 14Nov 21Nov 28Nov 5Dec 12Dec 19Dec Assignments Due Chapter 1 Indaba-Umoja’s future 9am-12pm Collage Presentations Chapter 4 CHAPTER 6 Indaba-Cultural Cuisine 9am-12pm Group C Presentation MIDTERM Chapter 8 Indaba-Umoja Mentorship 9am-12pm Chapter 11 Chapter 13 Group E Presentation Final Review Be Thankful!! Self- Culture Presentations Self- Culture Presentations Enjoy your winter break :-) 5 Umoja Community Calendar Fall 2013 Umoja students 2013 August September October November December 8/27: Student Welcome/ Ice Cream Social, 12:30-1:30 9/13: Cultural Trip 10/11: College Tour 11/ 8-9: IndabaUmoja IX Conference Hosted by College of Alameda 12/5: Kwanzaa Celebration, 6pm 8/29: IndabaUmoja’s future 9-12 9/26: IndabaCultural Cuisine 10/24: IndabaUmoja Mentorship 9-12 11/21- Social Activity, 7pm 12/19- End of the semester Activity, 7pm Umoja is a community and critical resource dedicated to enhancing the cultural and educational experiences of African American and other students. The UMOJA community seeks to educate the whole student--mind, spirit, and body. We believe that when the voices and histories of African American students are deliberately and intentionally recognized, it will help students experience themselves as valuable and worthy of an education. Contact Us: Umoja Office 256-4513 Umoja Counselor 256-4517 Tia Madison 259-8963 6